I have actually wanted to write this article for a long time. I intend to share this article with various HEMA communities, so this might be the first article I've written that is composed in both English and Chinese.
I use a pair of padded gloves that are very comfortable to wear. I use these padded leather gloves when using dueling sabers with bell guard and rapiers. However, most of the elbow guards available on the market are difficult to fit into my gloves (I have large hands), which leaves my forearms and elbows feeling very insecure.
帶有襯墊的皮手套/padded gloves
"I was inspired by the protective gear suggested in Frias's 1809 work, 'Tratado Elemental de la Destreza del Sable,' for saber fencing training. In the original text, leather and padded arm guards are recommended. Despite the use of a very primitive design, there should be no issues with defense."
弗里亞斯書中的護肘圖片/Pictures of elbow pads from Frias' book
For material selection, I use empty paint buckets made of high-density polyethylene. This material is heat-resistant, impact-resistant, and even chemical-resistant, making it easy to obtain. The thickness of the inner wall is approximately 2mm, and this high-density plastic thickness can block most cuts.
Now let's begin with the manufacturing process:
1.Firstly, saw off the bottom of the head, removing the parts we don't need.
2.The remaining part is the middle of the barrel.
3.Cut open to make the barrel into a flat surface.
4.Flatten it, make a paper template of the shape we need, and cut the plastic surface into the required shape.
5.Cut into two pieces, perfectly matching left and right hands.
6.Mark where to drill holes, remember to do both sides and preferably make them symmetrical.
7.Then drill holes. I drilled 7mm holes here, preparing for the next step.
8.Next, to increase durability, I attached canvas snaps to the holes. These snaps are specially designed for thick plastic holes. If you don't want to do this, just deburr the holes.
9.Attach the snaps. Of course, if you skipped the previous step, you can skip this one too.
10.Then prepare a Velcro. Here, I drilled a hole in the middle of the Velcro, again preparing for the next step.
11.Repeat the steps of marking holes and attaching snaps. The Velcro I used has double-sided adhesive, so if you don't want to attach snaps, you can skip this step too.
12.Tie it to a cylindrical object, simulate it being worn on the arm, and use tension to shape it. Basically, it's almost done.
13.Because a single color feels a bit monotonous, I decided to paint the elbow guard. For this, I first sanded the surface with sandpaper to roughen it.
14.After painting, spraying on clear protective varnish can increase the lifespan of the design. This time I painted a story I really like, 'Australian Dragon-Mungoon-Gali.'
15.After adding the umbrella rope, the elbow guard is complete.
16.Because of the Velcro in the middle, you can add protection for the elbow joint available on the market, and use the rope on the joint protection to tie the entire component to the jacket.
After completing it, try installing it and then wearing gloves. It works fine and can also be inserted into the gloves.
I hope this article can help all friends who want to make elbow guards by themselves, so that everyone can enjoy fencing safely and happily.