31. 咸 011100 澤山-兌艮 (Quarter 2-14)

閱讀時間約 26 分鐘
亨,利貞,取女吉。-- 山丘為何出水流?湖澤為何起波濤?……山丘上也可能有積水的湖澤,湖澤下也可能有起伏的山丘。當你無意之間感到高興、聚精會神的傾心於一位讓你覺得有趣的女子,甚至不期而遇的結識她、喜歡她,她的部份特質很可能正是你自己潛在的部份性格呢!......無意之間發生的遙感連結或無線電波般的射頻收發效應就是所謂的感應,就是所謂的「咸」。人體水份中來自鹽類、鹹性或弱鹼性物質 (weak alkali material) 成分的電解質產生的神經傳導物質所造成的快速訊息傳遞,很可能就是感應現象發生的原因之一。(P.S. 此處「取」解爲「趣」,有「趨向某個見聞」之意。)

/ 變卦澤火革 -- 嬰兒隨著不斷成長,潮濕柔軟的皮膚也開始逐漸乾燥,有時候他們頻頻吸吮拇指、用弱鹼性的唾液潤濕皮膚,可能藉此和不在身邊的母親有所感應。水能導電,甚至能隔空傳遞微弱的電訊,但是當身體缺乏水份、酸痛緊繃的時候,感應能力也會隨之而減弱。
六二:咸其腓,凶,居吉。/ 變卦澤風大過 -- 學步的幼兒試著走路,雙腳需要一段時間彼此適應和協調,纔能走得穩、走得順,所以剛開始總是行動遲緩、頭腦不斷盤算。此時腦神經和身體四肢的連結、方向感和平衡感的建立,正在逐步而全面的發展,最好在安全的居室裡活動比較妥當吧!......步行時,雙腿肌肉跟著活動,腳步邁出適當而不過度的步伐、很有默契的互相牽引而不絆倒彼此,這不也算是一種感應嗎?(P.S. 此處「凶」解爲「頭腦的盤算」、calculation。)
九三:咸其股,執其隨,往吝。/ 變卦澤地萃 -- 身體中的每一股肌肉、每一個部份都是互相感應的,每當作出一個動作時,身體中的各個部份也會彼此互應相隨、同步調整和變化。如果執意想要控制壓抑某個部份同步進行的調整和變化,長久以後可能會造成身體機能發生遲頓和障礙呢!身體由大量的細胞聚集組織在一起,又經由神經脈絡互通訊息,正是所謂的牽一髮而動全身啊!
九四:貞吉,悔無,憧憧往來,朋從爾思。/ 變卦水山蹇 -- 藉由感應的方式來偵測事物所得到的結果,如果常常準確無誤、沒有差錯,往往會引起更多憧憬和想像,就連朋友都可能希望從相似的虛擬思考中得到有關未來的建議或啟示,甚至把許多資金投入虛擬想像的領域。然而就在這時候,身體的感應力也可能如同水流在高山上凍結一樣,為了保住身體需要的神經傳導物質而阻塞停頓了。(P.S. 漢字「爾」的本意可能有信物、替代、相似、近似、彌補、補充、填充、理想、模擬、虛擬、擬真的意思,相當於 English 中的 similar、virtual、virtue 等等,衍生出「邇、璽、彌、瀰、鑈、濔、禰、薾、儞、隬......」等字,也有「信者」、「信眾」、「你們」、「古字『尒』的複數」之意。)
九五:咸其脢,無悔。/ 變卦雷山小過 -- 兩心相通、兩情相悅,就像雷電和山峰在某種催化作用之下,瞬間發生聯繫感應一樣,這有什麼晦澀難懂的呢?好笑的事情會讓人情不自矜的會心一笑,就算是忍住不笑,還是會突然爆笑開來、甚至引起一場小小的誤會,這是發生感應的必然現象啊!
上六:咸其輔頰舌。/ 變卦天山遯 -- 為了輔助感應或感情的表達,臉部兩頰作出特別誇張的表情,甚至費了許多唇舌去解釋和說明,這樣反而褪去了想像的空間和幽默的境界。笑話在經過解釋之後,往往就不那麼好笑了!
"Frozen water as ice and snow, which gathered on the mountain might be melted by the heat of sunlight and become flowing water to flow down to the bottom of the mountain, then gathered in a sunken place again."
"No matter what kind of its form and the influencing temperature in any environment, even on the top of the high standing mountain, all of the water-particles could naturally gather together and connect with each other. I think it's so called '咸'."
