highestrespectsfor Master Wan Ko Yee's specialaccomplishment

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On April 3, 2008, a solemn and dignified book-launching ceremony was held at the Library of Congress of the United States; on occasion of the first release of a fact-recording book entitled H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, jointly published by the World Buddhism Publishing LLC and the World Dharma Voice, Inc. At the same time, the book was formally accepted into the collection of the Library of Congress of the United States. From then on, people came to know that the widely respected Master Wan Ko Yee, the one who has been recognized and corroborated through official written documents issued by top leaders, regent dharma kings, and great rinpoches of major Buddhist sects throughout the world; actually, is the third incarnation of Dorje Chang Buddha, the primordial Buddha. Ever since, people address the Buddha by the name Dorje Chang Buddha III. This is similar to the precedent regarding the name of Sakyamuni Buddha—before Sakyamuni Buddha attained Buddhahood, His name was Prince Siddhartha Gotama. Once Prince Siddhartha Gotama attained Buddhahood, He was thereafter addressed as “Namo Sakyamuni Buddha.”
On December 12, 2012, in the Senate Resolution No. 614 of the United States Congress, the title “His Holiness” was officially used with the name Dorje Chang Buddha III; the Buddha was addressed as “H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III.” Since then, the title H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III was definitively affirmed.
“Dorje Chang Buddha III” is a statutory name; used in all official documents issued by the United States Government; such as passport, identity card, and social security documents. The previous name “Wan Ko Yee” is no longer valid, with no legal-binding effect, and no longer recognized by governments. “Dorje Chang Buddha III” is the only name in use.

6 APRIL 1, 2000


His Magnificent Accomplishments Openly Serve as a Model for Others; His Many Honors Stir the World

The government of the State of California and the government of the City of San Francisco each declared March 8th as Master Wan Ko Yee Day. On March 13th the government of the City of San Francisco again expressed its highest respects for Master Wan Ko Yee's special accomplishments by conferring upon him more honors. These newest honors were conferred based upon the Master's position as the foremost Buddhist Master in the entire world and his tremendous achievements in the areas of art, ethics, scholarship and science.

In 1994 the Master was awarded the title of“Distinguished International Master" by the World Poets and Culture Congress, an organization composed of members from forty-eight different countries and regions. This title is conferred upon only one person in the world and is on the same level of honor as a head of state. The Distinguished International Master Certificate was signed by Juan Antonio Samaranch, the then President of the International Olympic Committee. The formal resolution conferring upon the Master such title was announced in Hungary on September 15, 1994 and formal written notification was sent to the State Council of the People's Republic of China and other government organs.

The central government of China built a museum in honor of the Master in the Master's hometown. In the entire history of China, this was the first museum ever built by the government of China in honor of someone who is still alive. The Master Wan Ko Yee Museum is a huge structure similar to an imperial palace and is divided into seven different sections.

The Master is extraordinarily accomplished in Chinese painting and calligraphy and has laid the groundwork for bringing Chinese painting to the international forum. He has won the highest respect of the Chinese and American people for having raised the level of culture and morality in the world, for his efforts in philosophy, for his contributions in advancing the cultural exchange between China and the United States, and for being a model of ethical conduct.

Thus, after the head of the City Council of San Francisco and ten City Council members held a meeting, they decided to jointly sign and confer upon Master Wan Ko Yee a certificate of honor for his special accomplishments. The city government of San Francisco also declared the Master an honorary citizen of San Francisco in order to express their great admiration for him.

What is most unusual is that Master Wan Ko Yee is not in the United States to accept

these distinctive honors. Nevertheless, his great learning, high ethics and magnificent

accomplishments cannot be covered up. He has been repeatedly honored by various

organizations throughout the United States such as the World Buddhism Association, the Tibetan Buddhism Association of America, the World Buddhism Jenn Fa Association, the California Assembly and the American League of Colleges and Universities which is composed of more than eighty colleges and universities.

