
閱讀時間約 13 分鐘


"Wow!" "So handsome!" Everyone stepped forward and looked in the middle of the road. It turned out that the famous gentleman Marred was riding a carriage to the small town of Wadry, and his entourage Jerome was swinging neatly. Horsewhip, driving the carriage, the girls of Valdery were all rushing to chat with this gentleman, Malred. Even Lydia's sister, Fiona, was no exception. She was calling to Malred like a fascination. , hoping to win Malred's attention. Although Malred waved to the girls outside the window, the attentive Lydia found that Malred's eyes were actually confused and looking into the distance, and he did not listen to the cheers of the girls. , just smiled and waved. Lydia felt that he was not easy to trust, so she patted Fiona who was cheering and wanted to tell her, but obviously, Fiona's glare back showed that she didn't want to know. Not wanting to listen to Lydia's analysis, Lydia turned her head and looked at Marred. She happened to look at Marred's follower Jerome. The two looked at each other and smiled, but Lydia was actually The entourage fan's heart was pounding, and she shook her head, thinking that it must have been an illusion.

Chapter One:

After yesterday's commotion, Lydia can't rest at home now. She hears her mother talk about marrying Fiona to Malred every day. Fiona also talks about her love for Malred every day, but Lydia It was very clear that Malred didn't like Fiona at all, but when she thought of Malred who came in the carriage yesterday, she thought of the handsome and handsome Jerome, which made Lydia start to blush again and her heart beat faster, "Lidya. Ya?" The mother suddenly moved her face forward and asked with concern, "Do you like someone? Your face is so red!" She was eager to know Lidya's relationship status, because as a housewife from a poor family , the most important thing now is to marry off the daughters, but the shy Lydia felt that it was not the time yet, so she stammered: "No, no, I'm just very hot...", in order not to be questioned any more, she ran to find her sister Fiona’s childhood sweetheart ~ Midel. In fact, Midel had a handsome face and gentle eyes, but to Fiona, his handsome appearance was not much compared to Malred, who has thick eyebrows and big eyes, hit it off immediately. They were sitting in the pavilion trying to stop Fiona and Malred's plan. While thinking about it, Lydia couldn't help but feel pity for this handsome young man. , because he is so good, but because of poverty, he cannot win Fiona's favor. Lydia thought again, if Middle found a beautiful and outstanding rich girl, and fell in love with each other, instead of falling in love with her sister without distinction. She felt that the woman she was in love with would be great...but she couldn't help but think that if Jerome didn't have a lot of money, would he like a poor girl like Lydia? Even if they fall in love, will their parents agree...

Chapter two

"Let's go visit our new neighbor Marred's house! I heard that he just moved to our village. Just turn left behind the alley and look at the big house!" Fiona exclaimed excitedly, "I can... "Lydia walked towards her sister and yawned tiredly. It turned out that Lydia tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep. She just thought about what happened in the past few days several times before she gave up. Now she is so tired that she yawns again and again. , but after her mother and sister’s crazy request, Lydia had no choice but to agree to them and go to visit Marred. After they dressed up, they set off. Fiona was wearing a light pink lace skirt and holding a lace pink umbrella. , looks gorgeous and exaggerated, while Lidya is wearing a lavender skirt, which is embellished with white and darker purple plaids. It is also paired with a small umbrella of the same style. It also looks very beautiful, but Elegant and simple style, they chose to take a walk. People on the street looked at Fiona because she was wearing more conspicuous clothes, but this was exactly what Lydia wanted, because she didn’t want to attract attention. The two of them came When they arrived at the door of Marred's house, there were big words "Gentleman Marred's House" printed on the front. Fiona looked at the house number with admiration, while Lydia thought to herself: "Tsk, how arrogant, calling yourself a gentleman!" "But according to Fiona's wishes, she still waited for someone to come forward and answer the door, because they had knocked on the door several times before and rang the bell many times. Finally, someone came to answer the door. Unexpectedly, it was Jerome who came out to answer the door. His body was still steaming, and water dripped onto the carpet. He was still wiping his neck with a white towel. He had obviously just taken a shower, but he was already wearing a casual shirt and trousers. He was surprised to find two strange ladies standing at the door, standing awkwardly at the door, but okay. After he recognized them and invited them into the room, the atmosphere relaxed a little. He quickly guided them to sit on the sofa and poured some tea for them. Fiona explained her purpose. After hearing this, Jerome entered the room and changed Wearing formal clothes all his life, "Master, the guests are here!" Jerome shouted...


