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為大家分享首創世界上最強大的四種抗發炎成分,合而為一的產品Factor 4!! 這款熱銷全球的抗發炎保健聖品,是由一家平均每個月創造4位!!年薪六位數美金收入的美國新創公司美商LiveGood所首創的,這是一家才剛剛啟動半年的黑馬公司!!


我終於入手這罐4合1 以下 節錄自丨來自我們team Diamond團隊美國鑽石會員Tricia Costa的FB

原文翻譯丨 我的Factor 4已經到貨了

你知道慢性炎症性疾病是全球頭號疾病和死亡的主因嗎? 超過50%的死亡與與炎症相關的疾病有關,例如心臟病,中風,癌症,糖尿病,關節炎,腎臟和肝臟疾病等。 Factor 4是第一個也是唯一一個結合世界上最強大四種成分,合而為一的營養補充劑,包括了魚油、薑黃素、輔酶Q10和大蒜精。 給予你的身體所需,它就會按照它的設計正常運作... 作為一名對很多產品不感興趣的醫生,我丈夫不僅每天服用Factor 4,而且還向我們認識的每個人推薦它。 立即購買Factor 4,享受90天退款保證...僅售29.95美元 成為Livegood的會員並享受更低價格?只需18.50美元 原文丨 My Factor 4 arrived Did you know that chronic inflammatory diseases are the number one cause of sickness and death in the world? More than 50% of all deaths can be attributed to inflammation related diseases, such as heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, arthritis, kidney and liver diseases, and more. Factor 4 is the first and only supplement formulated with four of the world’s most powerful ingredients, fish, oil, turmeric, coenzyme Q10 and garlic. Give your body what it needs and it will function the way it was designed to… As a physician who’s not impressed by many products my husband is not only taking Factor 4 daily but he is also recommending it to everyone we know. Get your Factor 4 now with a 90-day money back guarantee… only $29.95 Want to become a member of Livegood and pay even less? $18.50

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LiveGood 簡單說就是好東西超實惠賣

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