38. 睽 101011 火澤-離兌 (Quarter 3-6)

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小事吉。-- 向日葵轉動花朵面向太陽光、蓮荷探出湖澤朝著天空綻放,它們抽離與睽違的姿態只不過是在幫助全體獲取能量、收發訊息、見証真相。......雖然是彼此分離,內心卻感到喜悅,因為雙方擁有共同的心願,即使只是一件小事,也能讓彼此的心思緊密連結。......問題是,那些眼睛大大的天外來客,究竟為了什麼想要和我們連繫呢?......(P.S.此處「睽」有形容「睽違」、「分別」、「分離」、「抽離」的姿態或樣貌之意,也有「面對」、「睜大眼睛」、「目擊」、「見証」的意義。)


變卦火水未濟 -- 那些天外來客似乎一點都不怕死亡,在我們加足馬力、瀕臨失速、疲於奔命的驅離行動之下迅速逃逸無蹤,讓我們覺得好像在追逐恍恍惚惚的光影,但是過了一陣子又突然恢復顯現。此外,就算有人惡劣的對他們發動無預警的攻擊,他們也沒有向我們交錯還擊。很顯然,太大意的敵對行動是無濟於事的。

九二:遇主于巷,無咎。/ 變卦火雷噬嗑 -- 通常目擊和偶遇等第二類接觸事件主要發生在飛機場、空港或水岸港口等空曠地區附近,如果他們是很久以前曾經離開地球、遠航星際的人類分支,那又何必錯怪他們呢?也許他們正在尋覓回家的路、尋找適合降落和停舶的港灣呢!(P.S.此處「巷」解爲「港」。)

六三:見輿曳,其牛掣,其人天且劓,無初有終。/ 變卦火天大有 -- 有些遇見天外來客的目擊者表示,當時行車在路上,車子突然發生故障,好像被一股力量拖曳而失去控制,天外來客似乎可以輕易控制像牛一般很大的物體。他們描述天外來客的長相是:身形張開站立時與人類相似,但是頭部看起來特別大;臉上有一對鼻孔,但是沒有隆起的鼻樑,就好像正常人的鼻子被削平了ㄧ般;身穿沒有剪裁切割與縫線痕跡的緊身衣,又戴著好像玻璃纖維製成或冬季冰雹一般既透明又能濾光的球形輕薄頭罩。......真是大有來頭啊!(P.S.此處「無初」解爲「無剪裁切割與縫線痕跡的緊身衣」;「有終」即「又終」,「終」解爲「像冰雹一般既透明又能濾光的球形輕薄頭罩」。)

九四:睽孤,遇元夫,交孚,厲無咎。/ 變卦山澤損 -- 在一些孤立的目擊事件中,有人在遇見天外來客之後,好像元神意識得到很大的扶持,甚至被一股無形的強大力量牽引、扶搖直上的被提昇進入飄浮的飛行器,並且得以和天外來客直接交換可以意會的訊息。這些目擊者信誓旦旦的描述驚險交加的遭遇過程,除了身上有些微掙扎磨擦引起的損傷,似乎沒有絲毫精神錯亂呢!(P.S.此處「睽」解爲「目擊」或「明顯的看見」;「孚」解爲「浮顯的訊息」或 information。)

六五:悔無,噬宗,滅膚,往何咎。/ 變卦天澤履 -- 在眾說紛紜、充滿晦澀疑點又虛無飄渺的傳說聲中,我們決定參考目擊者的描述,建築適合天外來客飛行器停舶的、類似「宗」字形而設有頂蓬和天井的、空間極為高大寬敞的停機坪台。一方面為了消減膚淺的傳言所造成的驚愕,一方面或許可以導引不知降落在何處的天外來客飛行器前往降落在安全適當的、不致於引起人們錯怪與恐慌的地點。(P.S.此處「噬」解爲「適」,如同「噬嗑」也是「適合」的擬聲字詞。)