    Jamie麻糬棻的沙龍 的其他內容
    第四章 「嗯,這些或還不錯,但就是身材嗎?差了一點!去幫我再換一批!」 莉蒂雅無意見聽到了一些可疑的對話,於是決定前去找出聲音的主人,他隨著剛剛聲音的方向,找到了一個黑暗的小巷子,竟然…… 馬爾瑞德再跟一位穿著黑色斗篷、眼神尖銳的商人講話,發現,他疑似是一位商人,但是,莉蒂雅覺得他們很可疑
    第三章 「喔,著迷於我的小姐們,對吧?」馬爾瑞德自信的說,「哇,他好自信,好帥呀!」費歐娜又開始發作了,這是莉蒂雅像米德爾所稱的「戀愛後症」雖然費歐娜沒談過戀愛,但反正一個簡稱而已! 回到正題,他們開始喝茶,聊起天,費歐娜癡迷的看著馬爾瑞德,馬爾瑞德則是高傲的喝著茶,小指頭翹在空中,故作優雅,但
    第二章 「我們去新鄰居馬爾瑞德家拜訪一下吧!聽說他剛搬來我們村子,就在巷口後左轉那間大房子吔!」費歐娜興奮地叫道,「我都可以……」莉蒂雅漫步走向姐姐,疲憊的打了一個哈欠,原來,莉蒂雅左晚翻來覆去都睡不著,硬是把這幾天發生的事重複想了好幾遍才肯罷休,現在累的連連打哈欠,不過在媽媽和姐姐瘋狂請求後……
    第一章: 經過昨天的哄動現場,莉蒂雅現在在家都不得安寧,每天聽母親說著要把費歐娜嫁給馬爾瑞德,費歐娜也天天說著自己對馬爾瑞德的愛,但莉蒂雅很清楚,馬爾瑞德根本不喜歡費歐娜,但一想到昨天乘著馬車而來的馬爾瑞德,就想到瀟灑帥氣傑洛米,這讓莉蒂雅又開始臉紅、心跳加速,「莉蒂雅?」
    前言: 「哇!」「好帥啊!」大家紛紛上前,往馬路中央探望,原來,著名的紳士馬爾瑞德正乘著馬車,前往小鎮瓦德裡,而隨從傑洛米則俐落的甩著馬鞭,駕駛著馬車,瓦德裡的姑娘們,都搶著去搭訕這位紳士~馬爾瑞德,就連莉蒂雅的姐姐~費歐娜也不例外
    第四章 「嗯,這些或還不錯,但就是身材嗎?差了一點!去幫我再換一批!」 莉蒂雅無意見聽到了一些可疑的對話,於是決定前去找出聲音的主人,他隨著剛剛聲音的方向,找到了一個黑暗的小巷子,竟然…… 馬爾瑞德再跟一位穿著黑色斗篷、眼神尖銳的商人講話,發現,他疑似是一位商人,但是,莉蒂雅覺得他們很可疑
    第三章 「喔,著迷於我的小姐們,對吧?」馬爾瑞德自信的說,「哇,他好自信,好帥呀!」費歐娜又開始發作了,這是莉蒂雅像米德爾所稱的「戀愛後症」雖然費歐娜沒談過戀愛,但反正一個簡稱而已! 回到正題,他們開始喝茶,聊起天,費歐娜癡迷的看著馬爾瑞德,馬爾瑞德則是高傲的喝著茶,小指頭翹在空中,故作優雅,但
    第二章 「我們去新鄰居馬爾瑞德家拜訪一下吧!聽說他剛搬來我們村子,就在巷口後左轉那間大房子吔!」費歐娜興奮地叫道,「我都可以……」莉蒂雅漫步走向姐姐,疲憊的打了一個哈欠,原來,莉蒂雅左晚翻來覆去都睡不著,硬是把這幾天發生的事重複想了好幾遍才肯罷休,現在累的連連打哈欠,不過在媽媽和姐姐瘋狂請求後……
