He Has Caused Chinese Paintings to be Respected in the West

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On April 3, 2008, a solemn and dignified book-launching ceremony was held at the Library of Congress of the United States; on occasion of the first release of a fact-recording book entitled H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, jointly published by the World Buddhism Publishing LLC and the World Dharma Voice, Inc. At the same time, the book was formally accepted into the collection of the Library of Congress of the United States. From then on, people came to know that the widely respected Master Wan Ko Yee, the one who has been recognized and corroborated through official written documents issued by top leaders, regent dharma kings, and great rinpoches of major Buddhist sects throughout the world; actually, is the third incarnation of Dorje Chang Buddha, the primordial Buddha. Ever since, people address the Buddha by the name Dorje Chang Buddha III. This is similar to the precedent regarding the name of Sakyamuni Buddha—before Sakyamuni Buddha attained Buddhahood, His name was Prince Siddhartha Gotama. Once Prince Siddhartha Gotama attained Buddhahood, He was thereafter addressed as “Namo Sakyamuni Buddha.”
On December 12, 2012, in the Senate Resolution No. 614 of the United States Congress, the title “His Holiness” was officially used with the name Dorje Chang Buddha III; the Buddha was addressed as “H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III.” Since then, the title H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III was definitively affirmed.
“Dorje Chang Buddha III” is a statutory name; used in all official documents issued by the United States Government; such as passport, identity card, and social security documents. The previous name “Wan Ko Yee” is no longer valid, with no legal-binding effect, and no longer recognized by governments. “Dorje Chang Buddha III” is the only name in use.




News                                                  May 31, 2000  7


He Has Caused Chinese Paintings

to be Respected in the West

He is the One Who Laid the Foundation for Chinese Paintings

to Enter the International Forum

    The World Poets and Cultural Congress, Composed of 5,612 experts and scholars, concluded that Master Wan Ko Yee is the one who laid the foundation for Chinese Paintings to enter the international forum. This Congress conferred upon the Master the title of the world’s only “Distinguished International Master.”

The government of mainland China built a huge museum in order to display Master Wan Ko Yee’s calligraphy, paintings and other works. This is the only museum ever built in the world in honor of someone who is still alive.

    Although Chinese paintings are well known in international art circles, such paintings have never really received the respect of the West. There has been a great difference in the price of Chinese paintings as compared to Western paintings. Thus, certain pejorative terms have been used in international art circles to describe Chinese paintings in general.For the past few thousand years, Chinese paintings have not enjoyed any real status or real critical acclaim in international art circles. It seems as if Chinese paintings in general have been the “sick man of Asia” and that people viewed them as being basically all the same.

    Although Master Wan Ko Yee is regarded as the most outstanding artist, he is, after all, an artist who paints Chinese Paintings. But what can one really say about the treatment of Chinese paintings in international art circles? Such Paintings have been regarded as inferior. Nevertheless, something quite extraordinary has happened. Master Wan Ko Yee has truly become the one who has laid the foundation for Chinese paintings to enter the international forum. Not only has he laid this foundation, he has also become the one who has caused Chinese Paintings to surpass Western paintings.

    On May 28th, Unique Art Collections International Co., Ltd. auctioned Master Wan Ko Yee’s painting entitled “Majesty” for a price of US$2,125,327. This has shocked the entire world of art. No Western painter living in the world today can command such a high price for his paintings. Master Wan Ko Yee has ended the few thousand year old era in which Chinese paintings were disregarded or neglected in favor of Western paintings. Chinese paintings are now respected. They are no longer viewed as being inferior.

    Why are the paintings of Master Wan Ko Yee so expensive? Why are his paintings at least ten times more expensive than the paintings of famous Chinese artists throughout history? Because Master Wan Ko Yee has absorbed the quintessence of several different areas of knowledge. Thus, he has become the most outstanding artist. The style of his paintings are grand, elegant and full of life. His paintings exhibit his profound knowledge and artistic skills, which are unmatched in the entire world. There has been no artist in Chinese history, no matter how great the artist may have been, who reached the status and degree of accomplishment reached by Master Wan Ko Yee. The following are examples of his status and accomplishments:

    First, Master Wan Ko Yee was conferred the title of the world’s only “Distinguished International Master” by an organization composed of 5,612 experts and scholars from 48 different countries and regions. This position has the same level of honor as a head of state. The Distinguished International Master Certificate was personally signed by Juan Antonio Samaranch, then president of the International Olympic Committee. Master Wan Ko Yee is the only artist in the world with this accomplishment.

    Second, the government of the State of California and the government of the City of San Francisco each proclaimed March 8, 2000 as Master Wan Ko Yee Day. Master Wan Ko Yee is the only artist in the world with such accomplishment.

    Third, the government of mainland China built the Master Wan Ko Yee Museum in order to display the Master’s works. It has seven different sections and is similar to an imperial palace. This huge museum, which honors the accomplishments of one who is still alive, is unprecedented and unique. Throughout all of history, the Chinese government never built a museum in honor of someone who is still alive except when it built this museum.

