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本周的電子報內容有:【挑戰自己】加入自媒體創作者徵才計畫,開啟財富自由之路!【Upwork高薪職缺】快速提升技能,輕鬆達成財務自由目標! 【商機來襲】與品牌合作,拓展收入管道,迎接更多商機! 【攜手前進】尋找志同道合的夥伴,共同打造成功的電子報! 【投資加倍】美食網站投資,快速翻倍你的收益!



  • Paddy Galloway is looking for an executive assistant to help with scheduling and task management.
  • Creator Now is hiring for a handful of roles, including software engineer and head of product.
  • Ali Abdaal is looking for freelance Shorts editors.





  • Glia, helping companies "identify and engage their highest-value web visitors through video, voice, chat, and CoBrowsing to increase online conversions and improve customer support
  • Nuts.com, "we source and sell the world’s best nuts, chocolate, snacks, and dried fruit
  • Neat, which "designs simple and elegant video devices that make virtual meetings feel almost as real as meeting face-to-face
  • Milken Institute, "a nonprofit, nonpartisan think tank focused on accelerating measurable progress on the path to a meaningful life
  • Wellcore, "a first-of-its-kind hormone optimization program marrying science, personalization and high-touch care to deliver a best-in-class experience
  • Big Blanket, "The Biggest, Best Blanket Ever Made
  • Betaworks, which "invests, accelerates, and builds companies and projects from scratch
  • Iris Ceramica Group, " a world leader in the manufacturing of high-end luxury ceramics for state-of-the-art architecture, design applications and innovative solutions
  • Practising Law Institute, "a nonprofit learning organization dedicated to keeping attorneys and other professionals at the forefront of knowledge and expertise
  • Notion, is a productivity and note-taking app that offers organizational and task management tools. Notion is a great fit for any B2B newsletter or creator, and its AI campaign would be perfect for any newsletter focused on artificial intelligence.
以上這些公司在四月份都有針對電子報或創作者平台進行廣告投放,可以放心接洽 :)


  • Crushed Content // anthony@indieworldwide.coIdeal Partner
    Business and entrepreneurial newsletters.Both broad interest-based and specific industry newsletters.
    Minimum Subscribers:500
    Wanted Category:Business, Creators, Entrepreneurs, Marketing, Online Business
  • Indie Worldwide // anthony@indieworldwide.coIdeal Partner
    Newsletters read by indie makers, entrepreneurs, startup founders, and freelancers.
    Minimum Subscribers:1,000
    Wanted Category:Agency Owners, Contractors, Creators, Entrepreneurs, Online Business
  • Overlooked Alpha // joe@overlookedalpha.comIdeal Partner
    Looking to partner and collaborate with other business and investing newsletters.
    Minimum Subscribers:2,000
    Wanted Category:Business, Finance, Investing
  • The Climate Brief // rick@theclimatebrief.comIdeal Partner
    Broader interest newsletters in business, policy, and tech, or niche newsletters in climate verticals like energy, transportation, food, buildings, etc.
    Minimum Subscribers:100
    Wanted Category:Agriculture, Business, Climate, Electric Vehicles, News
  • TechExec // gsinghviews@gmail.comIdeal Partner
    Newsletters about AI, tech in general, product management, career growth etc
    Minimum Subscribers:500
    Wanted Category:AI, Business, Careers, Entrepreneurs, Product Management
  • The Pith // dpandolfo@thepith.coIdeal Partner
    Health, wellness, fitness, mindfulness, and personal development newsletters.
    Minimum Subscribers:100
    Wanted Category:Fitness, Habits, Health, Mindfulness, Personal Development