    第一章: 經過昨天的哄動現場,莉蒂雅現在在家都不得安寧,每天聽母親說著要把費歐娜嫁給馬爾瑞德,費歐娜也天天說著自己對馬爾瑞德的愛,但莉蒂雅很清楚,馬爾瑞德根本不喜歡費歐娜,但一想到昨天乘著馬車而來的馬爾瑞德,就想到瀟灑帥氣傑洛米,這讓莉蒂雅又開始臉紅、心跳加速,「莉蒂雅?」
    前言: 「哇!」「好帥啊!」大家紛紛上前,往馬路中央探望,原來,著名的紳士馬爾瑞德正乘著馬車,前往小鎮瓦德裡,而隨從傑洛米則俐落的甩著馬鞭,駕駛著馬車,瓦德裡的姑娘們,都搶著去搭訕這位紳士~馬爾瑞德,就連莉蒂雅的姐姐~費歐娜也不例外
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    京城如今流行話題便是由安德魯提出的裝扮宴會。 名門小姐們都絞盡腦汁如何在宴會上,驚豔眾人,最好能驚艷聖上或聖上的母親,再不然其他王公貴族們也好。而各家未婚男子們對時尚話題追求也不遑多讓,想著自己滿腹經綸如何在宴會上文采出眾或一身功夫能否贏得佳人青睞,即便無法像刑部尚書通過考試,過關斬將一步一步踏上
    在讓明姬與八重道別之後,牛車的護送隊伍便不再多作停留,那個膚色黝黑的男子一路催促車伕緊趕慢趕地來到大神宮的外宮。   由於神事在即,周圍一直有忙碌的齋官在來來去去為幾日之後的神嚐祭做準備。   牛車甫一停下,男子便立刻探入牛車之中將年幼的姬君抱出來,讓小小一團的孩子坐在他的臂彎間,也因此吸引
      任琊換上在公爵府騎士長的標準裝備,和伊萊特兩個人騎著馬,悠悠晃晃的來到南部的騎士團,門口已經有人收到通報來接待他們。   他看見為首的男人的第一眼,就知道他是這裡的總隊長──凱夫達特.莫里斯。   「見過阿濯爾騎士長大人,願斯普拉德的榮光與您同在。」
    第四章 「嗯,這些或還不錯,但就是身材嗎?差了一點!去幫我再換一批!」 莉蒂雅無意見聽到了一些可疑的對話,於是決定前去找出聲音的主人,他隨著剛剛聲音的方向,找到了一個黑暗的小巷子,竟然…… 馬爾瑞德再跟一位穿著黑色斗篷、眼神尖銳的商人講話,發現,他疑似是一位商人,但是,莉蒂雅覺得他們很可疑
      傍晚時分,一座優美的莊園寧靜矗立在森林中。   華貴的馬車緩緩駛近,停靠在莊園門前,門口的侍從立刻迎了上去。   從車裡走下一位身穿白色裘袍的美艷女子,一頭長髮細細綰起,露出底下那精緻無比的容顏,與線條優美的雪白脖頸。   女子舉止優雅,步履輕盈,令所有侍從都看呆了眼。
    第二章 「我們去新鄰居馬爾瑞德家拜訪一下吧!聽說他剛搬來我們村子,就在巷口後左轉那間大房子吔!」費歐娜興奮地叫道,「我都可以……」莉蒂雅漫步走向姐姐,疲憊的打了一個哈欠,原來,莉蒂雅左晚翻來覆去都睡不著,硬是把這幾天發生的事重複想了好幾遍才肯罷休,現在累的連連打哈欠,不過在媽媽和姐姐瘋狂請求後……
    休沐日,身著常服的攝政王,顯得豐朗俊秀,從下馬車到步入酒樓,這短短幾步路,就走得如同上朝一樣,多少眼睛盯著看。女子掩面私議著誰家公子,幾位男子則是心有所怨: 這廝打哪來?我這京城四少怎麼混? 貼身護衛看見身旁群眾反應,眼皮一挑,無奈地望天空。根據他多年隨從護衛的經驗判斷,從今日衣服的顏色就可判斷出