    Fourth, 2,137 outstanding Buddhist monks, nuns and laymen, representing 416 different associations and temples all over the world, confirmed by vote that Master Wan Ko Yee is a Master who practices orthodox and correct Buddhism and who has mastered both exoteric and esoteric Buddhism. These Points were confirmed by 99.6% of the 2,137 votes cast. Master Wan Ko Yee is the only artist in the world with such accomplishment.

    Fifth, the World Buddhism Association verifies and guarantees the authenticity of the Master’s painting. Whenever one of the Master’s authentic paintings is sold at an auction, there will be s small scroll which comes with the painting. In this scroll, there will be a seal of the World Buddhism Association and the signature of its Chairman in order to guarantee the painting’s genuineness. There is no other artist in the world with such a guarantee of authenticity.

    Sixth, Master Wan Ko Yee has received honorary doctorate degree from 92 different colleges and universities. Four of these schools have also conferred upon him the title of professor. Master Wan Ko Yee is the only artist in the world with such accomplishment.

    For all of these reason, Master Wan Ko Yee has truly become the one who has laid the foundation for Chinese paintings to enter the international forum. Master Wan Ko Yee has brought respect to Chinese paintings in international art circles. No longer will such circles look down upon Chinese paintings. Chinese paintings can now truly be called the shining crystal of the 5,000 year old Chinese culture. Master Wan Ko Yee is the greatest painter of Chinese paintings in all of Chinese history!


感悟生命: 賞賜的是耶和華,收取的也是祂 The Lord Gave and HE Has Taken Away時光讓很多東西成為一張張照片,仿佛讓我們看得見地上的日子的盡頭。在我們身邊,每天總有些相知與不相知的人被告知患終末病痛或睡去。雖然我們在人看上去,生命有長有短,有前有后,有老有少,但這一切都掌握在神的手中。“我赤身出於母胎,也必赤身歸回;賞賜的是耶和華,收取的也是耶和華。耶和華的名是應當稱頌的。”(
Eric H
He Say: 小人退散!賤同事滾遠點上班不過是為了求個溫飽,為何同事之間都得勾心鬥角,什麼都得計較?遇上馬屁精?一出錯就把責任撇得一乾二淨的?搶業績搶客戶從不手軟的?成天負能量上身、不停抱怨的?還是裝模作樣、背地裡講你壞話的?相信大家都曾在職場上遇過這類的賤同事,防不勝防,動不動就被氣得半死。
He Say: 裁員潮再起, 千萬別吹向我前陣子社群媒體龍頭臉書啟動第二輪裁員,一覺醒來,一萬人丟了工作;一名去年7月才剛升官的女性主管不滿表示,進入夢寐以求的公司、順利升遷,正在執行重要專案,豈知……簡單一封電子郵件,就讓一萬人丟了飯碗。職場如戰場,冷血又無情,六七年級生應該都對2008年金融風暴引發大規模裁員印象深刻。
He Say : 另一半外遇,該怎麼辦?當你發現另一半移情別戀、有了小王或是小三時,該怎麼辦?問我?簡單,如果我老婆跟別的男人有染,那我就要比她更狠,她跟一個男的出軌,「No Big Deal !」我就跟五個,不,跟十個女生交往,Who怕Who!
He Say : 萬一 剛被起訴的川普是你老闆在這樣高壓的環境工作,伴君如伴虎,個個都繃緊神經、拿出看家本領求表現。有時,我真希望我爸能學一點川普的膽勢,那怕只有萬分之一都好,為什麼?
He Say: 另一半AA制中毒太深怎麼辦?婚前,男生追女生,在金錢上大方一點,也不為過,有時要贏得美人歸,不花點錢、下點重本,還真的是困難重重呢。若是男女雙方在交往期間走AA制,我也不反對,今天你請我,下次我請你,大致公平;要分手呢,至少也不會覺得虧到了,是吧?
「He and I go back to the 1990's」不是說我跟他回到過去喔!看到標題,如果你以為是要坐時光機回到90年代,那就誤會大了。那句話其實是說他跟我是90年代就相識的朋友了,可是外國人為什麼要用這種方式講呢?我們先從另一個更常聽到的句子講起。
你的英日語自學導師 譯難忘  ོꦿ༄꧁꧂
Tâi-gí bûn-jī hē-thóng soán-te̍kSui-jiân kóng chit-ê kháu-chō khui kàu-taⁿ mā chiah tē saⁿ phiⁿ bûn-chiong, góa ēng Pe̍h-ōe-jī su-siá ê khì-tô͘ èng-kai sī khòaⁿ-hiān-hiān ê tāi-chì.
he 與「他」及 she 與「她」的轉換密碼漢語如華語的「他」、「她」、「它」若完全只依照發音拼音或注音爲 ta、ta、ta 或 ㄊㄚ、ㄊㄚ、ㄊㄚ 來表示的話,可說是完全無法像 English 的 he、she、it 足以區別出三個字的指稱對象及各別意義,可見西方文化之拼音文字的發展也不是ㄧ天兩天的事情,絕不是直接把口語發音拿來拼音就沒事了。