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  1. Affluent
    • 字首: Aff- (to), -lu- (flow), -ent (having)
    • 解釋: 富裕的
    • 例句: The neighborhood is known for its affluent residents.
  2. Circumvent
    • 字首: Circum- (around), -vent (come)
    • 解釋: 迴避,繞行
    • 例句: The team found a way to circumvent the obstacles.
  3. Coalesce
    • 字根: Co- (together), -alesc- (grow)
    • 解釋: 聚合,合併
    • 例句: Ideas from different team members coalesce into a comprehensive plan.
  4. Collaborate
    • 字首: Col- (together), -lab- (work), -orate (verb suffix)
    • 解釋: 合作
    • 例句: The two companies decided to collaborate on a new project.
  5. Debilitate
    • 字首: De- (down), -bilit- (weaken), -ate (verb suffix)
    • 解釋: 使虛弱
    • 例句: The illness debilitated his strength.
  6. Eloquent
    • 字首: E- (out), -loqu- (speak), -ent (having)
    • 解釋: 雄辯的
    • 例句: The speaker delivered an eloquent speech that captivated the audience.
  7. Exacerbate
    • 字首: Ex- (out), -acerb- (harsh), -ate (verb suffix)
    • 解釋: 加劇,惡化
    • 例句: His comments only served to exacerbate the tension in the room.
  8. Exemplary
    • 字首: Ex- (out), -empl- (take), -ary (adjective suffix)
    • 解釋: 模範的
    • 例句: Her exemplary leadership qualities inspired the entire team.
  9. Expeditious
    • 字首: Ex- (out), -ped- (foot), -itious (adjective suffix)
    • 解釋: 迅速的
    • 例句: The team completed the project in an expeditious manner.
  10. Ineffable
    • 字首: In- (not), -eff- (utter), -able (adjective suffix)
    • 解釋: 無法形容的
    • 例句: The beauty of the sunset was ineffable.
  11. Meticulous
    • 字根: Meti- (fear), -cul- (little), -ous (adjective suffix)
    • 解釋: 一絲不苟的
    • 例句: The artist was meticulous in every brushstroke, creating a masterpiece.
  12. Mitigate
    • 字首: Mit- (soften), -ig- (action), -ate (verb suffix)
    • 解釋: 減輕,緩和
    • 例句: Planting more trees can help mitigate the impact of climate change.
  13. Pertinent
    • 字首: Per- (through), -tin- (hold), -ent (having)
    • 解釋: 相關的,適切的
    • 例句: The data provided is pertinent to the research question.
  14. Precarious
    • 字首: Pre- (before), -car- (fall), -ious (adjective suffix)
    • 解釋: 危險的,不穩定的
    • 例句: The hiker found himself in a precarious situation on the steep cliff.
  15. Rejuvenate
    • 字首: Re- (again), -juven- (young), -ate (verb suffix)
    • 解釋: 使恢復活力
    • 例句: A relaxing vacation can rejuvenate your mind and body.
  16. Substantiate
    • 字首: Sub- (under), -stant- (stand), -iate (verb suffix)
    • 解釋: 證實,確立
    • 例句: The research included evidence to substantiate the claims.
  17. Synchronize
    • 字首: Syn- (together), -chron- (time), -ize (verb suffix)
    • 解釋: 同步
    • 例句: The dancers worked hard to synchronize their movements.
  18. Truncate
    • 字首: Trunc- (cut off), -ate (verb suffix)
    • 解釋: 截短,縮短
    • 例句: Due to time constraints, the presentation had to be truncated.
  19. Ubiquity
    • 字根/字首: Ubiqu- (everywhere), -ity (noun suffix)
    • 解釋: 無所不在
    • 例句: The ubiquity of social media has changed how we communicate.
  20. Unprecedented
    • 字首: Un- (not), -precedent- (before), -ed (past tense suffix)
    • 解釋: 空前的
    • 例句: The discovery of the new species was unprecedented in scientific history.
  21. Voracious
    • 字根: Vorac- (devour)
    • 解釋: 貪婪的,狼吞虎嚥的
    • 例句: The voracious reader finished the book in one sitting.
  22. Adroit
    • 字首: A- (to), -droit (right)
    • 解釋: 靈巧的,熟練的
    • 例句: The chef was adroit in handling kitchen tools.
  23. Aloof
    • 字首: A- (not), -loof (windward)
    • 解釋: 冷漠的,疏遠的
    • 例句: She remained aloof from the office gossip.
  24. Benevolent
    • 字首: Bene- (good), -vol- (wish), -ent (having)
    • 解釋: 仁慈的,善心的
    • 例句: The philanthropist made a benevolent contribution to the charity.
  25. Cacophony
    • 字首: Ca- (bad), -cophony (sound)
    • 解釋: 刺耳的噪音
    • 例句: The cacophony of traffic disrupted the peaceful evening.
  26. Debilitate
    • 字首: De- (down), -bilit- (weaken), -ate (verb suffix)
    • 解釋: 使虛弱
    • 例句: The illness debilitated his strength.
  27. Ephemeral
    • 字首: Ep- (on), -hemer- (day), -al (related to)
    • 解釋: 短暫的,朝生暮死的
    • 例句: The beauty of cherry blossoms is ephemeral, lasting only a few days.
  28. Exacerbate
    • 字首: Ex- (out), -acerb- (harsh), -ate (verb suffix)
    • 解釋: 加劇,惡化
    • 例句: His comments only served to exacerbate the tension in the room.
  29. Fathom
    • 字首: Fa- (to), -thom (measure)
    • 解釋: 理解,深刻認識
    • 例句: It's hard to fathom the depth of the ocean.
  30. Garrulous
    • 字首: Gar- (talkative), -ulous (adjective suffix)
    • 解釋: 喋喋不休的
    • 例句: The garrulous neighbor always had something to say.

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