上九:睽孤,見豕負塗,載鬼一車。先張之弧,後說之弧,匪寇婚媾。往,遇雨,則吉。/ 變卦雷澤歸妹 -- 還有一些孤立的目擊事件中,有人看見天外來客被瘋狂的追逐、被當作野豬來狩獵,他們被弄得全身泥濘不堪,甚至不論死活的被抓上貨車運載到市集上販賣,使得市集上的人們嚇得都以為是見到鬼了。這類嚴重的事件引起天外來客發出箭在弦上的最後通牒,使得我們不得不和他們交換條件、擬定和平協議:為了雙方美好的未來,幽浮停機坪的周圍必須以大型弧線劃出一塊安全區域,其範圍大小在經過多次交涉之後纔確定下來,不但人類不得侵入干擾他們在駐紮地的活動,同時允許他們在該處婚媾定居。往後,如果有人擅自侵入安全區域,可能將會遭遇雷電暴雨般的警告嚇阻,這是雙方最後締結的原則。(P.S. 此處「則吉」解爲「規則或原則的締結」,即「雙方締結某個原則」。)

"In ancient Hanese myth-legend, there was a great and cold building which was called 廣寒宮 or Moon Palace.”

"What's the matter about Moon Palace?"

"In last yao of this qua, the lyrics revealed that a group of extraterrestrials had been settled at a secure and self-defensive place on the earth or near the earth after they negotiating and contracting with ancient humankind very long time ago."

"So,...... you mean the base of the extraterrestrial or alien were already built in ancient time and parts of the legendary UFOs might come from the moon?"

"According to the words in this qua, it's not impossible, but maybe some other very cold and high place. "

"Why the contract about the settlement of the extraterrestrials was dealt?"

"It was a long story, because of many people witnessing the UFOs during this qua. At first, the air force fighters found some Unidentified Flying Objects, they chased and even attacked UFOs in the air, but UFOs only speedily running as a flashing light and never fought back. This was the encounter of the first kind recorded in The I.E. Scripture"

"The encounter of the second kind was many people witnessed UFOs appearing around airports or seaports. And some kind of the supposes about the UFOs might try to find a landing place was talking. Some people even guessed the pilots and the passengers of the UFOs might be humankind's lost families, and they just came from finding their homeland where they had ever left for a long time. These kind of eyewitnesses was noted in the lyrics of the second yao in this qua."

"The lyrics of the third yao in this qua revealed the witnesses said they had been encountered the UFOs while they drove their cars on the roads, and the UFOs could easily make their cars lose control. The UFOs seemed like having a mysteriously great power to control the objects as big as cows. Some witnesses also described the extraterrestrials's ordinary looks in details: They looked like having an unusual large head and a pair of very big eyes, their noses were very flat and almost without nose-tip, they wore the tight dress without any trimming and seaming and carried transparent thin glass full-head helmet which looked like the ice bubble."

"The lyrics of the fourth yao noted: In some rare cases, the witnesses said when they saw the UFOs, they felt their consciousness seem like getting more energetic encouragement and pulled by a mysterious great power to rise up into the inner space of UFOs, and got the chances to directly exchange information in their minds with extraterrestrials. Those witnesses clearly and exactly described their thrilling experiences, their bodies had a little scratching wounds which caused by struggling, but they were not insane or crazy."

"Then the fifth yao kept noting : According to the witnesses' descriptions, a very large apron was invested and built in some place for providing UFOs a special landing site. The original author of The I.E. Scripture supposed those extraterrestrials didn't know where they could land on earth and might try to find a secure landing place."

"In the last yao, the lyrics also revealed: In some rare witnessing cases, some extraterrestrials were madly chased and hunted like the wild pigs by some people. Those extraterrestrials looked battered and exhausted, even were grabbed onto the trucks and transported to the marketplace for sale, some citizens even surprised that they were just seeing the ghosts. Such no humanity events caused the extraterrestrials' serious reaction to arise the ultimatum of the severe warning about the overall destructive striking. After a series of negotiation about the peaceful condition in future between humankind and extraterrestrials, the extraterrestrials’ landing site was largely expanded as a residential and freely motivate settle zone and wouldn't allow to be invaded by any humankind. If any one of the humankind broke into their guarded secure settle zone, in principle whom might be warned and frightened by the shocking weapon's great power as horribly storming rains, this was also the last principle in the contract between humankind and those extraterrestrials."

