The Republic of Moldova has been an independent state since 1991, following the dissolution of the USSR. The name The Republic of Moldova was designated by the United Nations. In contrast, Transnistria, an eastern strip that split from Moldova in 1991-1992, declared itself independent as the Pridnestrovian Moldovan Republic (PMR) and remains outside the control of the Moldovan government.
While Moldovan is the primary language in Transnistria, an autonomous region of Moldova, and should be considered an internal part of Moldova; However, some envision it as an enclave-like territory with close ties to Russia for 220 thousands Russian citizens reside there, besides 1,000 Russian soldiers.
The recent resolution by the Transnistrian parliament, addressed to the Russian State Duma (lower house) and Federation Council (upper house), requests diplomatic, economic, and military protection from Russia against pressure from Moldova. This move could potentially create a new western front for Russia in the ongoing conflict with Ukraine, encircling the latter, and further escalating tensions with NATO.
1991 年蘇聯解體後,摩爾多瓦共和國 (聯合國指定名稱) 成為一個獨立國家。相比之下,脫離摩爾多瓦 (1991-1992 年) 的東部地區「聶斯特河沿岸區」 (Придне斯特羅維亞摩爾達維亞共和國),宣稱自己獨立,目前仍未受摩爾多瓦政府控制。
雖然摩爾多瓦語在「聶斯特河沿岸區」通行,且該區曾被視為摩爾多瓦的自治區,但有些人認為它應被視為摩爾多瓦的內部領土;然而,另一些人則將其視為與俄羅斯關係密切的飛地,因為除了駐紮那裡的 1,000 名俄羅斯士兵以外,該地區還有大約 22 萬俄羅斯公民居住。
最近,「聶斯特河沿岸區」議會通過了一項決議,向俄羅斯國家杜馬 (下議院) 和聯邦委員會 (上議院) 尋求外交、經濟和軍事保護,以抵禦來自摩爾多瓦的壓力。此舉可能為俄羅斯在與烏克蘭的持續衝突中開啟新的西部戰線,包圍烏克蘭並進一步加劇與北約的緊張局勢。
東歐小國摩爾多瓦分離區要求俄羅斯保護 美:密切觀察 太報 20240301
目前人在阿爾巴尼亞準備參加東南歐國家峰會的摩爾多瓦總統桑杜(Maia Sandu)表示,會致力於以和平方式解決聶斯特河沿岸區的問題。她強調,「政府今天做的事情,只是重新整合國家經濟的一小步」。
美國國務院發言人米勒(Matthew Miller)週三表示,美國會堅定支持摩爾多瓦的主權和領土完整,「有鑑於俄羅斯在歐洲越來越具侵略性,我們正在非常密切觀察俄羅斯在聶斯特河沿岸區的行動,以及更廣泛的局勢」。
The Press Briefing of DoS 20242228
QUESTION: Yeah, no, no. So the separatist authorities there are asking for – Russia for protection, extra protection. What is your take on what’s happening there in that region?
MR MILLER: So given Russia’s increasingly aggressive and destabilizing role in Europe, we are watching Russia’s actions in Transnistria and the broader situation there very closely. The United States firmly supports Moldova’s sovereignty and territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders, and we continue to encourage Chisinau and Tiraspol to work together and identify solutions to pressing concerns of communities on both sides of the Dniester.
QUESTION: Thank you. A couple questions going back to Moldova. Can you please expand on what you just said to my colleague? Obviously, there are a lot of pieces moving there, but what kind of reaction will that yield back from the U.S.? And do you view this as an isolated event or part of a broader strategy that Russia is feeling emboldened given the investment delay in Ukraine?
MR MILLER: So I don’t want to speak to what we might do. As I said, we’re watching the matter very carefully. I don’t want to speak to a hypothetical what may happen down the road, but obviously we have seen Russia take a number of incredibly reckless and destabilizing acts in the region. That’s not – nothing new, so that is the very reason, as I said, why we are watching this matter so closely.