10 Adorable Ways to Decorate Your Cute Journal

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Decorating a journal can be a fun and creative way to personalize your writing experience.

Whether you're a seasoned journaler or just starting out, adding some adorable touches to your journal can make it even more special.

In this article, we will explore 10 adorable ways to decorate your cute journal.

1. Washi Tape

Washi tape is a versatile and colorful adhesive tape that can be used to add pops of color and patterns to your journal.

You can use it to create borders, frames, or even to highlight important sections of your writing.

With a wide variety of designs available, you can easily find washi tape that matches your personal style.

Using Washi Tape to Create Borders

To create a border using washi tape, simply measure the length of the page and cut a strip of tape to fit.

Carefully adhere the tape along the edges of the page, making sure to smooth out any air bubbles.

Repeat this process on each page to create a cohesive look throughout your journal.

Using Washi Tape to Highlight Important Sections

If you want to draw attention to specific sections of your journal, you can use washi tape to create tabs or flags.

Cut a small piece of tape and fold it in half, leaving a portion sticking out to act as a tab.

Adhere the folded tape to the edge of the page, making sure to leave enough space for writing.

This will make it easy to flip to important pages quickly.

2. Stickers

Stickers are a fun and easy way to add personality to your journal.

You can find stickers in various shapes, sizes, and themes, allowing you to customize your journal to your heart's content.

From cute animals to inspirational quotes, there is a sticker for every style.

Using Stickers to Create Themes

If you have a specific theme in mind for your journal, stickers can help bring it to life.

For example, if you love nature, you can use stickers of flowers, trees, and animals to create a nature-inspired journal.

Alternatively, if you're a fan of a particular TV show or movie, you can use stickers related to that theme to decorate your journal.

Using Stickers to Add Flair

Even if you don't have a specific theme in mind, stickers can still add flair to your journal.

You can use them to accentuate certain pages or simply to add a touch of cuteness.

Experiment with different placements and combinations to find the perfect look for your journal.

3. Hand Lettering

Hand lettering is the art of drawing letters by hand, and it can be a beautiful way to add a personal touch to your journal.

You don't need to be an expert artist to try hand lettering – there are plenty of tutorials and resources available online to help you get started.

Choosing the Right Tools

To get started with hand lettering, you'll need a few basic tools.

A good quality pen or marker is essential, as well as a pencil for sketching out your design before committing to ink.

You may also want to invest in some brush pens or colored markers to add depth and color to your lettering.

Practicing Different Styles

There are many different styles of hand lettering to explore, from elegant calligraphy to playful bubble letters.

Take some time to experiment with different styles and find one that suits your personal taste.

Practice regularly to improve your skills and create beautiful lettering in your journal.

4. Doodles

Doodling is a fun and relaxing way to add whimsy to your journal.

You don't need to be an artist to doodle – simple shapes and patterns can be just as effective.

Doodles can be used to fill empty spaces, create borders, or even to illustrate your thoughts and feelings.

Starting with Basic Shapes

If you're new to doodling, start with basic shapes like circles, squares, and triangles.

These can be combined and repeated to create more complex designs.

Don't worry about making mistakes – doodling is all about embracing imperfections and having fun.

Adding Details and Patterns

Once you're comfortable with basic shapes, you can start adding details and patterns to your doodles.

Experiment with different line thicknesses, shading techniques, and textures to bring your doodles to life.

You can also incorporate elements from your daily life, such as flowers, animals, or objects, into your doodles.

5. Collage

Collage is a creative way to incorporate different materials and textures into your journal.

You can use magazine cutouts, photographs, scrapbook paper, or even fabric to create unique and visually appealing pages.

Choosing a Theme

Before starting your collage, think about the theme or mood you want to convey.

This will help guide your material choices and create a cohesive look.

For example, if you want to create a vintage-inspired journal, you can use old photographs and vintage paper for your collage.