天外來客的身世都還沒弄清楚,竟然又發生劍拔弩張的緊張事件。天外來客的安全區域設立之後,人類和他們溝通接觸的行動也受到嚴格阻止。他們駐紮的地區被稱為「蹇」,發音接近 jiǎn,本意可能是 stop footstep,也代表某種難以通行的 settle-zone,甚至可能與 jail 或 zoo 的字源相關。「蹇」可能位在極高處的寒冷地區,似乎比地表上的任何一座高山還高,也是人類無法步行抵達的地區,那是不是也有可能是遠古傳說中的「廣寒宮」(Moon Palace) 呢?...... 那麼,此後如何改善雙方冰冷的關係?如何展開破冰之行?這可能是當時的人類文明持續發展的另一個待解的課題。

"So, you mean actually the ancient people still haven't known where those extraterrestrials or aliens came from, and those extraterrestrials just settled near to earth at a very cold place and kept watching humankind at a distance since very ancient times."

"According to the words in this qua of The I.E. Scripture, it might be a truth."

"At least from these historical words, we know the humankind was not alone in the great universe, after a long time later, we just lost contact with those ancient extraterrestrials who had ever visited the earth and made a serious contract with our ancestors."

"But that old contract had been lost, our ancestors seemed like do not pass that contract with us. That's why we still tried to explore and research those witnessing events about the UFOs nowadays."

"So, our ancestors must keep contacting with the extraterrestrials whom they had contracted during a period of time. They must leave more information about UFO and extraterrestrials in The I.E. Scripture, didn't they?"

"Yes! I think so, because of the next qua 蹇 was just recording some stories about what they had tried efforts to pass through the hard and cold path for getting arrival at the extraterrestrial's desolate settle-zone and kept communicating and holding the peaceful relationship with the extraterrestrials."

One night, I saw some big fire burn on the seawater in a long distance from my villa house beside the sea shore, that big fire was bursting out from an underwater volcano and lasting about three days.

During those three days, the sky became more dark and the air smelled not so fresh, and Mermaid E. left here about six days ago. I had a bit worried about where she was and what was her situation, but I couldn't watch through the long distance and dark air to look for her, I only saw some white seabirds fly away from their small perching coral reeves.

Then I gradually understand why the hexagram symbol of this qua was marked as Fire over Lake or Pond, and I think it was reasonable to explain the normal situation about the witness. Because of as a big fire burning on the surface of a lake or pond water, all the fishes might speedily dive into the deep water for surviving, and those fishes might not have the abilities to witness what will happen outside the water during the fire burning times.

At the same times, the other animals beside the lake or pond, or stand on the highlands might obviously catch sight of the big fire burning on the water, but it must be impossible for them to clearly witness what will happen in the deep water during the fire burning times.

So, actually the overall true evidences about an event might separate to many places from more than one stare-positions or observation-angles, that situation was just so called "睽違" (witness-dividing), and then, how to puzzle and integrate all the evidences and witnesses' stories to an obvious and convincible statement must be an awesome hard work to the judgements.

P.S. 相關文章:易的故事 -- The Story of I.E.

LS. Salon / Rooms: 1.文字的堂奧與空間 Subtle Space of Texts 2.夢的原理 The Elements of Dream 3.易的故事 The Story of I.E. 4.橋接文字 Bridge Words 5.一籮筐詩詞 ALOPAL 6.爾爾藝廊 22Gallery

