A Long Journey to Back to Taiwan

更新於 2022/08/20閱讀時間約 4 分鐘
Pre-Covid19, it took me about 13 hours to fly back to Taiwan from New Zealand. But it became a much longer trip after Covid-19.
I think my journey back home should be counted from 8th April because the Taiwanese Government required the passengers to have a PCR test and get a negative result 48 hours before departure. In order to avoid being infected, I decided to do isolation at home from 8th April, even though I was going to leave New Zealand on 3ird May.
Unfortunately, I got Covid-19 on the day I started isolation.
I told the receptionist that I must have a PCR test 48hours before departure and the nurse checked my flight when I had a PCR test. But I was unable to get the report before I left Nelson at 5a.m. on 3ird May. I had worried about my PCR report until I got it at Auckland International Airport at 8:20 a.m..
To my surprise, no one checked my PCR report on my fly back to Taiwan.
After arrived Taipei International Airport, the passengers would get a message from Taiwan Ministry of Health and Welfare Command Center. My sim card had expired, but my clever son sent a new one to my niece who was going to offer her place to let me do quarantine. My niece transferred the message to me when she got it, so that I could fill in the form and finished Quarantine Application Process using the International Airport internet.
Although I had finished the process faster than the other passengers, I waited for my luggage for nearly 2 hours, had the saliva test ,then took a so-called epidemic prevention taxi.
When I arrived in Taichung, it was 11p.m. and I was exhausted. It seemed I have had a long fight.
Despite the fact that I stayed in Taiwan, I have to do ten days quarantine before I could go home. My niece’s house was very spacious and elegant, but I had a dream about packing my luggage to go home every night, so I left my beautiful jail at 6 a.m. as soon as my quarantine was over and I didn’t even care it was raining cats and dogs.
    紅毛雲的沙龍 的其他內容
    Covid-19 之前,清晨六點從紐西蘭尼爾森搭機出發,晚上六點可抵達台灣,兩地的距離只是一天;但Covid-19,讓我的旅途變得超乎所能忍受的遙遠。
    領隊R的先人在Table Land拓荒 ,起初挖掘金礦,其後牧養牛羊。造訪Table Land,對他而言不僅是一趟登山之旅,更是追憶憑弔先人遺跡,因此他邀請從奧克蘭來訪的堂兄A及與A之友人B攜手同遊。不過,這兩位仁兄卻是首次登山。
    He made me laugh, but actually I was very impressed. He is one of the nicest, most interesting teachers I have ever met.
    Table Land空曠遼闊,渾然蒼茫,在遙遠的地平線上畫出一道橫亙東西的弧線,彷彿天地初創的景象。即使只是與自然、與他人短暫的邂逅,然後相忘於江湖,那一份心靈的悸動與啟發,如漣漪迴盪漸行漸遠漸平,卻未曾消失。 +
    走在山中,前不見先行者,後不見來者,讓我與山林直面相對,觀照草原、蓊鬱的黑森林、高聳的山巖與斷崖,那是我奔向山林所渴望的;但Nydia Bay之旅,除了海岸日出美景,對沿路的山色林相我竟未曾清晰瀏覽。Katherine和Ian讓我了解自己出遊登山,竟不在山林,而在於邂逅可愛的人兒呢。
    雖然萍水相逢,聚散匆匆,我的Airbnb客人卻令我印象深刻,其中一位波蘭女士更使我時常想起。 I think people influence each other so much even though we might only meet them once in our life.
    Covid-19 之前,清晨六點從紐西蘭尼爾森搭機出發,晚上六點可抵達台灣,兩地的距離只是一天;但Covid-19,讓我的旅途變得超乎所能忍受的遙遠。
    領隊R的先人在Table Land拓荒 ,起初挖掘金礦,其後牧養牛羊。造訪Table Land,對他而言不僅是一趟登山之旅,更是追憶憑弔先人遺跡,因此他邀請從奧克蘭來訪的堂兄A及與A之友人B攜手同遊。不過,這兩位仁兄卻是首次登山。
    He made me laugh, but actually I was very impressed. He is one of the nicest, most interesting teachers I have ever met.
