2019-04-04|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 3 分鐘

Hanergy Beijing HQ

    Having worked in the solar industry, giving me the chance to visit other solar panel factories, I would say Hanergy is the most amazing one.
    We didn’t visit the factory, we visited the showroom, there are the different type of the model and the usage with practical life, I’m so amazed how much Hanergy has achieved. For example, the curve solar panel was never happening before so they could put on the rooftop like Japanese architecture. They also have the transparent solar panel that you could put on the window, you can get the sun inside the room and generating electricity at the same time, that is too brilliant!
    Later, we go to a bigger showroom is very new like an art museum, there is a solar automobile, how they want to connect solar to practical usage, I’m really impressed if this could happen.
    If you have any question, please feel free to leave your comment, or .
    Originally published at sofi.lafenice.co.
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