西洋女歌手-Vanessa Anne Hudgens-の歌を紹介し

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Vanessa Anne Hudgens
(Seventeen Magazine cover shoot)
  1. "Come Back to Me" (Armato, James, Beckett, Crowley) – 2:47
  2. "Let Go" (Bojanic, Hooper, Levan) – 2:48
  3. "Say OK" (Birgisson, Kotecha) – 3:41
  4. "Never Underestimate a Girl" (Gerrard, Nevil) – 3:03
  5. "Let's Dance" (Gerrard, Jeberg, Benenate) – 2:53
  6. "Drive" (Haywood, Norland) – 3:25
  7. "Afraid" (James, Haywood, Spalter) – 3:17
  8. "Promise" (James, Haywood, Peiken) – 3:16
  9. "Whatever Will Be" (Kotecha, Falk, Shultze) – 3:47
  10. "Rather Be with You" (Bojanic, Hooper) – 3:34
  11. "Psychic" (Vieira) – 3:01
  12. "Lose Your Love" (Brian Michael Cox) – 3:01
我曾在此推薦過"Whatever Will Be" ,
僅發現網友的剪輯,let's enjoy it!
"Whatever Will Be"
再次,我最想推薦的"Let Go"
"Let Go"

The day's been long
I just got home
And work is driving me crazy
I could do up
I could go out
But I'm feelin too lazy
I wanna run
I wanna have fun
But I don't wanna work it
All I wanna do is go and kick it with my crew tonight
All I wanna do is let go tonight
I'm feelin right
I just wanna forget about it
All I wanna do is let go tonight
Wind it up
Without my getup
All I wanna do is get down tonight
Move around tonight
Don't really care about it
All I wanna do is let go tonight
I'm feeling free
Tonight is just for me
I count on you
You're coming too
Yeah I'm hopin you feel it
Cuz at my best
And at my worst
Yeah you've already seen it
Let down your hair
The hell who cares
Gonna let it all out
All I wanna do is go and kick it with my crew tonight
All I wanna do is let go tonight
I'm feelin right
I just wanna forget about it
All I wanna do is let go tonight
Wind it up
Without my getup
All I wanna do is get down tonight
Move around tonight
Don't really care about it
All I wanna do is let go tonight
I'm feeling free
Tonight is just for me
High heels just feels
Like a business stance
Make it hard to dance
Tight shirt, short skirt
Just hurt, Too much work
A fake up of make up
Never handled the wet
Cuz I wanna sweat
All I wanna do is kick it with my crew tonight
All I wanna do is let go tonight
I'm feelin right
I just wanna forget about it
All I wanna do is let go tonight
Wind it up
Without my getup
All I wanna do is get down tonight
Move around tonight
Don't really care about it
All I wanna do is kick it with my crew tonight
[Chorus X2]
All I wanna do is let go tonight
I'm feelin right
I just wanna forget about it
All I wanna do is let go tonight
Wind it up
Without my getup
All I wanna do is get down tonight
Move around tonight
Don't really care about it
All I wanna do is let go tonight
I'm feeling free
Tonight is just for me
Lose Your Love
Come Back To Me

Say Ok
You are fine
You are sweet
But I'm still a bit naive with my heart
When you're close I don't breathe
I can't find the words to speak
I feel sparks
But I don't want to be into you
If you're not looking for true love
No I don't wanna start seein' you
If I can't be your only one
So tell me when it's not alright
When it's not OK
Will you try to make me feel better?
Will you say alright? (say alright)
Will you say OK? (Say OK)
Will you stick with me through whatever?
Or run away
(Say that it's gonna be alright. That it's gonna be OK)
Say OK.
When you call I don't know if I should pick up the phone every time
I'm not like all my friends who keep calling up the boys, I'm so shy
But I don't want to be into you
If you don't treat me the right way
See I can only start seeing you
If you can make my heart feel safe (feel safe)
When it's not alright
When it's not OK
Will you try to make me feel better?
