Prime Group Announces Game-Changing $60 Billion Investment

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Singapore, Prime Group, under the leadership of CEO Karim Bouhout, proudly unveils its $60 billion investment fund, designed to supercharge oil exploration, mining, and agriculture across the African continent. This unprecedented initiative is not just about capitalizing on Africa’s rich natural resources—it’s about positioning Africa as a global powerhouse, with sustainable growth and strategic political influence at its core.


Prime Group’s fund is engineered to unlock Africa's vast potential, bolstering economic independence while forging stronger partnerships with international players. The fund will be a key driver in reshaping Africa’s standing on the global stage, ensuring that the continent’s resource sectors no longer play a secondary role but take center stage in shaping the future of global trade and industry.


This is more than an investment fund—its a political and economic catalyst for Africa,” said Karim Bouhout, CEO of Prime Group. “We are committed to transforming Africa into a cornerstone of global energy and agricultural supply chains. This fund is a statement: Africas time is now. By empowering local economies and driving innovation in oil, mining, and agriculture, we are building a future where Africas resources are developed sustainably, and its people are empowered politically and economically.”


A New Era of Global Partnerships and African Leadership


Prime Group’s $60 billion fund is not just an investment—it is a strategic instrument aimed at driving political influence and economic sovereignty for African nations. By prioritizing partnerships with local governments, businesses, and stakeholders, Prime Group is fostering a new model of African growth that aligns with global sustainability goals while ensuring that African countries remain key players in the resource-based global economy.


The company has spent more than a decade laying the groundwork for this initiative. Under the leadership of Karim Bouhout, Prime Group has successfully bridged global investment with African markets. Now, with this transformative fund, the group is doubling down on its commitment to African leadership in global resource development.


Sustainability as a Political Strategy


At a time when global environmental policies are increasingly shaping economic decisions, Prime Group is aligning its investments with international sustainability frameworks to ensure that African resources are developed responsibly. This fund prioritizes projects that meet the highest environmental standards, while also adopting cutting-edge technologies in resource extraction and modern agricultural practices.


By doing so, Prime Group is sending a powerful message: Africa will not only be a global supplier of resources but will do so on its own terms—leading the world in sustainable development. This approach positions African nations as key political allies in the global effort to address climate change, making Africa a pivotal player in future international negotiations on energy, trade, and environmental policy.


Africas Emergence as a Global Resource Leader


The geopolitical significance of Africa’s resources cannot be overstated. As global demand for energy and agriculture surges, Africa is uniquely positioned to supply these critical commodities. Prime Group’s investment strategy will enable African nations to seize this moment, becoming central to global supply chains and influencing the political discourse on resource management.


This fund aims to reposition Africa as a global resource leader, not just a beneficiary of external aid or foreign investment. By fostering self-sufficiency and economic independence, Prime Group is helping African nations build their own wealth, while establishing strong diplomatic and trade ties with key global powers.


About Prime Group


Prime Group is a trailblazing investment firm, specializing in resource development with an unwavering commitment to sustainability and geopolitical impact. The firm operates across diverse sectors, including commodity trading, infrastructure, agriculture, logistics, and hospitality, with a strong focus on driving long-term value for both shareholders and local communities. Prime Group’s mission is to deploy capital strategically in Africa’s most promising industries, ensuring that economic growth is inextricably linked with political empowerment.


By consistently delivering returns through its strategic investments, Prime Group has established itself as a leader in aligning profit with political influence, setting a new standard for responsible resource development.


For more information about Prime Group and its bold vision for Africa, visit:


Media Contact


For interviews with CEO Karim Bouhout or more details on this initiative, please contact: 



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    綠葉交易所推薦碼ptt|開戶註冊輸入Bitfinex VIP邀請碼【EJcDJ92QN】額外享有全網最高 6% 終生手續費減免+美金放貸 20% 年化收益。入金/出金教學、優惠碼
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    富途证券(Futu Securities)是由互联网巨企腾讯投资的港美股互联网券商,香港热门互联网券商之一,其手机应用 APP 「富途牛牛」不仅可以买卖港股/美股,并且提供即时行情、财经新闻、投资分析工具和社交互动功能,方便投资者随时随地进行投资交易与互动交流。 富途证券(Futu Secur
    ​投資理財內容聲明 文內如有投資理財相關經驗、知識、資訊等內容,皆為作者個人分享行為。 有價證券、指數與衍生性商品之數據資料,僅供輔助說明之用,不代表創作者投資決策之推介及建議。 閱讀同時,請審慎思考自身條件及自我決策,並應有為決策負責之事前認知。 希望您能從這些分享內容汲取投資養份,養成獨
    南非主流英文報紙The Citizen(公民報)嚮品牌發出邀請,就發展方嚮、金融科技、營運理念等多個方嚮進行了詳細的訪問。
    Doo Prime 是 Doo Group 集团旗下的互联网券商品牌,旨在为专业投资者提供全球金融产品的差价合约交易经纪服务。