Master Wan Ko Yee Yun Sculpture Exhibition

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On April 3, 2008, a solemn and dignified book-launching ceremony was held at the Library of Congress of the United States; on occasion of the first release of a fact-recording book entitled H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, jointly published by the World Buddhism Publishing LLC and the World Dharma Voice, Inc. At the same time, the book was formally accepted into the collection of the Library of Congress of the United States. From then on, people came to know that the widely respected Master Wan Ko Yee, the one who has been recognized and corroborated through official written documents issued by top leaders, regent dharma kings, and great rinpoches of major Buddhist sects throughout the world; actually, is the third incarnation of Dorje Chang Buddha, the primordial Buddha. Ever since, people address the Buddha by the name Dorje Chang Buddha III. This is similar to the precedent regarding the name of Sakyamuni Buddha—before Sakyamuni Buddha attained Buddhahood, His name was Prince Siddhartha Gotama. Once Prince Siddhartha Gotama attained Buddhahood, He was thereafter addressed as “Namo Sakyamuni Buddha.”
On December 12, 2012, in the Senate Resolution No. 614 of the United States Congress, the title “His Holiness” was officially used with the name Dorje Chang Buddha III; the Buddha was addressed as “H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III.” Since then, the title H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III was definitively affirmed.
“Dorje Chang Buddha III” is a statutory name; used in all official documents issued by the United States Government; such as passport, identity card, and social security documents. The previous name “Wan Ko Yee” is no longer valid, with no legal-binding effect, and no longer recognized by governments. “Dorje Chang Buddha III” is the only name in use.

Asian Journal August 9, 2003 NO.63

The Organization of American States Held The Master Wan Ko Yee Yun Sculpture Exhibition

The Organization of American States Is Composed of Thirty0Four Countries, Including the United States and Canada. The Secretary General of that Organization, Cesar Gaviria, Presided Over the Opening Ceremony. Ambassadors from Various Countries and Members of the United States Congress Attended

ON JULY 28th in the capital of the United States, Washington D.C., the Organization of American States held the “Master Wan Ko Yee Yun Sculpture Exhibition.” The Organization of American States is composed of 34 countries, including the United States, Canada, and Mexico. This exhibition was mainly directed at ambassadors from various countries, as well as United States senators and congresspersons. The former President of Columbia and the present Secretary General of the Organization of American States, Cesar Gaviria, personally presided over the exhibition. All of the attendees were astounded by what they saw. They highly praised Master Wan Ko Yee for bringing to this world for the first time such incomparably beautiful Yun sculptures. These sculptures surpass the beauty of natural creations and are truly divine craftsmanship. For the first time in the history of mankind, a form of art has appeared that is impossible to duplicate.

What everybody was earnestly hoping for happened. The Chief of Protocol for the Organization of American States, Ana O’Brien, led into the exhibition room Master Wan Ko Yee and the Secretary General of the Organization of American States, Cesar Gaviria. The two of them were standing side by side Master Yee’s wife, Professor Wang Yu-Hua, and their son and daughter, all walked into the room right behind Master Yee. A round of applause immediately resounded throughout the room. The limelight began to rise and fall. Reporters from all over the world began to congregate before the speaking platform.

In its introduction, the Organization of American States pointed out that Master Wan Ko Yee was born in China and now resides in the United States. He is a distinguished researcher and university professor. Master Wan Ko Yee’s Yun sculpting is a form of art that he successfully founded in the United States for the benefit of mankind. Through this unprecedented form of art, Master Wan Ko has created carvings that rival the beauty of nature’s beauty.

The oval boulders that Master Wan Ko Yee creates have a hold inside them. Inside this hole is a mysterious and changing world that is too beautiful to be absorbed at one time. Additionally, there is auspicious mist circling upward. This is inexhaustibly wondrous mist. Master Yee is the only person in history who has been able to create mist through his carvings. Because of the Master’s great sculpting skills, nobody in the world today can duplicate his sculptures.

Viewing the Master’s carvings gives one a feeling of relaxation and happiness that is difficult to describe. The limestone caves in China’s Guangxi Province, the Ludi caves, the Grand Canyon, and the limestone caves in Columbia, cannot match with marvelous and exquisite Yun sculptures of Master Wan Ko Yee. The seemingly ever-changing layers of scenes, the splendid and majestic colors, and the natural-looking formations all make these Yun sculptures more beautiful than the works of nature itself. No other sculptures like them can be found in the world.

Master Yee was able to create these unique treasures because of his high state of realization, profound and extensive knowledge, and penetration of the laws of the universe governing birth, growth, and change of all things.