"In the ancient time, '咸' was similar to the other word '戌' which had a meaning about 'defense' and symbolically graphed from a kind of battle-ax. Except that, It had the other meaning of 'all the civilians are also soldiers'. That's why '咸' also meant 'all', 'total' or 'entirely', and so on....."
"Yes! It just liked a group of birds gather in a tree, each one of them might detect each direction, and tightly communicate with each others by their singing sounds as an alert organization."
"Why we can talk with each other easily?...... Because we understand each other's language, but somehow this qua was focused on the issue of more sensitive communication without talking."
"Actually the electricity could be transmitted by the water, and the nervous system in human body also transmits the weak electrical signals which are carried and operated by the nervous transmitting materials. The sensitive transmitting ability is usually built by the water and weak alkali materials, this effect had been noted by some words in this qua."
"That's why the original author of The I.E. Scripture also revealed: Sometimes the little babies frequently wet their thumbs by their weak alkali mouth water, because of when they grew up day by day, their skins started to become more dry, what they doing were just trying to communicate with their mothers through the air when their mothers were busy with other things and leaving them alone. That seemed like a basic example of the wireless electrical transmission in mind talking between the familiars, it's a sort of interactive telepathy."
"Some other words in the second yao and third yao also revealed, actually every part of the muscles in the human body are communicated by the nervous system, and linking with each others to move or react, adjust and change themselves in time . If the natural reaction of a part was always suppressed, after a period of time, its sensitive ability might be reduced or turned off, even became disable."
"Mind talking might be the normal abilities of our ancestors in ancient time, but I think we still aren’t losing all of it. Sometimes we might get the idea from the air and follow our institution to react, or move on the right way without exact reason could tell......"
"Sure, if you were a skillful musician, all you had exercised, would let you act and play your instrument with ease. The sensitive ability might be built on constantly keeping in touch....... Then the inter-transmitting code among each others might be more clear and readable for working together."
"Actually, when we looked and listened, there was a readable code system always existing between ourselves and what we saw and heard. If something cannot be identified by such code system, it will be ignored by our sensitive awareness."
"That means...... actually we might be aware-less about a great lot of information in the real world. But sometimes what we were interesting with or desiring to might build more strong inter-transmitting power with our own minds, even the invisible spirits......"
"For all I know, the message-exchangeable, frequency-harmony and genuine-sincere seemed like the awesome common sense in ancient spirits-talkers's minds for communicating with the spirits."
"I know! It's not an easy work! You must have ever watched a classic movie 'Some Where In Time', its script seemed like just talk about time traveling....... And seemed like your spirit go to the other time-space and interact with the other spirits via a mysterious sleeping dream........ But what about the sense of love?"
"When you loved or eagerly liked someone, you might feel that stronger mind-power at an unexpected moment. Your detecting sensors of the sensitive nerves in your body might be just activating and focusing on what you were loving."
"Some outer characters of your lover might be a part of yourselves hidden inner characters, that's why the sensitive nerves in your body were activated and your feelings were becoming mightily stronger, even couldn't stand to fall in a speedy passionate connection."
"You might ask yourself: Why? Why I cannot help to love you so much? But there is not exact reason for explaining, just like some jokes just made you laugh loudly, but you cannot tell the exact reason why you laughed."
"I know, sometimes a joke with the sense of humor might start to become boring after it had been analyzed and explained, or expressed by exaggerated gestures and expressions or sensational performances again and again,........so do the sense of feelings."
"The sense of feelings might be built on imperceptible influence, it cannot be forced to make the sensitive connection immediately, and such connection might turn weak and loose after a period of time......"
"Anyway,......don't you think there is forever passion in the world? ...... Or the endless love in the great universe?"
"Due to the limited transmitting speed of light in very long distance, when we find a shining star in the night sky, it might have extinguished very long time ago, and we are just seeing its past existence and its history."
"Sometimes love just like a warming and shining light could light up someone's life,......no matter if it's here or not, no matter  if it's just existing or already had gone......"
"Maybe......to love a spirit is easier than to love a real person, the love between the spirits of angels seemed like the greatest forever love stories,......just like 牛郎與織女,......Cupido and Psyche,......梁山伯與祝英台,......Romeo and Juliet,....."
"If you are a storyteller, you will not put Cupido and 織女 together in a love story, and will not bring 梁山伯 and Juliet together, too. Because of such random relationships are nonsense..........."