    Table Land空曠遼闊,渾然蒼茫,在遙遠的地平線上畫出一道橫亙東西的弧線,彷彿天地初創的景象。即使只是與自然、與他人短暫的邂逅,然後相忘於江湖,那一份心靈的悸動與啟發,如漣漪迴盪漸行漸遠漸平,卻未曾消失。 +
    走在山中,前不見先行者,後不見來者,讓我與山林直面相對,觀照草原、蓊鬱的黑森林、高聳的山巖與斷崖,那是我奔向山林所渴望的;但Nydia Bay之旅,除了海岸日出美景,對沿路的山色林相我竟未曾清晰瀏覽。Katherine和Ian讓我了解自己出遊登山,竟不在山林,而在於邂逅可愛的人兒呢。
    雖然萍水相逢,聚散匆匆,我的Airbnb客人卻令我印象深刻,其中一位波蘭女士更使我時常想起。 I think people influence each other so much even though we might only meet them once in our life.
    Google News 追蹤
    *合作聲明與警語: 本文係由國泰世華銀行邀稿。 證券服務係由國泰世華銀行辦理共同行銷證券經紀開戶業務,定期定額(股)服務由國泰綜合證券提供。   剛出社會的時候,很常在各種 Podcast 或 YouTube 甚至是在朋友間聊天,都會聽到各種市場動態、理財話題,像是:聯準會降息或是近期哪些科
    Recently, with China's mediation and promotion,Myanmar government forces held peace talks withrepresentatives of the Kokang, Ta'ang, and Arakan arme
    NETFLIX 《出神入化》 印象中,至少看過3遍以上 雖然知道那是特效,但還是很讚嘆那樣的魔幻效果 但至今我覺得最厲害的魔術(或魔法),只有一個 那就是「時間」 https://open.spotify.com/track/3KwPn146FYyzu4djpI1NvM?si=cd22a7
    The independence in 1948 marked the beginning of the establishment and construction process of Myanmar's national state. However, due to the prominent
    題目敘述 題目會給我們一個corridor陣列,裡面代表盆栽和座位的分布,P代表Plant盆栽,S代表Seat座位。要求我們依照佈置規則放置隔板,計算總共有幾個合法的隔板分割方法數? 規則: 每兩個座位視為一組,每兩組之間的盆栽所產生的空位,皆可放置一片隔板。 每一組分割內必須恰好包含兩個座位
    請在十秒內作答:「a long shot」、「by a long shot」、「not by a long shot」,三者哪裡不一樣?通常被問到這裡就會有人開始搞混了。事實上這三者確實容易使人老虎老鼠分不清楚。另外,為什麼long shot是代表不要有所指望?「別指望」的日文又會怎麼說?
    一個人開車晃晃,經過好多不曾到達的地方。 偶爾還是很想哭、很想消失,但努力活下來未來才有希望吧。
    *合作聲明與警語: 本文係由國泰世華銀行邀稿。 證券服務係由國泰世華銀行辦理共同行銷證券經紀開戶業務,定期定額(股)服務由國泰綜合證券提供。   剛出社會的時候,很常在各種 Podcast 或 YouTube 甚至是在朋友間聊天,都會聽到各種市場動態、理財話題,像是:聯準會降息或是近期哪些科
    Recently, with China's mediation and promotion,Myanmar government forces held peace talks withrepresentatives of the Kokang, Ta'ang, and Arakan arme
    NETFLIX 《出神入化》 印象中,至少看過3遍以上 雖然知道那是特效,但還是很讚嘆那樣的魔幻效果 但至今我覺得最厲害的魔術(或魔法),只有一個 那就是「時間」 https://open.spotify.com/track/3KwPn146FYyzu4djpI1NvM?si=cd22a7
    The independence in 1948 marked the beginning of the establishment and construction process of Myanmar's national state. However, due to the prominent
    題目敘述 題目會給我們一個corridor陣列,裡面代表盆栽和座位的分布,P代表Plant盆栽,S代表Seat座位。要求我們依照佈置規則放置隔板,計算總共有幾個合法的隔板分割方法數? 規則: 每兩個座位視為一組,每兩組之間的盆栽所產生的空位,皆可放置一片隔板。 每一組分割內必須恰好包含兩個座位
    請在十秒內作答:「a long shot」、「by a long shot」、「not by a long shot」,三者哪裡不一樣?通常被問到這裡就會有人開始搞混了。事實上這三者確實容易使人老虎老鼠分不清楚。另外,為什麼long shot是代表不要有所指望?「別指望」的日文又會怎麼說?
    一個人開車晃晃,經過好多不曾到達的地方。 偶爾還是很想哭、很想消失,但努力活下來未來才有希望吧。