Will you say alright? (say alright)
Will you say OK? (Say OK)
Will you stick with me through whatever?
Or run away
(Say that it's gonna be alright. That it's gonna be OK
Don't run away, don't run away)
Let me know if it's gonna be you
Boy, you've got some things to prove
Let me know that you'll keep me safe
I don't want you to run away so
Let me know that you'll call on time
Let me know that you'll help me shine
Will you wipe my tears away
Will you hold me close and say
When it's not alright
When it's not OK
Will you try to make me feel better
Will you say alright? (say alright)
Will you say OK? (Say OK)
Will you stick with me through whatever?
Or run away
(Say that it's gonna be alright. That it's gonna be OK)
Say OK
(Don't run away, don't run away)
(Say that it's gonna be alright. That it's gonna be OK, don't run away)
Will you say OK
(Say that it's gonna be alright. That it's gonna be OK)
I don't claim to know it all
I've had some wins I've had some falls
The road is long and time is short
I don't wanna spend too much time in thought
I don't intend to play it safe
I've gotta move to find my place
I wasn't born for small talk crowds
I know what I want and its not in this town
I don't wanna just survive
I'm gonna hit the road I'm gonna drive
I've hit the highway, and I'm not comin home
I'm gonna drive
I'll do it my way, I'll call you on the phone
When I arrive
It's all I got and I'm not gonna stop for no one
In my way as long as I'm alive
I'm gonna drive
Everything I said I meant, nothing comes by accident
I'll change my name, change my face
To want something better is no disgrace
I'm just following the signs
Keep my eyes ahead I'm gonna drive
I've hit the highway, and I'm not comin home
I'm gonna drive
I'll do it my way, I'll call you on the phone
When I arrive
It's all I got and I'm not gonna stop for no one
In my way as long as I'm alive
I'm gonna drive
I've come a long way
I see the light of day
I think I've found the answers I'm looking for
And there ain't no reason
For turning back, its just one life
I'll play the hand I've got
I'm gonna drive
I've hit the highway, and I'm not comin home