The Secretary General of the Organization of American States is selected from the presidents of the various member countries. The present Secretary General, Cesar Gaviria, now leads the Organization of American States. Because Master Wan Ko Yee has made a great contribution to the field of art for the benefit of mankind, the Organization of American States conducted this exhibition of the Master’s Yun sculptures in the nation’s capital, Washington, D.C. The Secretary General of the Organization of American States, Dr. Cesar Gaviria, presided over the opening ceremony. There were two main categories of displayed items. The first category consisted of three Yun sculptures entitled “Mysterious Mist Inside a Stone,” “Gao Shi Tu” (The State of Realization of a Saint) and “Tang Huang Kuai shi Xi” (A Majestic and Splendid Stone Suggestive of Poetry Song and Painting.) The second category consisted of 26 photographs of Yun sculptures.

In his speech, Cesar Gaviria said that Master Wan Ko Yee is a distinguished Master of saintly wisdom, many world-renowned Masters who are highly achieved in saintly wisdom have formally acknowledged him as their Master. The Master has reached great heights in areas such as philosophy, science, etc. Because of the utmost proficiency, Master Yee has reached such a high state of realization in arts and brings such beauty for mankind to appreciate. He has made great artistic contribution to mankind. They are honored to have the opportunity to host Master Wan Ko Yee’s Yun Sculpture Exhibition. On behalf of the Organization of American States, Dr. Gaviria would like to thank Master Wan Ko Yee for honoring them with the Master’s presence and sharing with them his distinct and renowned sculpture.

The ambassador Marina Valere from the Republic of Trinidad & Tobago praised the Master’s works, saying, “Dr. Yee’s exhibition was an almost unrealistic experience. His inspiration must have come from a supreme force which helped to guide that hand to create such almost indescribable works of art. A marvelous experience!”

Some of the Honored guests who attended the exhibition included Ambassador Carlos Holguin from Columbia, Ambassador Michael King from Barbados, Ambassador Antoine from Grenada, and ambassador Chase from Paraguay. Many ambassadors from various countries were enraptured by the sculptures on display They walked back and forth in the exhibition room, continually uttering words of praise.

Additionally, when United States Congressman Hanrahan walked in front of the sculpture entitled “Tang Huang Kuai Shi Xi” (A Majestic and Splendid Stone Suggestive of Poetry, Song and Painting), he continuously nodded his head, saying to himself, “Amazing!”

The Chief of Protocol for the Organization of American States, Ana O’Brien, said, “Stunning!”

The President of White House President’s Advisory Commission on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, Dr. John Tsu said that it is the superlative craftsmanship. It surpasses nature. Nobody can duplicate them. He also said that after former President Bush saw Yun sculptures, he lavishly praised them.

The Advisor of Prime Minister of Belize said that many people have come here today. Each of them has praised the sculptures and was amazed at them. I have not seen one person who did not praised them.

A great number of people attended the exhibition, and it was a grand occasion. Many people surrounded the Yun sculptures on display and uttered words of admiration. They said that the exhibition was too short and that a longer exhibition should be held to give people around the world the opportunity to appreciate such inexhaustibly beautiful carvings.