Niche: Food
Revenue: $590/mo from AdThrive only
  • 6-year-old site bought by the seller about 6 months ago
  • More than 150 articles published
  • Stable 20K+ page views per month
  • Backlink profile has over 6K referring domains (but DR is just 7)
  • Includes Facebook Group with 3,100 followers
  • Strong AdThrive RPM of $29 per 1,000 sessions
  • Traffic is below AdThrive requirements so verify that AdThrive will allow the transfer.
  • Pageviews declined by about 1/3 from January to February but increased slightly in March.
  • Site was not updated for 3 years by the previous owner. It will require a lot of time to update the price information on many outdated pages.
Easy Wins:
  • Update articles with the latest price information (you can hire a VA to help with this).
  • Add similar articles about cake prices at more stores and bakeries.
  • Improve EAT signals so that it is clear who is behind the website.
  • Hire an experienced VA to address on-page issues, such as overly long paragraphs, inadequate interlinking, and other related concerns.
  • Prune stale content that doesn't rank (my threshold is under 10 clicks in the last 90 days according to GSC), and optimize the content on pages 2-3 of Google for the intended keyword.
This website is a typical food site with a few noteworthy features. It was established 6 years ago and boasts a decent backlink profile of over 6,000 domains. Despite not being updated for 3 years, it still generates nearly $600 per month and 20,000 monthly users.For experienced flippers, this could be an excellent investment opportunity.On the positive side, there are several easy wins available to improve this site. Just updating the site and implementing basic fixes could increase revenue in a short amount of time.Valuation:The site has been priced at 34X its monthly earnings of $594, resulting in a Buy It Now price of $20,000. It is currently up for auction but has not received any active bids. The reserve price of $17,500 is a fair deal at a 30X multiple.