I'm gonna drive
I'll do it my way, I'll call you on the phone
When I arrive
It's all I got and I'm not gonna stop for no one
In my way as long as I'm alive
I'm gonna drive
曦的沙龍 的其他內容
意外發現的<庫洛魔法使>版 <最近想介紹一些我頗為喜歡的歌給會來看我網誌的bloggers。今天先介紹這個其實在台灣頗不紅,但是這個團體為濱崎步編寫過不少歌,例如:M、Unite!...etc.有些耳不是那麼尖的聽者在聽了這個團體的歌後,常會誤以為主唱者就是濱崎步@@這個團體其實在日本聽說也不是很有
去年定下的約束, 今年的20歲,我們(清[雅]、蒂[楚]、琪、茹)定要來個別於以往的生日祝賀, 聯合生日會的想法,就在那時萌生、醞釀著... 方式,是楚先提的, 從國中認識至今,相處多年,儘管我們一同度過無數日子, 無論是大日子如生日、聖誕節, 抑或是小日子,約出來逛街、拍貼等等, 我們始終沒有一同
2006年はそろそろ終わった...... 今年無心如同去年般,在blog洋洋灑灑揮下一年的種種, 倒是最後一個月,其實有不少事是可以寫下的, 然而,卻拖到了這一回。 翻開了schedule, 月初,聽了一場保養品的促銷,還拿了贈品, then~開始為PDC的期末呈現而busy, 還有,那日, 學長學
作曲:gary chan 填詞:林夕 主唱:陳慧琳 懷念你 回憶卻恨你 賜我這天地 陪著你 為等告別你 明年桃花飛 葬過花 紅過心 忽遠又近 我與你 看遍烈日密雲 你背影是我傷痕 我為你 能愛得比風沙更狠 將今生 彌補他生 誰知有沒有下文 一顆心 多少腳印 誰可証實結伴同
コナンの第八回の映画を見たと、 この歌がいつでも好きだ、 lyrics もしも君に巡り逢えたら 如果再與你相會的話 二度と君の手を離さない 不會再放開你的手 春
ここに機会がひとつあるなら どんなものてもなれるから どんなものを選んで このものになりたいか? 私なら、 きっと 本になりたいだろう、 美しくて、内容がおもしろい本になりたい、 本当に私のタイスキだ持ち主が会った、 彼(彼女)は 私を珍しいと思っていただろう
意外發現的<庫洛魔法使>版 <最近想介紹一些我頗為喜歡的歌給會來看我網誌的bloggers。今天先介紹這個其實在台灣頗不紅,但是這個團體為濱崎步編寫過不少歌,例如:M、Unite!...etc.有些耳不是那麼尖的聽者在聽了這個團體的歌後,常會誤以為主唱者就是濱崎步@@這個團體其實在日本聽說也不是很有
去年定下的約束, 今年的20歲,我們(清[雅]、蒂[楚]、琪、茹)定要來個別於以往的生日祝賀, 聯合生日會的想法,就在那時萌生、醞釀著... 方式,是楚先提的, 從國中認識至今,相處多年,儘管我們一同度過無數日子, 無論是大日子如生日、聖誕節, 抑或是小日子,約出來逛街、拍貼等等, 我們始終沒有一同
2006年はそろそろ終わった...... 今年無心如同去年般,在blog洋洋灑灑揮下一年的種種, 倒是最後一個月,其實有不少事是可以寫下的, 然而,卻拖到了這一回。 翻開了schedule, 月初,聽了一場保養品的促銷,還拿了贈品, then~開始為PDC的期末呈現而busy, 還有,那日, 學長學
作曲:gary chan 填詞:林夕 主唱:陳慧琳 懷念你 回憶卻恨你 賜我這天地 陪著你 為等告別你 明年桃花飛 葬過花 紅過心 忽遠又近 我與你 看遍烈日密雲 你背影是我傷痕 我為你 能愛得比風沙更狠 將今生 彌補他生 誰知有沒有下文 一顆心 多少腳印 誰可証實結伴同
コナンの第八回の映画を見たと、 この歌がいつでも好きだ、 lyrics もしも君に巡り逢えたら 如果再與你相會的話 二度と君の手を離さない 不會再放開你的手 春
ここに機会がひとつあるなら どんなものてもなれるから どんなものを選んで このものになりたいか? 私なら、 きっと 本になりたいだろう、 美しくて、内容がおもしろい本になりたい、 本当に私のタイスキだ持ち主が会った、 彼(彼女)は 私を珍しいと思っていただろう
Google News 追蹤
/ 大家現在出門買東西還會帶錢包嗎 鴨鴨發現自己好像快一個禮拜沒帶錢包出門 還是可以天天買滿買好回家(? 因此為了記錄手機消費跟各種紅利優惠 鴨鴨都會特別注意銀行的App好不好用! 像是介面設計就是會很在意的地方 很多銀行通常會為了要滿足不同客群 會推出很多App讓使用者下載 每次
新詩合集-2023   每個月的十四號都是一種情人節!   但我寫到九月(包括五月二十)就沒寫了,當初因為一點技術性障礙,所以將七月、八月合在一起寫。   每一首都是一個故事,皆為虛構,與本人無關,如有雷同,純屬雷同。   為什麼沒全部寫完,因為寫到很煩。黑暗版情人節,請勿模仿文中行為(?)
