Launch of Hong Kong "e-Visa"

更新於 2022/01/19閱讀時間約 18 分鐘
New measure, the better.

The new “e-Visa”

On the 28th of December 2021, the Immigration Department (or the “ImmD”) has implemented the “e-Visa”. An applicant for an entry visa, extension of stay or change of status, among others, will be issued with an “e-Visa”. The “e-Visa” is a slip in a PDF file format, and the “e-Visa” holder may save his/her “e-Visa” in soft copy on a personal mobile device or print it on a sheet of A4 white paper for inspection when necessary. The “e-Visa” contains a QR code for anti-forgery purposes, enabling officers to verify the information on the e-visa by scanning the QR code with the Immigration Department’s mobile.
With the implementation of this arrangement, the ImmD has ceased issuing traditional sticker-type label visas.

Benefits of the “e-Visa”

With the implementation of the “e-Visa”, upon approval of the application, an applicant may pay online and instantly download or print the “e-Visa” without having to attend an Immigration Office in person for payment and collection of the “e-Visa”.

Information access to the “e-Visa”

An “e-Visa” contains an encrypted QR code printed on top-left of the visa for verification of its information. The information of the visa holder can be viewed by scanning the QR code with the ImmD Mobile Application. The “e-Visa” can also be verified by entering the “e-Visa” information on the GovHK website or the ImmD Mobile Application.
Electronic procedures will be simple and conient for all.

Collection of an “e-Visa”

Online Payment

Regardless of whether the applications are submitted before or after 28 December 2021, applicants may pay online through the online payment link provided in the application result, and then download or print the “e-Visa” by themselves upon payment. The current online payment service will accept payment either by credit card (Visa, Mastercard, JCB, UnionPay) or by PPS.

Payment at an Immigration Office

If an applicant or his/her representative collects the “e-Visa” at an Immigration Office in person, he/she will be issued an “e-Visa” printed on an A4 paper.
The time limit for payment will be provided in the notification of the application result. If the allowed time limit for online payment has expired, you will need to contact the relevant section that processed your application for a follow-up action.
If the applicant did not download or print the “e-Visa” immediately after paying the relevant fee online, he/she can download or print the valid “e-Visa” free of charge through the GovHK website or the ImmD Mobile Application.
Digital payment

Re-download or Re-print an “e-Visa”

An “e-Visa” can be re-downloaded or re-printed through the GovHK website or the ImmD Mobile Application.

Arriving in Hong Kong

To get through immigration clearance after obtaining an “e-Visa, the e-Visa” holder should present his/her valid travel document, an exit endorsement issued by the relevant Mainland authorities (where applicable), and the “e-Visa” saved on a personal mobile device or printed on a sheet of A4 white paper and scan the encrypted QR code on the “e-Visa” with the optical reader at the immigration counter.

Validity of current sticker-type physical label

The sticker-type labels for entry visas issued before 28 December 2021 shall remain valid within the period or limit of stay as stated on the visas. Replacement of the sticker-type label is not necessary.

Electronic Services for Visa Application

With effect from 28 December 2021, the Immigration Department has introduced these electronic services for visa applications in phases to allow applicants to complete the entire process of visa-related application online through the GovHK website, the ImmD’s website or the ImmD Mobile Application. The first phase covers applications for visa extension, foreign domestic helpers’ visa, and those under the “Immigration Arrangements for Non-local Graduates” (IANG) and “Admission Scheme for the Second Generation of Chinese Hong Kong Permanent Residents”. The electronic services for visa applications will be further extended to cover other types of applications and expected to be digitized by the second half of 2022, with eligible individuals able to apply, collect and pay for them online. Applicants will have the option to submit forms on the department’s website, mobile application, or the GovHK website.
Applicants can complete the entire online application submission process, including filling in an electronic form, uploading photos and relevant supporting documents, and submitting supplementary documents, through the GovHK website, the ImmD’s website or the ImmD Mobile Application. There is no need to complete online forms in one sitting. During the process of online application submission, applicants can choose to temporarily store their application information in the computer system and leave the webpage. The entered information will be temporarily stored in the computer system for 14 days. If applicants do not complete the online application process within 14 days, the temporarily stored information will be deleted without further notice.
After submitting their applications online, applicants can also submit supplementary documents or enquire the application status online whenever necessary. Upon the application approval, applicants can pay online through the online payment webpage link provided in the notification of the application result, then download or print the “e-Visa” by themselves upon payment.
Information security is one of the essentials of electronic processes.

Information Security

The ImmD will implement appropriate information security measures in accordance with the government’s security guidelines and by adopting the latest and appropriate information security technology on the market. The system will encrypt the personal data provided by applicants online to ensure the security and integrity of the data during transmission on the Internet. The ImmD will also ensure that all information will be processed in the department’s private and specific network and will be encrypted and stored in government data centers.
After the introduction of the electronic services for visa application, the existing application methods such as in person, by post or by box drop-in will remain, including the in-person payment and collection of the visa at the Immigration Office.