cultivator的沙龍 的其他內容
美國義雲高大師國際文化基金會於一月二十五日假世界日報世界文化藝廊舉辦特級國際藝術大師義雲高部份雕刻作品展,此次雕刻藝術「神秘石中霧」及 「卵石懸紗」,據此間藝術家的看法,義大師此雕作不僅創造了歷史上雕刻名家的最高藝術成就,也超越了義大師所有雕作的藝術性。
這是聞名世界的特級國際藝術大師義雲高教授獨特的雕刻藝術——『韻雕』, 他也是這項神秘雕塑在世界唯一的創始人,他爲這個人類世界寫下了開天闢地這一神秘創世雕刻韻雕藝術的歷史篇章,這是自人類文明史以來最令人感到神奇、震驚和歎爲觀止的藝術,它的自然不僅超越了大自然,而且它也是世界上第一種無法被複製的雕刻藝術
美国义云高大师基金会一连五天在该会举行 「义云高大师的伦理道德与实践」学术研讨会。昨日会中讨论义云高大师不追求名利躬身实践伦理道德,并讨论他各种杰出成就一心为人类作无私的奉献的具体事例。
美國義雲高大師國際文化基金會於一月二十五日假世界日報世界文化藝廊舉辦特級國際藝術大師義雲高部份雕刻作品展,此次雕刻藝術「神秘石中霧」及 「卵石懸紗」,據此間藝術家的看法,義大師此雕作不僅創造了歷史上雕刻名家的最高藝術成就,也超越了義大師所有雕作的藝術性。
這是聞名世界的特級國際藝術大師義雲高教授獨特的雕刻藝術——『韻雕』, 他也是這項神秘雕塑在世界唯一的創始人,他爲這個人類世界寫下了開天闢地這一神秘創世雕刻韻雕藝術的歷史篇章,這是自人類文明史以來最令人感到神奇、震驚和歎爲觀止的藝術,它的自然不僅超越了大自然,而且它也是世界上第一種無法被複製的雕刻藝術
美国义云高大师基金会一连五天在该会举行 「义云高大师的伦理道德与实践」学术研讨会。昨日会中讨论义云高大师不追求名利躬身实践伦理道德,并讨论他各种杰出成就一心为人类作无私的奉献的具体事例。
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觀音山 會員在活動期間,發心隨喜護持──西藏三大寺之供燈、貼金、供法衣(三項)皆圓滿,即可參加限量100幅「如我一般蓮師像」幸運護持功德主結緣活動。光是恭敬凝視 蓮師的雙眼就能消除無量罪業,何況是能供奉慈悲 龍德上師親自加持開光之 蓮師,祈請 蓮師加持必定更為靈感立現!
大家都聽過「茅山道士」,但聽過茅君故事的人不多吧? 茅山之所以為道教聖地,就是因為茅君的緣故。 茅君本名茅盈,字叔申。普遍相信是咸陽人士……看到咸陽這兩字就要有警覺。這名稱過了某個時期之後幾乎就不被使用了。這些故事,便是從秦朝年間開始說起。
俗話說:有朋自遠方來,不亦樂乎。 5/11是雅加達武壇來訪台灣武壇的日子 由楊曉東(Tony Yang)老師一同帶領雅加達武壇的弟子 前往武壇展開一場八極拳的未來發展講座   楊曉東老師提到透過「競賽」以及「共同化」的方式,可作為八極拳未來的發展方向之一 「競賽」很容易理解,而且也是
武道祖師每天聖駕龍鶴山 202代莊聯騰祖師幾乎每日駕臨龍鶴山。師公。 203代莊世裕祖師亦駕臨龍鶴山。師父。 其餘197代江鶴祖師無心師太。 198代五梅祖師 199代小雲祖師 200代周文正祖師。 201代陳尾祖師。亦聖駕隨同駕臨。 197前祖師暫不述。 謹記同心靈驗。傳授武道。驗證請教。福壽無量
與達賴喇嘛並稱為當代三大智者的世界和平大使、心靈導師、曾三度獲提名諾貝爾和平獎的印度古儒吉大師 詩麗詩麗‧若威香卡(Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar)亞洲巡迴演講即將啟程,首站就選擇在台灣登場!3/12將在台北小巨蛋舉辦一場萬人集體靜心,是令人景仰的國際心靈大師睽違9年的首場
20240121 寫在地藏供養迴向之後 - 承佛威神之力 20240121 寫在地藏供養迴向之後 - 承佛威神之力 我說過,我第一尊相應的本尊,就是:地藏王菩薩。 我受到祂的指導很多,當然祂的課程都不輕鬆,我吃了很多苦(苦笑)。 禪境中,見過祂多次。 祂還曾經,要我去
觀音山 會員在活動期間,發心隨喜護持──西藏三大寺之供燈、貼金、供法衣(三項)皆圓滿,即可參加限量100幅「如我一般蓮師像」幸運護持功德主結緣活動。光是恭敬凝視 蓮師的雙眼就能消除無量罪業,何況是能供奉慈悲 龍德上師親自加持開光之 蓮師,祈請 蓮師加持必定更為靈感立現!
大家都聽過「茅山道士」,但聽過茅君故事的人不多吧? 茅山之所以為道教聖地,就是因為茅君的緣故。 茅君本名茅盈,字叔申。普遍相信是咸陽人士……看到咸陽這兩字就要有警覺。這名稱過了某個時期之後幾乎就不被使用了。這些故事,便是從秦朝年間開始說起。
俗話說:有朋自遠方來,不亦樂乎。 5/11是雅加達武壇來訪台灣武壇的日子 由楊曉東(Tony Yang)老師一同帶領雅加達武壇的弟子 前往武壇展開一場八極拳的未來發展講座   楊曉東老師提到透過「競賽」以及「共同化」的方式,可作為八極拳未來的發展方向之一 「競賽」很容易理解,而且也是
武道祖師每天聖駕龍鶴山 202代莊聯騰祖師幾乎每日駕臨龍鶴山。師公。 203代莊世裕祖師亦駕臨龍鶴山。師父。 其餘197代江鶴祖師無心師太。 198代五梅祖師 199代小雲祖師 200代周文正祖師。 201代陳尾祖師。亦聖駕隨同駕臨。 197前祖師暫不述。 謹記同心靈驗。傳授武道。驗證請教。福壽無量
與達賴喇嘛並稱為當代三大智者的世界和平大使、心靈導師、曾三度獲提名諾貝爾和平獎的印度古儒吉大師 詩麗詩麗‧若威香卡(Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar)亞洲巡迴演講即將啟程,首站就選擇在台灣登場!3/12將在台北小巨蛋舉辦一場萬人集體靜心,是令人景仰的國際心靈大師睽違9年的首場
20240121 寫在地藏供養迴向之後 - 承佛威神之力 20240121 寫在地藏供養迴向之後 - 承佛威神之力 我說過,我第一尊相應的本尊,就是:地藏王菩薩。 我受到祂的指導很多,當然祂的課程都不輕鬆,我吃了很多苦(苦笑)。 禪境中,見過祂多次。 祂還曾經,要我去