The Painting at the Price of 900,000 US Dollars Was Not Sold

閱讀時間約 8 分鐘
On April 3, 2008, a solemn and dignified book-launching ceremony was held at the Library of Congress of the United States; on occasion of the first release of a fact-recording book entitled H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, jointly published by the World Buddhism Publishing LLC and the World Dharma Voice, Inc. At the same time, the book was formally accepted into the collection of the Library of Congress of the United States. From then on, people came to know that the widely respected Master Wan Ko Yee, the one who has been recognized and corroborated through official written documents issued by top leaders, regent dharma kings, and great rinpoches of major Buddhist sects throughout the world; actually, is the third incarnation of Dorje Chang Buddha, the primordial Buddha. Ever since, people address the Buddha by the name Dorje Chang Buddha III. This is similar to the precedent regarding the name of Sakyamuni Buddha—before Sakyamuni Buddha attained Buddhahood, His name was Prince Siddhartha Gotama. Once Prince Siddhartha Gotama attained Buddhahood, He was thereafter addressed as “Namo Sakyamuni Buddha.”
On December 12, 2012, in the Senate Resolution No. 614 of the United States Congress, the title “His Holiness” was officially used with the name Dorje Chang Buddha III; the Buddha was addressed as “H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III.” Since then, the title H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III was definitively affirmed.
“Dorje Chang Buddha III” is a statutory name; used in all official documents issued by the United States Government; such as passport, identity card, and social security documents. The previous name “Wan Ko Yee” is no longer valid, with no legal-binding effect, and no longer recognized by governments. “Dorje Chang Buddha III” is the only name in use.

Northern California

Asian Journal

March 2-8, 2007

Master Wan Ko Yee’s Painting Was Sold at the Price of 300,000 US Dollars per Square Foot

The Painting at the Price of 900,000 US Dollars Was Not Sold

AN auction held by International Buddhism Sangha Association took place on February 7, 2007 in San Francisco. Three Chinese paintings were displayed. One of the paintings entitled “Two Flowers; One Lotus Capsule; One Dharma Nature” was sold at 300,000 US dollars per square foot.

The world renowned Great Buddhist Dharma King Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu (also known as the great artist Master Wan Ko Yee) donated three valuable paintings as gifts to International Buddhism Sangha Association. At the time of the auction of these three paintings more than 10 people expressed an interest in buying them. After several competitive bidding rounds, the lotus painting was sold to an English collector Ian Hamilton at the price of US$300,000 per square foot. Another painting, “Plum Blossoms”, was sold at US$210,000 per square foot. However, the most anticipated painting, “Pasture in Spring (a shepherd boy herding cattle)”, was not sold at this time. “ Pasture in Spring ” was considered the most valuable of the three donated paintings. Even though the buyer raised the price to US$540,000 per square foot, the seller insisted that the price cannot be below US$900,000 per square foot. Therefore, this transaction was not completed because of the great difference between the prices.


