A Comprehensive Guide to ASP.NET and .NET Evolution

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Every Microsoft software product has a lifecycle. A product's life cycle begins with release and concludes when support is discontinued. It could be easier for you to decide when to upgrade or make other software changes if you are aware of key dates in this lifetime.

ASP.NET was initially released in 2002 together with the.NET Framework 1.0, and it came with ASP.NET Web Forms (ASPX) for web applications and ASP.NET Web Service (ASMX) for ASP.NET development services. 

An example of a client-based program is Notepad. The technology known as ASP.NET replaced the earlier ASP (Active Server Pages) technology and offered a major boost in terms of capability and flexibility. It is a.NET platform extension that comes with extra tools and libraries designed especially for creating websites and web applications. However, ASP.NET may only be used to develop web services and applications. For this reason, we referred to ASP.NET as a.NET Framework subset.

Let’s delve into the insights of .Net and ASP.NET.

What is .Net Core?


The most recent iteration of the.NET Framework referred to as.NET Core, was initially released as .NET Core 1.0 in June 2016. Since then, multiple versions have been made available to the public; the most current being.NET 7, which was made accessible by November 8, 2022.

A reusable design platform for software systems that enables code libraries and several scripting languages is the.NET Core framework. The framework works with Windows, Mac OS, Linux, and Docker and is cross-platform compatible.

Applications for gaming, mobile, desktop, cloud, Internet of Things, machine learning, microservices, and more may be made with the.NET Core Framework. Because .NET Core is a completely rewritten framework, it is cross-platform, lightweight, and modular.


What is ASP.NET?


A server-side framework for web applications, ASP.NET was created to offer dynamic webpages for web developers. Microsoft created it so that programmers could create dynamic software, applications, and webpages. Active Server Pages Network Enabled Technologies is referred to as ASP.NET

One of the fastest frameworks available is ASP.NET, which is important to businesses that value dependability and speed. Hire ASP.NET developers as they have the skills to understand the framework with the latest updates. According to Stackoverflow, it is the fourth most popular web framework among developers.

A simple web API with one file and 20 LOC can be created with .NET 6. Many websites that are now using outdated ASP.NET are switching to the more recent ASP.NET Core and experiencing instant performance gains of 20–40%. Over 7 key new features and enhancements were included in the most recent edition (.NET 7).

What is the .NET Framework?

Since the initial release of the.NET framework in 2002, Microsoft has changed. Microsoft's .NET Framework, a development and execution environment for Windows applications. The programming languages, libraries, and developer tools that make up the.NET framework are used to construct desktop and web applications. Moreover, websites, web services, and games can be developed with the .NET framework. 

The framework is compatible with a wide range of common languages, including C#, C++, Visual Basic, JScript, Cobol, and others. Additionally, the.NET Framework supports over 60 programming languages, 11 of which were designed and developed by Microsoft.


.NET Core vs ASP.NET vs .NET Framework


Overview of ASP.NET Cross-Platform, NET Core, and NET FrameworkMake once, execute anywhere. compatible with Linux, Mac OS, and Windows systems only works with the Windows operating system suitable with the Windows operating system.

Application ModelWindows Universal Apps and ASP.NET are included in the application model.WinForms, ASP.NET, and WPF are included in the application model.

ASP.NET Web Forms, ASP.NET MVC, and ASP.NET Web Pages are all part of the Application Model. Support for Microservices.NET Core offers support for microservices and a range of technologies that may be reduced for individual microservices. Microservices cannot be developed and implemented in many languages.

Docker containers can be used to develop and deploy microservices with ASP.NET thanks to built-in support. Support for REST Services.NET Core does not support the WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) services. There would always need to be a REST API.

An excellent choice for WCF (Windows Communication Framework) is the.NET Framework. It also facilitates RESTful services. While WCF provides some assistance in creating REST-style services, ASP.NET Web API provides more extensive support for REST, and any further REST feature improvements will be integrated into ASP.NET Web API language for Programming.

The programming languages C#, F#, and Visual Basic are supported. Any language that is compatible with the CIL (Common Intermediate Language) compiler can be used to program, as long as it is .NET compliant.




Everybody stepping into the world of web development needs to understand the differences between ASP.NET and.NET. The.NET Framework offers a flexible foundation for different kinds of applications, and ASP.NET is specifically designed to meet the demands of web developers.

The capabilities of ASP.NET and.NET are further enhanced by the smooth connection with frontend technologies, cross-platform support, and an extensive toolkit of development resources, which enable developers to construct innovative web applications.

Ultimately, ongoing innovation and adjustment to market changes will define the future of.NET and ASP.NET development services. Developers who accept these modifications and base their choices on project needs will be well-positioned to create robust, scalable, and modern web applications.


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本章講述了C#開發中的程序集,命名空間和 NuGet 包管理器。程序集是 .NET 應用的基礎,命名空間用於組織和預防命名衝突,而 NuGet 用於管理 .NET 的外部庫和依賴項。
在學習C#之前,必須先建立開發環境,例如安裝Visual Studio或其他IDE,並且建立第一個C#專案。可以在Visual Studio中或使用dotnet CLI來建立各種類型的專案。
C#是一種開源、跨平台、面向對象的編程語言,具有類型安全、泛型、模式匹配等特性。廣泛應用於桌面和Web應用程序、遊戲開發、移動應用、雲計算等領域。全球數十萬家公司像微軟、Unity Technologies、Stack Overflow等使用C#支持其業務。C#還提供豐富的進階學習資源和主題。
本文主要在討論以 Docs as Code 方法來撰寫技術文件,此做法能否滿足企業內部對知識管理的需求。
本文介紹了在升級.NET專案時使用.NET Upgrade Assistant的方法,詳細說明瞭如何下載、安裝並使用此工具來實現跨版本升級,並提供了升版過程中的注意事項。
在這個教學中,我們將使用 C# 和 WinForms 來建立一個基本的行事曆應用。我們將使用 MonthCalendar 控制元件,這是一個方便的工具,可用於顯示和選擇日期。這篇文章介紹瞭如何建立基本的行事曆應用,以及如何設定事件處理和添加自定義功能。
接續上一篇 Step2:VC#專案建立 Step3:IIS新建站台 Step4:VC#架設到IIS中
本章講述了C#開發中的程序集,命名空間和 NuGet 包管理器。程序集是 .NET 應用的基礎,命名空間用於組織和預防命名衝突,而 NuGet 用於管理 .NET 的外部庫和依賴項。
在學習C#之前,必須先建立開發環境,例如安裝Visual Studio或其他IDE,並且建立第一個C#專案。可以在Visual Studio中或使用dotnet CLI來建立各種類型的專案。
C#是一種開源、跨平台、面向對象的編程語言,具有類型安全、泛型、模式匹配等特性。廣泛應用於桌面和Web應用程序、遊戲開發、移動應用、雲計算等領域。全球數十萬家公司像微軟、Unity Technologies、Stack Overflow等使用C#支持其業務。C#還提供豐富的進階學習資源和主題。
本文主要在討論以 Docs as Code 方法來撰寫技術文件,此做法能否滿足企業內部對知識管理的需求。
本文介紹了在升級.NET專案時使用.NET Upgrade Assistant的方法,詳細說明瞭如何下載、安裝並使用此工具來實現跨版本升級,並提供了升版過程中的注意事項。
在這個教學中,我們將使用 C# 和 WinForms 來建立一個基本的行事曆應用。我們將使用 MonthCalendar 控制元件,這是一個方便的工具,可用於顯示和選擇日期。這篇文章介紹瞭如何建立基本的行事曆應用,以及如何設定事件處理和添加自定義功能。