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Sea turtles, which have existed for over 100 million years, are now facing an existential crisis due to human-induced threats. Marine pollution, primarily plastic waste, is a critical danger to sea turtles, as they often mistake plastic for food. This ingestion leads to fatal blockages or long-term health problems. Additionally, bycatch in commercial fishing nets results in the unintentional capture and death of thousands of sea turtles each year. Technological solutions, like turtle excluder devices (TEDs), have been developed to allow turtles to escape fishing nets, but their widespread use remains limited.
On land, sea turtles face challenges during nesting season, especially in regions with significant coastal development. Artificial lighting from nearby towns and cities confuses hatchlings, leading them away from the ocean and toward dangerous areas. Climate change is also impacting sea turtle populations, as rising temperatures skew sex ratios of hatchlings—warmer sands produce more females, potentially disrupting population balance.
In response to these threats, conservation efforts worldwide are focusing on protecting nesting habitats and reducing human impact. One example is an island off the coast of Georgia, which serves as a sanctuary during nesting season. Volunteers and researchers patrol the beaches, ensure that turtles can lay their eggs safely, and guide hatchlings toward the ocean. These efforts, combined with global initiatives to reduce plastic waste and enforce fishing regulations, offer hope for the future survival of sea turtles. However, the success of these initiatives depends on sustained public engagement, government policy, and technological advancements.
Sea turtles face an _______________(1) crisis due to marine _______________(2) and bycatch in fishing nets. _______________(3) excluder devices help reduce turtle deaths in nets, but their use is not widespread. On land, artificial _______________(4) from towns confuses hatchlings, making it hard for them to reach the _______________(5).
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