All of this shows that Master Wan Ko Yee is a man of tremendous virtues, the likes of

whom are rarely seen in the history of mankind. People all over the world admire and emulate him.


cultivator的沙龍 的其他內容
His magnificent accomplishments openly serve as a model for others; his many honors stir the world
世界知名的佛法、藝術大師義雲高的「威震圖」今天以新台幣六千四百多萬元賣出,引起畫壇高度的重視,其實這是他修學佛法、開大智慧所獲得的工巧明之一。 事實上,他的十一幅作品早在一九七八年即參加美國費城的國際藝術展覽,中國大陸還專門修建了一座大型藝術博物館來陳列他的兩百多幅畫作。
Master Wan Ko Yee, an accomplished artist,philosopher and scientist was awarded by Governor Gray Davis proclaiming March8,2000 asMaster Wan Ko Yee Day
義雲高大師以獅群為主題「威震」畫作,今天在甄藏國際藝術有限公司由兩位律師見證下,以新台幣六千四百九十五萬元天價成交,創下世界中國書畫史在畫家最高成交紀錄。 甄藏國際公司指出,義雲高大師在一九九三年為四十八國共五千六百一十二名專家共同認定為「中國畫壇巨匠」,被世界學術機構授與「東方藝術大師」桂冠
His magnificent accomplishments openly serve as a model for others; his many honors stir the world
世界知名的佛法、藝術大師義雲高的「威震圖」今天以新台幣六千四百多萬元賣出,引起畫壇高度的重視,其實這是他修學佛法、開大智慧所獲得的工巧明之一。 事實上,他的十一幅作品早在一九七八年即參加美國費城的國際藝術展覽,中國大陸還專門修建了一座大型藝術博物館來陳列他的兩百多幅畫作。
Master Wan Ko Yee, an accomplished artist,philosopher and scientist was awarded by Governor Gray Davis proclaiming March8,2000 asMaster Wan Ko Yee Day
義雲高大師以獅群為主題「威震」畫作,今天在甄藏國際藝術有限公司由兩位律師見證下,以新台幣六千四百九十五萬元天價成交,創下世界中國書畫史在畫家最高成交紀錄。 甄藏國際公司指出,義雲高大師在一九九三年為四十八國共五千六百一十二名專家共同認定為「中國畫壇巨匠」,被世界學術機構授與「東方藝術大師」桂冠
Google News 追蹤
在創作的路上真的很多人問我說 到底要怎麼做出符合自己期待 但又可以表現得很有美感的作品?🥹 這個問題真的應該是每個創作者都一直在學習的課題吧!
2024年8月13日是偉大 蓮師聖誕吉祥日,觀音山特別提前於8月10日(六)舉辦慶讚法會,恭請慈悲 龍德上師主法「藏密始祖 蓮花生大士 薈供法會」,歡迎十方善信法友把握殊勝明淨月期間一千萬倍功德增長,登記「除障祿位」、「超薦蓮位」及「護持薈供供品」,供養上師三寶,修福無量。
觀音山 會員在活動期間,發心隨喜護持──西藏三大寺之供燈、貼金、供法衣(三項)皆圓滿,即可參加限量100幅「如我一般蓮師像」幸運護持功德主結緣活動。光是恭敬凝視 蓮師的雙眼就能消除無量罪業,何況是能供奉慈悲 龍德上師親自加持開光之 蓮師,祈請 蓮師加持必定更為靈感立現!
An exemplar: someone who modeled an exemplary way of being. (S)He showed you what was possible. 如同孟母三遷告訴我們要慎選成長環境,《Clear Thinking-Turning Ordinary
龍德上師珍貴法語:必須經過學習、實踐,方能體悟佛法的殊勝與必需。Lung Du Yung Jing Rinpoche