"Yes!...... Cupido was not Cowherd, Weaving Maid was not Psyche, Romeo was not Liang Shan Bo, and Juliet was not Ju Ying Tai, though there were a few similar characters in their names........."
"So, how will you think about the relationship between a human and a mermaid?....... Will it be forever?......."
"Why forever?...... Why sometimes we liked to run for the forever things and didn't concern about the reality of our limited lives?"
"That's why the next qua '恆' was going to talk about always keep in touch or endlessly concern and interact with the other....... That might be the long term sensibility related to forever........"
"If someday we all lose our sensibilities, will we still keep in touch with each other?........."
"I think......I'll try hard to remember you, only you,.......in every final quarter, every final qua, even every final second.......before I losing my mind,.......and forgetting your name,........forgetting all we had ever talked,........forgetting everything about you.......and about me.............."
"Do you think you could control yourselves remembering?...... A lake on a mountain just like a small sea far away from the great sea. Small sea could exchange the messages with great sea via the cloud, rain and wind, or via the water and air...... That's just a sort of telepathic effect......., and actually your memory is not just yours, but connects with the great memory of the universe......."
"We might lose our memory temporally, but not forever lose...... That's just temporally lose connections with the great memory, not lose the memory itself at all.........."
"Memory is always there, it is chasing and influence us with the codes of ourselves sensibilities all the time,......if we don't keep going on the way of exploration, it might overtake our clear minds immediately........."
"Why we need every sensor to collect all of the sensible messages? Because of we need correct our mistaken memories about everything,...... about the sea and ocean,...... about the mountain and sky........ That might be the unlimited work in our limited lives........"
P.S. 相關文章:易的故事 -- The Story of I.E.

LS. Salon / Rooms: 1.文字的堂奧與空間 Subtle Space of Texts 2.夢的原理 The Elements of Dream 3.易的故事 The Story of I.E. 4.橋接文字 Bridge Words 5.一籮筐詩詞 ALOPAL 6.爾爾藝廊 22Gallery
利貞,亨。畜牝牛,吉。-- 通過敏銳精密的觀測儀器來偵測,如同在一片畜養的草地上以適當距離分佈著一群柔順安穩的牝牛,風吹草動、日照花迎,牝牛也會隨著資訊環境的變動而移動。觀測網也是類似這樣的佈置,用許多藉由能量供給來運作的觀測儀器以陣列或矩陣的方式連結配置。有了這類儀器的輔助,就能……
