Solidcore Resources plc: Half-year report for the six months

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“Solidcore Resources reports robust financial results, demonstrating growth in sales and positive free cash flow in the first half of the year, underpinned by reliable operating performance and inventory release against the backdrop of strong commodity prices. Despite limited available bank funding this strong financial footing allows the Company to finance substantial capital expenditures, which are expected to exceed US$ 285 million in 2024, above our initial estimates. In 2025-2029, the Company’s investment programme will top US$ 1 billion with a large part of it going towards our ambitious Ertis POX project”, said Vitaly Nesis, Group CEO of Solidcore Resources plc, commenting on the results.


The discussion below covers the results of continuing operations. The comparatives are restated in the same way. Cash flows include amounts of discontinued operations, as required by IFRS 5, unless otherwise stated.

·         In 1H 2024, revenue increased by 79% year-on-year (y-o-y), totalling US$ 704 million (1H 2023: US$ 393 million). The average realised gold price increased by 17%, tracking market dynamics. Gold equivalent (“GE”) production was 252 Koz, an 18% increase y-o-y on the back of higher concentrate shipment volumes to China and production from toll-treated concentrate at Kyzyl. Gold equivalent sales increased by 56% y-o-y to 321 Koz due to substantial progress in unwinding of Kyzyl concentrate stockpiles, previously accumulated due to logistical challenges.

·         Group Total Cash Costs (“TCC”)[1] for 1H 2024 were US$ 960/GE oz, within the Group’s full-year guidance of US$ 900-1,000/GE oz, while being up 10% y-o-y, owing to continuously high domestic inflation.

·         All-in Sustaining Cash Costs (“AISC”)1 remained broadly unchanged at US$ 1,281/GE oz, and within the full-year guidance range of US$ 1,250-1,350/GE, while also reflecting the increase in sales volumes, driven by de-stockpiling and resulting in the spread of sustaining capital expenditure over a larger amount of ounces sold.

·         Adjusted EBITDA1 was US$ 346 million, an increase of 73% y-o-y, driven by higher sales volumes and higher commodity prices. The Adjusted EBITDA margin decreased by 3 percentage points to 49% (1H 2023: 51%).

·         Underlying net earnings[2]  increased by 72% to US$ 243 million (1H 2023: US$ 141 million). Net earnings[3] were US$ 238 million (1H 2023: US$ 272 million due to large forex gains).

·         Capital expenditures on continuing operations were US$ 107 million[4], up 25% compared with US$ 85 million in 1H 2023. The increase is mainly related to the Ertis POX development project. Full-year capex is expected to be approximately US$ 60 million above the original guidance of US$ 225 million, due to prepayments for the green energy projects (solar and gas power plants at Varvara).

·         The Company confirms its earlier announced plans for a massive investment programme exceeding US$ 1 billion in 2025-2029, which will be focused on the implementation of the Ertis POX project.

·         Net operating cash inflow from continuing operations increased by 86% to US$ 344 million (1H 2023: US$ 184 million). The Group reported positive free cash flow1 of US$ 47 million on continuing and discontinued operations, a significant improvement over 1H 2023 negative FCF of US$ 341 million. Free cash flow from continuing operations excluding disposal of Russian business amounted to US$ 240 million (1H 2023: US$ 101 million).

·         Given the cash proceeds from the disposal of the Russian business and strong cash inflow from the sale of inventory, the Company recorded a net cash position of US$ 357 million versus pro forma net debt of US$ 174 million at the end of 2023.

·         The Company notes that financing from Western banks remains constrained with small or no credit limits offered to borrowers in Kazakhstan due to long onboarding duration and existing compliance hurdles. As a result, the Company estimates that its cost of debt is set to rise from its current levels and considers other available options for funding its investment programme.

·         The Company reiterates its full-year guidance for production and costs: production of 475 GE Koz, TCC in the range of US$ 900-1,000/oz and AISC in the range of US$ 1,250-1,350. However, the management does not expect comparable half-on-half results in H2 2024, given the following detrimental factors: high base effect of de-stockpiling, which is not likely to be repeated in the near future, stronger than budgeted year-to-date KZT/USD rate, inflationary pressures, shortage of railcars and congestions of eastbound railroads.



·         No fatal accidents occurred among the Group’s workforce and contractors in H1 2024 as well as no lost time injuries were recorded (consistent with H1 2023).

·         GE output for H1 was up by 18% y-o-y to 252 Koz.


The Company will not hold a webcast in relation to 2024 half-year financial results.

The Company’s Investor Relations team will be available for all questions related to its financial results disclosure. Please see the contacts below.

Investor Relations

Evgeny Monakhov

+44 20 7887 1475 (UK)

Alikhan Bissengali

+7 7172 47 66 55 (Kazakhstan)

Kirill Kuznetsov

Alina Assanova


Yerkin Uderbay

+7 7172 47 66 55 (Kazakhstan)

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大家好,我是威力。 今天要來分享的是我2024年6月持倉與小結。 年初至今未實現+ 9.18% 年初至今已實現+13.33% 上市指數在6月初沒有一點想回檔測試支撐的意思,買氣十分強烈,在06/06跳空開高挑戰左邊壓力並撐住沒有回落,順利走出跳空開高缺口橫
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2024.截至7月的獲利多數公告了, 富邦金稅後純益1078億, EPS 8元,年增94% 國泰金稅後931億,EPS 6.07元,年增90% 中信金賺了480億,EPS2.41元,年増32%。
Solidcore Resources plc (“Solidcore” or the “Company”) reports production results for the second quarter ended June 30, 2024. “In Q2, we demonstrated
連續4個月賺逾3兆元!上市櫃公司6月合併營收為3.64兆元、不僅高於上個月3.61兆元,還創下歷年同期次高。整體第二季營收則來到10.77兆元、季增9.8%、年增14.7%,為歷年最佳表現;上半年營收則來到20.57兆元,則是歷年同期次高,2024年上半年淡季不淡 ~
上半年金融股獲利發爐了 ~ 發爐了 ~ 先從單月獲利來看,14家金控合賺735.82億元,明顯較上個月單月合計526.5億元大增,年增則為4%;上半年累計獲利為3374億元,年增超過6成!通常金融股具有波動穩定、股價緩漲緩跌特性,但今年則是穩穩漲不停,果然基本面吃了大力丸還是很有效的!
六月營收大致上公布接近尾聲 檢視一下自己持有的個股營收 =>新應材: 年+41.21%,首次突破3億,隨著三奈米用量慢慢轉換,新廠的進度上來,應該都會相當不錯!季季增不難 =>先進光:年-0.15%,達3.15億,股東會已經說過八月營收才會進來,慢慢等吧! ---- =>保瑞: 生技的股王
大家好,我是威力。 今天要來分享的是我2024年6月持倉與小結。 年初至今未實現+ 9.18% 年初至今已實現+13.33% 上市指數在6月初沒有一點想回檔測試支撐的意思,買氣十分強烈,在06/06跳空開高挑戰左邊壓力並撐住沒有回落,順利走出跳空開高缺口橫
1.基本面 (1)實收資本額:新台幣67 億 (2)2023 EPS為3.13元 (3)從財報中可觀察出,與2021->2023(4Q) 毛利&營益率 小小上升 毛率率 18.62%->19.77% 營益率 11.68%->12.49% (4)公司產品出貨佔比前三大 .混凝土(63%