Arranging and Adhering Materials

Once you have gathered your materials, start arranging them on the page to create a visually pleasing composition.

Play around with different placements and layering techniques until you're happy with the result.

Use glue or double-sided tape to adhere the materials to the page, making sure everything is securely attached.

6. Handmade Envelopes

Handmade envelopes are not only functional but also add a touch of charm to your journal.

You can use them to store small mementos, such as ticket stubs or photographs, or to hold letters and notes.

Choosing the Right Paper

To make handmade envelopes, you'll need sturdy paper that can withstand folding and handling.

Scrapbook paper or decorative cardstock works well for this purpose.

Choose patterns and colors that complement your journal's overall aesthetic.

Creating the Envelope Template

There are many envelope templates available online that you can print and use as a guide.

Alternatively, you can create your own template by tracing an existing envelope onto a piece of cardboard and cutting it out.

This will serve as your guide for folding and assembling the envelope.

7. Ribbon and Lace

Ribbon and lace can add a touch of elegance and femininity to your journal.

You can use them to create bookmarks, page dividers, or simply to embellish the cover.

Creating Bookmarks and Page Dividers

To create a bookmark or page divider, cut a length of ribbon or lace and attach it to the top or side of the page using glue or double-sided tape.

You can leave the ends loose for a more whimsical look or tie them into a bow for a more polished finish.

Embellishing the Cover

If you want to add some flair to your journal's cover, you can use ribbon or lace to create borders or frames.

Simply measure the length and width of the cover and cut the ribbon or lace to fit.

Adhere it to the edges of the cover using glue or double-sided tape.

8. Stamps and Ink

Stamps and ink pads are a great way to add decorative elements and patterns to your journal.

You can find stamps in various designs, from flowers and animals to intricate patterns and quotes.

Choosing the Right Stamps

When choosing stamps for your journal, consider the overall theme and style you want to achieve.

If you prefer a minimalist look, opt for simple geometric shapes or patterns.

If you want a more whimsical feel, choose stamps with cute animals or floral motifs.

Using Ink Pads

Ink pads come in a wide range of colors, allowing you to customize your stamped designs.

Experiment with different color combinations to find the perfect match for your journal.

Make sure to let the ink dry completely before closing your journal to avoid smudging.

9. Quotes and Inspirational Messages

Adding quotes and inspirational messages to your journal can provide motivation and encouragement.

You can write them directly on the pages or use stickers, stamps, or stencils to create visually appealing designs.

Choosing Meaningful Quotes

Look for quotes that resonate with you and reflect your personal values and goals.

They can be from your favorite books, movies, or songs, or they can be words of wisdom from famous individuals.

Write or decorate them in a way that stands out and catches your eye whenever you flip through your journal.

Using Stencils and Stamps

If you're not confident in your handwriting, you can use stencils or stamps to create beautifully lettered quotes.

Simply place the stencil or stamp on the page and fill in the letters with a pen or marker.

This will give your quotes a polished and professional look.

10. Polaroid Photos

Polaroid photos add a nostalgic and personal touch to your journal.

You can use them to document special moments, capture memories, or simply to add visual interest to your pages.

Printing Polaroid-Style Photos

If you don't have an actual Polaroid camera, you can still achieve the look of Polaroid photos using photo editing software or smartphone apps.

There are many online services that allow you to upload your photos and print them in a Polaroid-style format.

Decorating with Polaroid Photos

Once you have your Polaroid photos, you can adhere them directly to your journal pages using glue or double-sided tape.

You can also get creative by adding captions, doodles, or stickers around the photos to enhance the storytelling aspect.


Decorating your cute journal can be a delightful and rewarding experience.

Whether you choose to use washi tape, stickers, hand lettering, doodles, collage, handmade envelopes, ribbon and lace, stamps and ink, quotes, or Polaroid photos, the possibilities are endless.

Let your creativity shine and make your journal a reflection of your unique personality and style.

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