習坎,有孚維心,亨行有尚。-- 岸邊的小水鳥正在學習飛翔,牠面對重重水波,似乎躍躍欲試,心知降落水中要能浮出水面、飛行時也要維持重心平穩,纔可能行得通、飛得高、離得遠。牠環顧周遭遠近的景象、想像可能遇到的艱難,此時該如何迎風展翅、奮力跳躍纔能遠渡重洋、抵達彼岸呢?……
棟撓。利有攸往,亨。-- 所謂太過份,就像建築的骨幹或柱子因為份量不夠、承擔不起過度的荷重而發生撓曲偏折的現象,柱子要能輕鬆支撐它負荷的重量纔行得通啊!……
貞吉,觀頤,自求口實。-- 嘴巴張的再大、臉頰繃的再緊,一口氣能吃下多少東西呢?其實,不論在多大的範圍裡偵測出什麼結果,只不過是屬於某個範圍的觀察而已,就算對收集的資訊作出再仔細、再大量的琢磨、玩味和研究,也只能算是特定界限中的自圓其說和自我滿足罷了!面對變易無窮的大自然和灝瀚無垠的大宇宙,……
利貞,不家食,吉,利涉大川。-- 為了擴大實証資訊的收集範圍、外出進行觀察銳利的偵測,常常專心工作到忘了回家吃飯,卻因為得到新的見識而歡喜不已,一心只想跨越知識的鴻溝,讓心智邁向更廣大、更充實的空間。……
元亨利貞,其匪正有眚,不利有攸往。-- 大晴天的時候竟然聽見雷鳴聲,這是很不尋常的現象啊!此時,你的元神意識可能會興致高昂、非常敏銳的想去偵察究竟是怎麼回事。那個傳來特別強烈訊息的區域是不是正在發生什麼非常明顯、難以忽視的事情呢?為了安全起見,是不是不要輕舉妄動比較好呢?……
利貞,亨。畜牝牛,吉。-- 通過敏銳精密的觀測儀器來偵測,如同在一片畜養的草地上以適當距離分佈著一群柔順安穩的牝牛,風吹草動、日照花迎,牝牛也會隨著資訊環境的變動而移動。觀測網也是類似這樣的佈置,用許多藉由能量供給來運作的觀測儀器以陣列或矩陣的方式連結配置。有了這類儀器的輔助,就能……
習坎,有孚維心,亨行有尚。-- 岸邊的小水鳥正在學習飛翔,牠面對重重水波,似乎躍躍欲試,心知降落水中要能浮出水面、飛行時也要維持重心平穩,纔可能行得通、飛得高、離得遠。牠環顧周遭遠近的景象、想像可能遇到的艱難,此時該如何迎風展翅、奮力跳躍纔能遠渡重洋、抵達彼岸呢?……
棟撓。利有攸往,亨。-- 所謂太過份,就像建築的骨幹或柱子因為份量不夠、承擔不起過度的荷重而發生撓曲偏折的現象,柱子要能輕鬆支撐它負荷的重量纔行得通啊!……
貞吉,觀頤,自求口實。-- 嘴巴張的再大、臉頰繃的再緊,一口氣能吃下多少東西呢?其實,不論在多大的範圍裡偵測出什麼結果,只不過是屬於某個範圍的觀察而已,就算對收集的資訊作出再仔細、再大量的琢磨、玩味和研究,也只能算是特定界限中的自圓其說和自我滿足罷了!面對變易無窮的大自然和灝瀚無垠的大宇宙,……
利貞,不家食,吉,利涉大川。-- 為了擴大實証資訊的收集範圍、外出進行觀察銳利的偵測,常常專心工作到忘了回家吃飯,卻因為得到新的見識而歡喜不已,一心只想跨越知識的鴻溝,讓心智邁向更廣大、更充實的空間。……
元亨利貞,其匪正有眚,不利有攸往。-- 大晴天的時候竟然聽見雷鳴聲,這是很不尋常的現象啊!此時,你的元神意識可能會興致高昂、非常敏銳的想去偵察究竟是怎麼回事。那個傳來特別強烈訊息的區域是不是正在發生什麼非常明顯、難以忽視的事情呢?為了安全起見,是不是不要輕舉妄動比較好呢?……
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我很鼓勵投資人不要只投資台股,對股市有一點熟悉度後,建議範圍擴況大到美股,甚至是投資全球。因為台股僅是單一國家/市場,如果能將資產投資到其他國家,風險會更分散,機會也更多,特別是美國股市。 美股會很難懂嗎?我相信你認識的美國企業可能會比台灣企業多,我從標普500成分股前15大企業裡隨便抓十
美股因多家熱門話題與龍頭企業市值快速增長受到關注,本文介紹如何透過國泰世華CUBE App 開設台股及美股複委託帳戶、定期理財的便利性。 定期投資適合單筆資金有限、經驗不多的理財小白、上班族,或者忙碌、沒時間研究基本面的朋友,國泰世華CUBE App美股定額投資功能,操作便利性幾乎完勝海外券商。
阿龜的生活雜記(24/3/31) - Tim Urban的TED演講關於拖延症/網路小說沉迷/日記持續輸出/youtuber正能量的影片
今天要跨年啦~原本又懶惰不想寫,又想到最後一天跟元旦,總還是要來簽到一下,所以這兩天我就非常簡單的隨便聊聊,後面再繼續寫我的照片庫存。 嗯,就又拍了一堆,然後我又懶得寫,哈哈哈,真糟糕,寫日記開始要偷懶了😆
經文:   時,長老須菩提在大眾中即從座起,偏袒右肩,右膝著地,合掌恭敬而白佛言:「希有!世尊!如來善護念諸菩薩,善付囑諸菩薩。世尊!善男子、善女人,發阿耨多羅三藐三菩提心,應云何住?云何降伏其心?」佛言:「善哉,善哉!須菩提,如汝所說,如來善護念諸菩薩,善付囑諸菩薩。汝今諦聽,當為汝說。善男子,
雪之湖咖啡 88節活動112/8/1~8/31期間 來店消費 粉專上傳與爸爸合照+按讚分享 免費送辛苦的爸爸一杯飲品(美式咖啡、精選紅茶、特調果汁、養生菊棗茶) 造訪新竹熱門的觀光景點,峨眉湖吊橋(細茅埔吊橋) 吊橋旁的湖景第一排"雪之湖咖啡"悠閒愜意的景觀餐廳. 店內有義大利麵/燉
  那黎明的時候,清澈帶著凝重似剛要脫殼出聲的,無聲的一片,無風無甦醒的跡象,空氣比較涼,吸入錯以為稀薄和肅穆,無意間吐 同時錯以為此刻已經特別輕鬆,感知到的空間特別開闊,包括天和陽台和身體。還可以慢慢來,在這裡的生活,於是這樣告訴自己一邊打開水龍頭一邊探頭,巷尾的工廠還沒有開始工作,這裡有桂樹、發
(三十一) 放羊的孩子是不是因為這樣被吃掉的, 可放羊的孩子最後,是被,吃掉的嗎?