On April 18, during the Water and Land Dharma Service, I received a special gift from Mother Cheng, the mother of Venerable C, affectionately known as
2024年2月19日欣逢偉大 蓮師成道紀念日暨大成就者 湯東佳波聖誕吉祥日。偉大 蓮花生大士為藏密始祖,殊勝法教照破輪涅、摧滅三有,功德事業無量無邊,猶如金剛日輪。蓮師的教法極為具力,蓮師曾親口開示:僅僅以信心每日持誦 蓮師心咒百遍不間斷,便能招感「豐饒食物,財寶福祿,無庸費力,悉皆降臨。」
我們觀音山 中華大悲法藏佛教會(大悲法藏)的具恩德祖師—阿貝仁波切,住世的時候對佛法的教法的通達,戒律精嚴,可說是無人出其右。許多偉大上師的上師、傳承宗教領袖法王,都在阿貝仁波切的座前受過殊勝的教法。
龍德上師法脈傳承──偉大祖師 究給企千法王 離我們最近的一尊佛!觀音山中華大悲法藏佛教會清淨傳承法脈的大恩祖師,薩迦察派「無上密道果不共傳承藏持者」尊貴的當代大成就者──金剛持 究給企千法王 偉大傳承祖師、當代成就者,一切具大證量上師的根本上師——偉大的 究給企千法王,即是兼具慈悲與智慧
南投縣國姓鄉大慈禪寺 ,由達傳長老開山。地址在:「南投縣國姓鄉大長路584之20號」 現在為第二任住持真智法師接棒弘法利生。 全寺採用仿唐式建築風格。 設計寧靜幽雅 二樓大殿供奉華嚴三聖: 註:華嚴三聖,又稱釋迦三尊,指佛教《華嚴經》中華藏世界的三位佛、菩
在創作的路上真的很多人問我說 到底要怎麼做出符合自己期待 但又可以表現得很有美感的作品?🥹 這個問題真的應該是每個創作者都一直在學習的課題吧!
2024年8月13日是偉大 蓮師聖誕吉祥日,觀音山特別提前於8月10日(六)舉辦慶讚法會,恭請慈悲 龍德上師主法「藏密始祖 蓮花生大士 薈供法會」,歡迎十方善信法友把握殊勝明淨月期間一千萬倍功德增長,登記「除障祿位」、「超薦蓮位」及「護持薈供供品」,供養上師三寶,修福無量。
觀音山 會員在活動期間,發心隨喜護持──西藏三大寺之供燈、貼金、供法衣(三項)皆圓滿,即可參加限量100幅「如我一般蓮師像」幸運護持功德主結緣活動。光是恭敬凝視 蓮師的雙眼就能消除無量罪業,何況是能供奉慈悲 龍德上師親自加持開光之 蓮師,祈請 蓮師加持必定更為靈感立現!
An exemplar: someone who modeled an exemplary way of being. (S)He showed you what was possible. 如同孟母三遷告訴我們要慎選成長環境,《Clear Thinking-Turning Ordinary
龍德上師珍貴法語:必須經過學習、實踐,方能體悟佛法的殊勝與必需。Lung Du Yung Jing Rinpoche
On April 18, during the Water and Land Dharma Service, I received a special gift from Mother Cheng, the mother of Venerable C, affectionately known as
2024年2月19日欣逢偉大 蓮師成道紀念日暨大成就者 湯東佳波聖誕吉祥日。偉大 蓮花生大士為藏密始祖,殊勝法教照破輪涅、摧滅三有,功德事業無量無邊,猶如金剛日輪。蓮師的教法極為具力,蓮師曾親口開示:僅僅以信心每日持誦 蓮師心咒百遍不間斷,便能招感「豐饒食物,財寶福祿,無庸費力,悉皆降臨。」
我們觀音山 中華大悲法藏佛教會(大悲法藏)的具恩德祖師—阿貝仁波切,住世的時候對佛法的教法的通達,戒律精嚴,可說是無人出其右。許多偉大上師的上師、傳承宗教領袖法王,都在阿貝仁波切的座前受過殊勝的教法。
龍德上師法脈傳承──偉大祖師 究給企千法王 離我們最近的一尊佛!觀音山中華大悲法藏佛教會清淨傳承法脈的大恩祖師,薩迦察派「無上密道果不共傳承藏持者」尊貴的當代大成就者──金剛持 究給企千法王 偉大傳承祖師、當代成就者,一切具大證量上師的根本上師——偉大的 究給企千法王,即是兼具慈悲與智慧
南投縣國姓鄉大慈禪寺 ,由達傳長老開山。地址在:「南投縣國姓鄉大長路584之20號」 現在為第二任住持真智法師接棒弘法利生。 全寺採用仿唐式建築風格。 設計寧靜幽雅 二樓大殿供奉華嚴三聖: 註:華嚴三聖,又稱釋迦三尊,指佛教《華嚴經》中華藏世界的三位佛、菩