利女貞 -- 女子通常擅長家務和炊事,對於家中大大小小的事情也瞭如指掌。如果說,事業是男子開拓冒險的世界,家庭就是女子經營固守的天地。......那麼,那些偶爾在天空出現的「風火輪」,裡面乘坐的究竟是誰呢?……
利艱貞 -- 明白地下掩埋或水中湮滅的不明物體、動用敏銳精密的探測方法和儀器,這是十分艱難的偵察任務。如同在睡眠之中想要得到夢境靈光的啓示;又如同搭乘時光旅行的機器,回到過去尋找關鍵人物。……
康侯用錫馬蕃庶,晝日三接。-- 包覆迷彩偽裝或匿蹤塗料的外殼、像箭矢般的武裝偵察載人飛行器,採用金屬合金製成的機械戰馬或動力馬達推進的行動載具,外加傳播通訊裝置與遮蔽掩護的各式裝備和行動支援,我們在一個白晝中就接到多次前往火線戰地偵測的任務。能源動力技術的晉階發展,使得戰爭方式也明顯跟著改變。……
利貞。 -- 面對強大的界限就像眼前有一座堅固壯盛的要塞城堡、難以通行的藩籬大牆。一般而言,如果想要突破它的禁錮或防衛,就得事先做好精密準確的偵測和計劃,佈置「震天雷」一類的密集炸彈來震撼爆破。……
亨,小利貞。-- 如同觀察月亮光影區域內的變化一般,興致高昂的針對一個特定目標、漸次縮小圍繞目標的特定範圍、進行專注於目標的偵測和搜索,這就是所謂的追逐。反過來說,逃避被追逐或圍困的處境,往往也必需從一個小範圍中對外偵察與突圍。……
亨,無咎。利貞,利有攸往。-- 高興追求長久感情、持之以恆聯繫在心,本來是沒錯;敏銳偵測再三思量,感情一事何必緊張,悠遊自在有何不妥?......雷聲大作、空氣震動,急促呼嘯的風,吹的車搖晃、鈴乍響,短暫迴盪在人稀的街道上,煞是恆長在心中盤旋著餘響,久久不散........
利女貞 -- 女子通常擅長家務和炊事,對於家中大大小小的事情也瞭如指掌。如果說,事業是男子開拓冒險的世界,家庭就是女子經營固守的天地。......那麼,那些偶爾在天空出現的「風火輪」,裡面乘坐的究竟是誰呢?……
利艱貞 -- 明白地下掩埋或水中湮滅的不明物體、動用敏銳精密的探測方法和儀器,這是十分艱難的偵察任務。如同在睡眠之中想要得到夢境靈光的啓示;又如同搭乘時光旅行的機器,回到過去尋找關鍵人物。……
康侯用錫馬蕃庶,晝日三接。-- 包覆迷彩偽裝或匿蹤塗料的外殼、像箭矢般的武裝偵察載人飛行器,採用金屬合金製成的機械戰馬或動力馬達推進的行動載具,外加傳播通訊裝置與遮蔽掩護的各式裝備和行動支援,我們在一個白晝中就接到多次前往火線戰地偵測的任務。能源動力技術的晉階發展,使得戰爭方式也明顯跟著改變。……
利貞。 -- 面對強大的界限就像眼前有一座堅固壯盛的要塞城堡、難以通行的藩籬大牆。一般而言,如果想要突破它的禁錮或防衛,就得事先做好精密準確的偵測和計劃,佈置「震天雷」一類的密集炸彈來震撼爆破。……
亨,小利貞。-- 如同觀察月亮光影區域內的變化一般,興致高昂的針對一個特定目標、漸次縮小圍繞目標的特定範圍、進行專注於目標的偵測和搜索,這就是所謂的追逐。反過來說,逃避被追逐或圍困的處境,往往也必需從一個小範圍中對外偵察與突圍。……
亨,無咎。利貞,利有攸往。-- 高興追求長久感情、持之以恆聯繫在心,本來是沒錯;敏銳偵測再三思量,感情一事何必緊張,悠遊自在有何不妥?......雷聲大作、空氣震動,急促呼嘯的風,吹的車搖晃、鈴乍響,短暫迴盪在人稀的街道上,煞是恆長在心中盤旋著餘響,久久不散........
Google News 追蹤
近日有讀者來信問,說他在網路視頻上,看到某個被美國捕獲的外星人,說出了很震撼人的宇宙真相。 其中,這外星人提到,整個太陽系或銀河系,到處都有邪惡外星人設下的捕靈網,一旦有生物的色身分解後,靈魂立刻就被捕靈網捉住,被清除記憶後,再投生到地球。 此外,也有一位自稱是來自同領地的人,色身分解後,