這一年妳過得如何,剩0.001。 能感覺到自己的負面情緒,壓抑,沉默,差0.001釋懷。 讀了些古文經典,翻出了最佳解,書寫,差0.001實踐。 買了水晶,寶石,瑪瑙手鍊,準備多了0.001去感受更好的能量。 聽書,聽音樂,聽塔羅測驗,準備多0.001理解他人也了解自己。 希望能更恬靜,希望關心的
我很鼓勵投資人不要只投資台股,對股市有一點熟悉度後,建議範圍擴況大到美股,甚至是投資全球。因為台股僅是單一國家/市場,如果能將資產投資到其他國家,風險會更分散,機會也更多,特別是美國股市。 美股會很難懂嗎?我相信你認識的美國企業可能會比台灣企業多,我從標普500成分股前15大企業裡隨便抓十
美股因多家熱門話題與龍頭企業市值快速增長受到關注,本文介紹如何透過國泰世華CUBE App 開設台股及美股複委託帳戶、定期理財的便利性。 定期投資適合單筆資金有限、經驗不多的理財小白、上班族,或者忙碌、沒時間研究基本面的朋友,國泰世華CUBE App美股定額投資功能,操作便利性幾乎完勝海外券商。
阿龜的生活雜記(24/3/31) - Tim Urban的TED演講關於拖延症/網路小說沉迷/日記持續輸出/youtuber正能量的影片
今天要跨年啦~原本又懶惰不想寫,又想到最後一天跟元旦,總還是要來簽到一下,所以這兩天我就非常簡單的隨便聊聊,後面再繼續寫我的照片庫存。 嗯,就又拍了一堆,然後我又懶得寫,哈哈哈,真糟糕,寫日記開始要偷懶了😆
經文:   時,長老須菩提在大眾中即從座起,偏袒右肩,右膝著地,合掌恭敬而白佛言:「希有!世尊!如來善護念諸菩薩,善付囑諸菩薩。世尊!善男子、善女人,發阿耨多羅三藐三菩提心,應云何住?云何降伏其心?」佛言:「善哉,善哉!須菩提,如汝所說,如來善護念諸菩薩,善付囑諸菩薩。汝今諦聽,當為汝說。善男子,
雪之湖咖啡 88節活動112/8/1~8/31期間 來店消費 粉專上傳與爸爸合照+按讚分享 免費送辛苦的爸爸一杯飲品(美式咖啡、精選紅茶、特調果汁、養生菊棗茶) 造訪新竹熱門的觀光景點,峨眉湖吊橋(細茅埔吊橋) 吊橋旁的湖景第一排"雪之湖咖啡"悠閒愜意的景觀餐廳. 店內有義大利麵/燉
  那黎明的時候,清澈帶著凝重似剛要脫殼出聲的,無聲的一片,無風無甦醒的跡象,空氣比較涼,吸入錯以為稀薄和肅穆,無意間吐 同時錯以為此刻已經特別輕鬆,感知到的空間特別開闊,包括天和陽台和身體。還可以慢慢來,在這裡的生活,於是這樣告訴自己一邊打開水龍頭一邊探頭,巷尾的工廠還沒有開始工作,這裡有桂樹、發
(三十一) 放羊的孩子是不是因為這樣被吃掉的, 可放羊的孩子最後,是被,吃掉的嗎?
這一年妳過得如何,剩0.001。 能感覺到自己的負面情緒,壓抑,沉默,差0.001釋懷。 讀了些古文經典,翻出了最佳解,書寫,差0.001實踐。 買了水晶,寶石,瑪瑙手鍊,準備多了0.001去感受更好的能量。 聽書,聽音樂,聽塔羅測驗,準備多0.001理解他人也了解自己。 希望能更恬靜,希望關心的