cultivator的沙龍 的其他內容
the International Buddhism Sangha Association has decided to make three valuable paintings donated to the Association available for purchase.
Exhibition of Master Wan Ko Yee’s Amazing Achievements in the Form of World-Class Treasures Mystic, wondrous, noble, and enchanting!A mysterious art
the International Buddhism Sangha Association has decided to make three valuable paintings donated to the Association available for purchase.
Exhibition of Master Wan Ko Yee’s Amazing Achievements in the Form of World-Class Treasures Mystic, wondrous, noble, and enchanting!A mysterious art
Google News 追蹤
這個秋,Chill 嗨嗨!穿搭美美去賞楓,裝備款款去露營⋯⋯你的秋天怎麼過?秋日 To Do List 等你分享! 秋季全站徵文,我們準備了五個創作主題,參賽還有機會獲得「火烤兩用鍋」,一起來看看如何參加吧~
美國總統大選只剩下三天, 我們觀察一整週民調與金融市場的變化(包含賭局), 到本週五下午3:00前為止, 誰是美國總統幾乎大概可以猜到60-70%的機率, 本篇文章就是以大選結局為主軸來討論近期甚至到未來四年美股可能的改變
Xanthippe hatte die Wahrheit des Universums erkannt, und es war ein Moment, den sie nie vergessen würde.
《惡之畫》的故事從一位在監獄教導受刑人繪畫的新銳藝術家 許寶清出發;他極力策劃一場自己與受刑人畫作的藝廊聯展,卻也意外地造成社會輿論反彈。殺人犯的畫作被公開展示,也引來受害者家屬抗議;而堅持藝術創作的許寶清,一方面要捍衛自己的創作自由,另一方面也透過畫作一步步探詢殺人犯的內心世世界。
|蜂蜜芒果佐芥末醬牛肉| 人們之於飲食的態度,似乎隱射著看待生活的方式。如果我們能夠拋下對食物的偏見,說不定也會更願意去接納某人、某事、某物。沒有誰該被貼上標籤,當然食物也不例外。
The Female Brain (by Louann Brizendine, M.D.) Chapter One The Birth of the Female Brain 男女生而不同。常識告訴我們小女孩跟小男孩的行為很不同,但文化卻沒有告訴我們行為的不同是由腦部決定的。...
如果你也是想創業,或在個人發展上在變化萬千的時代有更好的職涯發展,或許這本書的觀點會對你有更多的啓發。這本書並不是教你如何開展 startup,而是教你視自己為一間初創企業去看待,讓自己在變化萬遷的時代持續成長,持續獲利。
從第一本「太多了」(PERTER WALSH)開始,一路從日本山下英子「斷捨離」到近藤麻裡惠的「怦然心動的人生整理魔法」。之後,再接觸極簡主義MINIMALIST。這些觀念都點滴累積在我的血液裡,而自己也一直在「斷捨離」的路途上學習。最近意外讀到圖書館的熱門書【不消費的一年The year of l
滿潮時分,盛夏城鎮,孩子們看起來都很美好。可惜的是,陽光過後總是伴隨雷聲,思緒也跟著反轉。有沒有感到一絲困惑? 為何大海總是呼喚我的心? 彷彿花了一輩子的時間在奔跑,因為我感受到風暴將至,正在吞噬我的靈魂。
The Story of Elizabeth of Austria is one of the saddest in the history of royalty.
The relationship between Shanghai and all the Chinese regimes listed above is contended to be the colonised and the colonisers.
這個秋,Chill 嗨嗨!穿搭美美去賞楓,裝備款款去露營⋯⋯你的秋天怎麼過?秋日 To Do List 等你分享! 秋季全站徵文,我們準備了五個創作主題,參賽還有機會獲得「火烤兩用鍋」,一起來看看如何參加吧~
美國總統大選只剩下三天, 我們觀察一整週民調與金融市場的變化(包含賭局), 到本週五下午3:00前為止, 誰是美國總統幾乎大概可以猜到60-70%的機率, 本篇文章就是以大選結局為主軸來討論近期甚至到未來四年美股可能的改變
Xanthippe hatte die Wahrheit des Universums erkannt, und es war ein Moment, den sie nie vergessen würde.
《惡之畫》的故事從一位在監獄教導受刑人繪畫的新銳藝術家 許寶清出發;他極力策劃一場自己與受刑人畫作的藝廊聯展,卻也意外地造成社會輿論反彈。殺人犯的畫作被公開展示,也引來受害者家屬抗議;而堅持藝術創作的許寶清,一方面要捍衛自己的創作自由,另一方面也透過畫作一步步探詢殺人犯的內心世世界。
|蜂蜜芒果佐芥末醬牛肉| 人們之於飲食的態度,似乎隱射著看待生活的方式。如果我們能夠拋下對食物的偏見,說不定也會更願意去接納某人、某事、某物。沒有誰該被貼上標籤,當然食物也不例外。
The Female Brain (by Louann Brizendine, M.D.) Chapter One The Birth of the Female Brain 男女生而不同。常識告訴我們小女孩跟小男孩的行為很不同,但文化卻沒有告訴我們行為的不同是由腦部決定的。...
如果你也是想創業,或在個人發展上在變化萬千的時代有更好的職涯發展,或許這本書的觀點會對你有更多的啓發。這本書並不是教你如何開展 startup,而是教你視自己為一間初創企業去看待,讓自己在變化萬遷的時代持續成長,持續獲利。
從第一本「太多了」(PERTER WALSH)開始,一路從日本山下英子「斷捨離」到近藤麻裡惠的「怦然心動的人生整理魔法」。之後,再接觸極簡主義MINIMALIST。這些觀念都點滴累積在我的血液裡,而自己也一直在「斷捨離」的路途上學習。最近意外讀到圖書館的熱門書【不消費的一年The year of l
滿潮時分,盛夏城鎮,孩子們看起來都很美好。可惜的是,陽光過後總是伴隨雷聲,思緒也跟著反轉。有沒有感到一絲困惑? 為何大海總是呼喚我的心? 彷彿花了一輩子的時間在奔跑,因為我感受到風暴將至,正在吞噬我的靈魂。
The Story of Elizabeth of Austria is one of the saddest in the history of royalty.
The relationship between Shanghai and all the Chinese regimes listed above is contended to be the colonised and the colonisers.