Hope today's email makes you some money and unlock your miracle :)
-miss aloha

How can I help? ↓

新增項目–【網站出售】不用自己從零開始,買這個網站,就有收入了!💰🚀 別忘記投票讓我知道你對【搶先競標優質網域名稱】這個主題有興趣嗎?
👋aloha :) 當自由職業者,哪裡都有機會!這裡有徵才、合作、經營的機會,通通獻給你!快快來看看,別讓你的機會從指間溜走!Unlock your miracle!
👋aloha :) 作為自由職業者,我們都希望能夠擁有自己的主人,並且不斷拓展自己的收入管道。本期付費電子報提供了許多機會,讓你挑戰自己,unlock your miracle!
👋aloha :) 想要成為自己的主人嗎?希望拓展你的收入管道嗎?本期電子報提供的是全新的自媒體創作者徵才計畫、Upwork高薪技能工作、最新品牌及電子報經營合作機會以及大放送的創作者獎助金活動!快來看看有哪些機會等著你吧!
aloha :) 感謝你訂閱本週的付費電子報。在這裡,我為你帶來了最新的遠距工作機會,Upwork Alerts以及付費代言機會。
新增項目–【網站出售】不用自己從零開始,買這個網站,就有收入了!💰🚀 別忘記投票讓我知道你對【搶先競標優質網域名稱】這個主題有興趣嗎?
👋aloha :) 當自由職業者,哪裡都有機會!這裡有徵才、合作、經營的機會,通通獻給你!快快來看看,別讓你的機會從指間溜走!Unlock your miracle!
👋aloha :) 作為自由職業者,我們都希望能夠擁有自己的主人,並且不斷拓展自己的收入管道。本期付費電子報提供了許多機會,讓你挑戰自己,unlock your miracle!
👋aloha :) 想要成為自己的主人嗎?希望拓展你的收入管道嗎?本期電子報提供的是全新的自媒體創作者徵才計畫、Upwork高薪技能工作、最新品牌及電子報經營合作機會以及大放送的創作者獎助金活動!快來看看有哪些機會等著你吧!
aloha :) 感謝你訂閱本週的付費電子報。在這裡,我為你帶來了最新的遠距工作機會,Upwork Alerts以及付費代言機會。
Google News 追蹤
自由人日記是我的免費電子報,這裡可以加入訂閱。 放在這個網誌的是過往寄出的信,如果你比較晚加入的話,可以來這邊收看:) (這封信於2024/5/27寄出) --- 嗨! 如前封信所說,我最近正在求職。剛開始找工作那幾天我超級焦慮,因為已經三年沒有進行「求職」這個動作,履歷和作品集都要重新整理。
想要找兼職打工的時候該去哪裡找呢?這應該是不少想運用空閒時間打工,或是兼職的人的共同疑問。我最近發現一款超好用的 App ── Worky,直接省略繁瑣的履歷投遞和面試,只要透過 Worky 平台一鍵應徵,就能立即上工,利用時間增加收入,有效利用零碎時間賺錢
成為自由工作者,是許多人嚮往的生活方式,可以隨心所欲的決定工作時間、工作地點、和誰一起共識,告別了上班趕著打卡的日常。然而,自由工作者真的這麼自由嗎?如果想轉職為自由工作者,該如何開始接案?哪些特質或技能是必備的呢?自由工作者能做一輩子嗎?如何談到更高的案件報酬呢?   在成為自由工作者前,要做
Worky品牌的秘密:如何利用短時間兼職找工作,塑造未來職涯? 在當今快速變化的職場環境中,尋找工作的方式也在進行著革命性的變化。對許多人而言,兼職不再僅僅是一種經濟上的需求,而是職業發展的一部分。在這個背景下,Worky品牌透過其創新的產品和服務,為尋找短時間兼職工作的人們提供了新的機會。本文將
這篇文章討論了從找不到工作到成為自由工作者和內容行銷公司老闆的職涯歷程。 文章內容包括自由工作者的挑戰、穩定現金流的方法、開發客戶的有效途徑,以及接案的利與弊。歡迎訂閱、追蹤專題、打賞或留言分享討論!
自雇者,指的是不為特定雇主工作,獨立經營其專業或業務的人。特點是高度自主性和靈活性。不僅可自定工作時間和地點,也能自主選擇工作和客戶。賦予個人更大的自由度,但也需要自行管理業務風險和收入的不穩定性。 自雇這種工作型態日漸受到關注,代表一種新型態的職業選擇權,也反映現代工作者對工作自由與彈性的渴望。
自由人日記是我的免費電子報,這裡可以加入訂閱。 放在這個網誌的是過往寄出的信,如果你比較晚加入的話,可以來這邊收看:) (這封信於2024/5/27寄出) --- 嗨! 如前封信所說,我最近正在求職。剛開始找工作那幾天我超級焦慮,因為已經三年沒有進行「求職」這個動作,履歷和作品集都要重新整理。
想要找兼職打工的時候該去哪裡找呢?這應該是不少想運用空閒時間打工,或是兼職的人的共同疑問。我最近發現一款超好用的 App ── Worky,直接省略繁瑣的履歷投遞和面試,只要透過 Worky 平台一鍵應徵,就能立即上工,利用時間增加收入,有效利用零碎時間賺錢
成為自由工作者,是許多人嚮往的生活方式,可以隨心所欲的決定工作時間、工作地點、和誰一起共識,告別了上班趕著打卡的日常。然而,自由工作者真的這麼自由嗎?如果想轉職為自由工作者,該如何開始接案?哪些特質或技能是必備的呢?自由工作者能做一輩子嗎?如何談到更高的案件報酬呢?   在成為自由工作者前,要做
Worky品牌的秘密:如何利用短時間兼職找工作,塑造未來職涯? 在當今快速變化的職場環境中,尋找工作的方式也在進行著革命性的變化。對許多人而言,兼職不再僅僅是一種經濟上的需求,而是職業發展的一部分。在這個背景下,Worky品牌透過其創新的產品和服務,為尋找短時間兼職工作的人們提供了新的機會。本文將
這篇文章討論了從找不到工作到成為自由工作者和內容行銷公司老闆的職涯歷程。 文章內容包括自由工作者的挑戰、穩定現金流的方法、開發客戶的有效途徑,以及接案的利與弊。歡迎訂閱、追蹤專題、打賞或留言分享討論!
自雇者,指的是不為特定雇主工作,獨立經營其專業或業務的人。特點是高度自主性和靈活性。不僅可自定工作時間和地點,也能自主選擇工作和客戶。賦予個人更大的自由度,但也需要自行管理業務風險和收入的不穩定性。 自雇這種工作型態日漸受到關注,代表一種新型態的職業選擇權,也反映現代工作者對工作自由與彈性的渴望。