这是只属于梦里的童谣 三月份的傍晚,我难得的走出牢门去公园散步,也是时候该走出来了。我醉醺般的走着,走到石凳上躺下,昏昏沉沉却不想回狗窝,我躺在那里,夕阳从我眼前升起,但我依旧不想回去,只有这一次,我无视了监督人的规则,于
介紹Kenny Loggins、Bruce Springsteen、Richard Marx、Bryan Adams、Huey Lewis、Rod Stewart、John Mellencamp、David Bowie、Corey Hart,這11位80年代知名的搖滾男歌手及其歌曲賞析。
今天來跟各位介紹幾位相對小眾的西洋男歌手,他們的每首歌都品味在線、品質保證,光是他們自己出的歌就夠讓人循環播放一整天! 重點是他們不僅唱歌好聽,還既年輕又長得好看,實在是讓人太羨慕啦。
免費星座 · 出生圖(納塔爾圖) · 太陽標誌星座(黃道帶標誌) · 月亮標誌(農曆標誌) · 上升的標誌(線上計算器)
演出者:Chris Isaak 收錄專輯: Heart Shaped World 發行時間: 1989 年 The world was on fire, 世界陷入火海 And no-one could save me but you. 除了你之外沒人能拯救我 With you 我不想愛上你
第一集的結尾就配上了這首《I'm Not The Only One》作為配樂,聽了真的是哭到停不下來,因此也循環撥放了好多天,因此想記錄與分享,也就順手翻譯了歌詞。這首歌也許註記了失戀階段到此的另一個狀態,悲傷與心碎,但旋律與配樂中,卻終於能去貼記那燈火通明的樣子,終於可以告訴自己要早點走出來
/ 大家現在出門買東西還會帶錢包嗎 鴨鴨發現自己好像快一個禮拜沒帶錢包出門 還是可以天天買滿買好回家(? 因此為了記錄手機消費跟各種紅利優惠 鴨鴨都會特別注意銀行的App好不好用! 像是介面設計就是會很在意的地方 很多銀行通常會為了要滿足不同客群 會推出很多App讓使用者下載 每次
新詩合集-2023   每個月的十四號都是一種情人節!   但我寫到九月(包括五月二十)就沒寫了,當初因為一點技術性障礙,所以將七月、八月合在一起寫。   每一首都是一個故事,皆為虛構,與本人無關,如有雷同,純屬雷同。   為什麼沒全部寫完,因為寫到很煩。黑暗版情人節,請勿模仿文中行為(?)
这是只属于梦里的童谣 三月份的傍晚,我难得的走出牢门去公园散步,也是时候该走出来了。我醉醺般的走着,走到石凳上躺下,昏昏沉沉却不想回狗窝,我躺在那里,夕阳从我眼前升起,但我依旧不想回去,只有这一次,我无视了监督人的规则,于
介紹Kenny Loggins、Bruce Springsteen、Richard Marx、Bryan Adams、Huey Lewis、Rod Stewart、John Mellencamp、David Bowie、Corey Hart,這11位80年代知名的搖滾男歌手及其歌曲賞析。
今天來跟各位介紹幾位相對小眾的西洋男歌手,他們的每首歌都品味在線、品質保證,光是他們自己出的歌就夠讓人循環播放一整天! 重點是他們不僅唱歌好聽,還既年輕又長得好看,實在是讓人太羨慕啦。
免費星座 · 出生圖(納塔爾圖) · 太陽標誌星座(黃道帶標誌) · 月亮標誌(農曆標誌) · 上升的標誌(線上計算器)
演出者:Chris Isaak 收錄專輯: Heart Shaped World 發行時間: 1989 年 The world was on fire, 世界陷入火海 And no-one could save me but you. 除了你之外沒人能拯救我 With you 我不想愛上你
第一集的結尾就配上了這首《I'm Not The Only One》作為配樂,聽了真的是哭到停不下來,因此也循環撥放了好多天,因此想記錄與分享,也就順手翻譯了歌詞。這首歌也許註記了失戀階段到此的另一個狀態,悲傷與心碎,但旋律與配樂中,卻終於能去貼記那燈火通明的樣子,終於可以告訴自己要早點走出來