  農曆初三赤口,不宜外出,否則招致不吉。   諸類警語皆印刷在通勝的宜忌欄目中,但也無阻飛碟愛好者的熱情,就算發生口角,與同好爭論只是有建設性地交流意見,待在家的吵鬧卻是無意義地受氣,明嘲暗諷閣下貴庚、怎麼還不切實際到追飛碟去?   爹親娘親,不及外星人親,算是不少香江人的寫照。   可是雙
* 簡介 ( 對話小說 ) :   星際對話小說文,隨便寫寫玩玩 . --------- 這是一篇描述 夢中遇仙 的文章,人類 ( 星兒 ) 與 仙靈 在互相交流的故事。透過 籤文解析 以及 對夢中仙靈的回應,分享了與 仙靈 神祕交流的心得和感受。
薰風吹揚起一朵朵花 腳步一朵朵踩上天空 雲氣狂亂 各色花朵瞬息萬變 步伐卻踏得平穩從容 大氣層隨著漫步而離開地球 一起深入幽暗宇宙 看見黑洞沉睡不醒 看見銀河澄澈潔淨 看不見地球如繪本闔上童年
「哇靠傻眼貓咪欸,這會不會太誇張了,而且這白霧,好像會排斥異教徒欸。」我伸手碰了碰白霧,有一種被輕微電擊的不適感。 「 是啊,那些守陵天使更像警衛,你看。」只見俊哥只是忍著不適吧手插入白霧中,霧中那些無頭寬肩的天使便齊刷刷的望向這邊,警告意味非常濃厚不善。 「嘿,有人可以過來跟我們談話嗎?」 為
「祢別以為我不知道在天蛾人來襲的時候,祢一直想要逃跑。」   「什麼!」拉肖恩震驚地抬頭,祂一直在低頭思考完全沒有發現到戴恩已經站在祂的旁邊。      戴恩沒有轉臉壓低聲音告訴祂:「這個世界不需要虛偽的『英雄』,更不需要膽小鬼。」
古書云:地劫星「行事疏狂」、「浪裡行舟」。「行事疏狂」比喻情緒或運途不定。「浪裡行舟」指做事可能疏漏或不拘小節,看到眼前難以改革的缺失,一時無能為力,又不想同流合汙,而自顧生活。或喜好從事自由創作的藝術工作者。 地空星「半空折翅」。地空的「空」有幾種現象,天生對宗教、玄學、哲學就較有興趣;或者是在
近日有讀者來信問,說他在網路視頻上,看到某個被美國捕獲的外星人,說出了很震撼人的宇宙真相。 其中,這外星人提到,整個太陽系或銀河系,到處都有邪惡外星人設下的捕靈網,一旦有生物的色身分解後,靈魂立刻就被捕靈網捉住,被清除記憶後,再投生到地球。 此外,也有一位自稱是來自同領地的人,色身分解後,
  農曆初三赤口,不宜外出,否則招致不吉。   諸類警語皆印刷在通勝的宜忌欄目中,但也無阻飛碟愛好者的熱情,就算發生口角,與同好爭論只是有建設性地交流意見,待在家的吵鬧卻是無意義地受氣,明嘲暗諷閣下貴庚、怎麼還不切實際到追飛碟去?   爹親娘親,不及外星人親,算是不少香江人的寫照。   可是雙
* 簡介 ( 對話小說 ) :   星際對話小說文,隨便寫寫玩玩 . --------- 這是一篇描述 夢中遇仙 的文章,人類 ( 星兒 ) 與 仙靈 在互相交流的故事。透過 籤文解析 以及 對夢中仙靈的回應,分享了與 仙靈 神祕交流的心得和感受。
薰風吹揚起一朵朵花 腳步一朵朵踩上天空 雲氣狂亂 各色花朵瞬息萬變 步伐卻踏得平穩從容 大氣層隨著漫步而離開地球 一起深入幽暗宇宙 看見黑洞沉睡不醒 看見銀河澄澈潔淨 看不見地球如繪本闔上童年
「哇靠傻眼貓咪欸,這會不會太誇張了,而且這白霧,好像會排斥異教徒欸。」我伸手碰了碰白霧,有一種被輕微電擊的不適感。 「 是啊,那些守陵天使更像警衛,你看。」只見俊哥只是忍著不適吧手插入白霧中,霧中那些無頭寬肩的天使便齊刷刷的望向這邊,警告意味非常濃厚不善。 「嘿,有人可以過來跟我們談話嗎?」 為
「祢別以為我不知道在天蛾人來襲的時候,祢一直想要逃跑。」   「什麼!」拉肖恩震驚地抬頭,祂一直在低頭思考完全沒有發現到戴恩已經站在祂的旁邊。      戴恩沒有轉臉壓低聲音告訴祂:「這個世界不需要虛偽的『英雄』,更不需要膽小鬼。」
古書云:地劫星「行事疏狂」、「浪裡行舟」。「行事疏狂」比喻情緒或運途不定。「浪裡行舟」指做事可能疏漏或不拘小節,看到眼前難以改革的缺失,一時無能為力,又不想同流合汙,而自顧生活。或喜好從事自由創作的藝術工作者。 地空星「半空折翅」。地空的「空」有幾種現象,天生對宗教、玄學、哲學就較有興趣;或者是在