    本專欄將提供給您最新的市場資訊、產業研究、交易心法、精選公司介紹,以上內容並非個股分析,還請各位依據自身狀況作出交易決策。歡迎訂閱支持我,獲得相關內容,也祝您的投資之路順遂! 每年 $990 訂閱方案👉 https://reurl.cc/VNYVxZ 每月 $99 訂閱方案👉https://re
    京城如今流行話題便是由安德魯提出的裝扮宴會。 名門小姐們都絞盡腦汁如何在宴會上,驚豔眾人,最好能驚艷聖上或聖上的母親,再不然其他王公貴族們也好。而各家未婚男子們對時尚話題追求也不遑多讓,想著自己滿腹經綸如何在宴會上文采出眾或一身功夫能否贏得佳人青睞,即便無法像刑部尚書通過考試,過關斬將一步一步踏上
    在讓明姬與八重道別之後,牛車的護送隊伍便不再多作停留,那個膚色黝黑的男子一路催促車伕緊趕慢趕地來到大神宮的外宮。   由於神事在即,周圍一直有忙碌的齋官在來來去去為幾日之後的神嚐祭做準備。   牛車甫一停下,男子便立刻探入牛車之中將年幼的姬君抱出來,讓小小一團的孩子坐在他的臂彎間,也因此吸引
      任琊換上在公爵府騎士長的標準裝備,和伊萊特兩個人騎著馬,悠悠晃晃的來到南部的騎士團,門口已經有人收到通報來接待他們。   他看見為首的男人的第一眼,就知道他是這裡的總隊長──凱夫達特.莫里斯。   「見過阿濯爾騎士長大人,願斯普拉德的榮光與您同在。」
    第四章 「嗯,這些或還不錯,但就是身材嗎?差了一點!去幫我再換一批!」 莉蒂雅無意見聽到了一些可疑的對話,於是決定前去找出聲音的主人,他隨著剛剛聲音的方向,找到了一個黑暗的小巷子,竟然…… 馬爾瑞德再跟一位穿著黑色斗篷、眼神尖銳的商人講話,發現,他疑似是一位商人,但是,莉蒂雅覺得他們很可疑
      傍晚時分,一座優美的莊園寧靜矗立在森林中。   華貴的馬車緩緩駛近,停靠在莊園門前,門口的侍從立刻迎了上去。   從車裡走下一位身穿白色裘袍的美艷女子,一頭長髮細細綰起,露出底下那精緻無比的容顏,與線條優美的雪白脖頸。   女子舉止優雅,步履輕盈,令所有侍從都看呆了眼。
    第二章 「我們去新鄰居馬爾瑞德家拜訪一下吧!聽說他剛搬來我們村子,就在巷口後左轉那間大房子吔!」費歐娜興奮地叫道,「我都可以……」莉蒂雅漫步走向姐姐,疲憊的打了一個哈欠,原來,莉蒂雅左晚翻來覆去都睡不著,硬是把這幾天發生的事重複想了好幾遍才肯罷休,現在累的連連打哈欠,不過在媽媽和姐姐瘋狂請求後……
    休沐日,身著常服的攝政王,顯得豐朗俊秀,從下馬車到步入酒樓,這短短幾步路,就走得如同上朝一樣,多少眼睛盯著看。女子掩面私議著誰家公子,幾位男子則是心有所怨: 這廝打哪來?我這京城四少怎麼混? 貼身護衛看見身旁群眾反應,眼皮一挑,無奈地望天空。根據他多年隨從護衛的經驗判斷,從今日衣服的顏色就可判斷出