The conversion of the traditional sticker-type label visa to the “e-Visa” is a welcomed improvement by the Hong Kong ImmD, especially in the midst of a pandemic.
This online system generated “e-Visa” is exceptionally beneficial and convenient to applicants throughout the entire visa application process and simplifies the visa collection procedures. This arrangement streamlines the internal process for the ImmD and makes visa applications more stress-free and safer for the public. We look forward to the phase 2 implementation which will include more visa types and online applicant-friendly features.
If you are looking for a hassle-free visa application with the Hong Kong Immigration Department, you are welcome to seek advice from in-house visa and immigration specialists( of Kaizen Immigration Services Limited, who will gladly assist you in such regard.
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現在到日本旅遊入境最方便的是事先申請VJW 在台灣填好資料後 入境只要刷QR碼就可以通關了, 而2024年變得更加便利了 原本入境加報關兩個條碼合併成一個條碼 還有家人可以用同一隻手機通關 也就是在自己的帳號之下按登錄家人 幫所有家人填寫VJW 所有人的資料綁在同一個帳號 只有
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根據馬來西亞移民局的公告, 自2023年12月1日起,入境馬來西亞的外國人都需填寫馬來西亞入境電子卡,即Malaysia Digital Arrival Card,簡稱MDAC 台灣人入境馬來西亞一樣免簽證,但沒填妥 MDAC 可是無法入境的喔 這篇文章教大家馬來西亞數位入境卡 (MDAC)怎
  「跨境」電子發票開立-政府因應之道     臺灣隨著數位經濟蓬勃發展,傳統紙本發票目前卻仍成為國內主流之一,當國際間逐漸倡議「跨境」電子發票,打造開立、傳輸、交換、保存之標準化流程,吳明儀會計師提醒企業應持續密切關注國際動向,針對電子發票機制及數位化申報法規標準,以利評估公司稅務規劃。
要入境印尼/峇里島申請電子簽證嗎?印尼移民總局近日將電子簽證(EVOA)申請種類進行改版,原本的 B213 已經找不到,你知道要如何申請入境印尼或入境峇里島的簽證嗎?請看我們的最新資訊。
徵的就是你 🫵 超ㄅㄧㄤˋ 獎品搭配超瞎趴的四大主題,等你踹共啦!還有機會獲得經典的「偉士牌樂高」喔!馬上來參加本次的活動吧!
隨著理財資訊的普及,越來越多台灣人不再將資產侷限於台股,而是將視野拓展到國際市場。特別是美國市場,其豐富的理財選擇,讓不少人開始思考將資金配置於海外市場的可能性。 然而,要參與美國市場並不只是盲目跟隨標的這麼簡單,而是需要策略和方式,尤其對新手而言,除了選股以外還會遇到語言、開戶流程、Ap
準備上傳的資料 護照圖片檔: 彩色護照照片頁&簽名頁,檔案格式JPEG/PNG,檔案需小於300KB 大頭照: 護照標準照片,圖片檔JPEG/PNG,檔案需小於300KB
現在到日本旅遊入境最方便的是事先申請VJW 在台灣填好資料後 入境只要刷QR碼就可以通關了, 而2024年變得更加便利了 原本入境加報關兩個條碼合併成一個條碼 還有家人可以用同一隻手機通關 也就是在自己的帳號之下按登錄家人 幫所有家人填寫VJW 所有人的資料綁在同一個帳號 只有
準備上傳的資料 彩色的護照照片頁面&簽名頁的電子檔 護照標準的大頭照的電子檔 住宿確認信的電子檔 + 行程 航班證明的電子檔 申請流程 點開肯亞官方簽證網站:https://www.etak
根據馬來西亞移民局的公告, 自2023年12月1日起,入境馬來西亞的外國人都需填寫馬來西亞入境電子卡,即Malaysia Digital Arrival Card,簡稱MDAC 台灣人入境馬來西亞一樣免簽證,但沒填妥 MDAC 可是無法入境的喔 這篇文章教大家馬來西亞數位入境卡 (MDAC)怎
  「跨境」電子發票開立-政府因應之道     臺灣隨著數位經濟蓬勃發展,傳統紙本發票目前卻仍成為國內主流之一,當國際間逐漸倡議「跨境」電子發票,打造開立、傳輸、交換、保存之標準化流程,吳明儀會計師提醒企業應持續密切關注國際動向,針對電子發票機制及數位化申報法規標準,以利評估公司稅務規劃。
要入境印尼/峇里島申請電子簽證嗎?印尼移民總局近日將電子簽證(EVOA)申請種類進行改版,原本的 B213 已經找不到,你知道要如何申請入境印尼或入境峇里島的簽證嗎?請看我們的最新資訊。