Japanese journalist Sunohara Tsuyoshi shared two stories which revealed the tendency that Beijing would stop thinking and acting once she faced something serious. George W. Bush tired nine times to contact Hu Jin-tau but in vain during the crisis of EP-3 in 2001. Foreign diplomats could not get in touch with Beijing high ranked officers during the Bombardment of Yeonpyeong in 2010. The lock-on incident recently seemed to be the latest case.
Three days after the February 5th special press conference of Onodera, Japanese Minister of Defense, Chinese Ministry of Defense asserted that no lock-on had ever happened. PLA Navy vessels did NOT lock on JSDF.
Beijing’s assertion implied that the lock-on, if any, was in breach of international law and the rules of engagement.
Beijing seemed to have forgot about the US-Japan alliance. The data links constantly operate between the vessels and the head quarter of both countries. It is very easy to confirm the existence of the lock-on. revised at 2130
國防部網北京2月8日電 針對日本媒體報導日本防衛大臣指稱中國海軍艦艇用火控雷達瞄準日本自衛隊艦機的報導,國防部新聞事務局表示,1月19日下午16時許,中國海軍一艘護衛艦在東海相關海域進行例行訓練,期間發現日本自衛隊一架艦載直升機接近中方艦艇,中方艦載雷達保持正常觀察警戒,並未使用火控雷達。1月30日9時許,中國海軍艦艇在東海相關海域執行例行訓練任務,期間發現日本“夕立”號驅逐艦在中方艦艇附近近距離跟蹤監視,中方艦載雷達保持正常觀察警戒,沒有使用火控雷達。日方所謂中國海軍艦艇火控雷達瞄準日方艦機的說法不符合事實。