2020-03-16|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 14 分鐘

11. 泰 000111 地天-坤乾 (Quarter 1-9)

小往大來,吉亨。-- 貢獻捐助個體擁有的一小部份,往後實現整體大目標的可能性就來了,這必須經由努力的溝通和廣泛的連結來達成。 初九:拔茅茹,以其彙,征吉。/ 變卦地風升 -- 辛苦拔除乾枯的茅草、吞食難以下嚥的食物、努力開墾荒地,不就是以為預期將來能得到彙集豐富、果實藟藟的收成嗎?心境要升高、眺望未來,和遠大的目標連結在一起啊! 九二:包荒,用馮河,不遐遺。朋亡,得尚於中行。/ 變卦地火明夷 -- 心中懷抱著開墾的荒地,連通憑藉著河水來灌溉,從遠處接引而來的水,幾乎就連一滴都不浪費、不遺漏。投資在墾荒的錢財幾乎都用光了,待不住的朋友幾乎都走光了,此時纔明白,還得敞通、疏通淤積在灌溉渠道中日漸增多的阻塞纔能行得通呢!心底隱藏的希望火光,此時幾乎就像要覆滅了似的! 九三:無平不陂,無往不復,艱貞,無咎,勿恤其孚,于食有福。/ 變卦地澤臨 -- 土地撫平、整平了,就沒有了坡度,這就是灌溉溝渠會淤積的原因。但是有了坡度時,水一旦流走了,就不會再回來,真是傷腦筋啊!......這本來就是水的特性,有什麼好奇怪的呢?......隱隱約約地看見微生物浮游在溝洫中,而那些根莖類的食用植物、于類的植物,例如:芋頭、蕃藷、竹筍、馬鈴薯、蘿蔔......等等,也正在天光照射之下大輻度的擴增繁殖呢!看來努力沒有白費功夫,是就近整修水潭來蓄水的時候了。(P.S. 此處「無」有撫平、整地之意,這是從「舞蹈踏地」的動作引申而來的含意。「于食」解為「像芋頭般的根莖類食用植物」。「福」解為「像天光輻射一般擴散」。) 六四:翩翩不富,以其鄰,不戒,以孚。/ 變卦雷天大壯 -- 此時,翩翩飛舞的蝴蝶、蜻蜓......等飛蟲輕盈的飛來飛去,如此醒目顯眼,那是因為牠們的翅膀含有磷元素,也就是類似魚鱗中的一種成分。不必警戒牠們,就像不必警戒那些浮游生物一樣,牠們之所以從鄰地飛來,似乎傳達、浮顯了這樣的訊息:這片土地正在生動的發展、這片天空的未來已經充滿聲勢大壯的希望。 六五:帝乙歸妹,以祉,元吉。/ 變卦水天需 -- 飛蟲們在花蒂間移動、傳播花粉,似乎就像天降良緣、天作之合一般。此時,此地和鄰地的意識也好像歸屬成親、結緣成對似的締結了一連串美好的未來,互取所需。(P.S. 此處「帝」解為「花蒂」或「締結」,「乙」解為「移動」,「妹」解為「美好的未來」。) 上六:城復于隍,勿用師,自邑告命,貞吝。/ 變卦山天大畜 -- 眼看這片土地逐漸發展爲城鎮,城鎮也建設或覆蓋了如同根莖類植物般縱橫交錯的大型供排水網絡系統,隱隱約約地通往一個形成眾人集居、眾物蓄積的大都市的遠景,這都是自己內心的希望所造成的命運啊!經過偵測的結果是:這片開發的土地可能日趨狹小,將會因為容量不足而擁擠不堪呢! "You know, sometimes I feel this word '泰' was related to the original concept about 'tax' or 'donation', seemed like a big tent sheltered many people and covered the public necessary, because of '泰' was considered as a great water tank for agricultural use,......just like some kind of irrigational engineering work or water dam...... " "It must be a hard work to pursuit many people for participating in a master plan of building the great water tank or water dam......That's why the earliest popular broadcast media was created...... " "Why butterfly's wings are shining under sunlight?" " ......Because of their wings contain an element - phosphorus,......also called water in rock,......seems like most of the fishes' scales......" "As you see butterflies, flowers are just blossoming, and you might feel easy and pleasant......They are the most obvious media or matchmakers between many flowers......" "Butterflies were free to fly,......that meant,......that land was just waking, spring rains were flowing fluently on the ground, each blossoming flower seemed like each wish of those early ancient agricultural explorers......" "After a long time, blossoming land might become a village,.....a town,......a city,......even an original center of especial civilization......" "As a lot of people living in there, they might feel their living space and traffic way becomes fewer and narrow. The water tank for public life were built around there, but the ditches for water supplying and draining seemed like be going to have some obstacle problems......" "That's the problem about the capacity of a small village which was going to become a big town or city."
土地開發終將遇到土地承載能力的問題,開發的土地一旦容量不足,就會產生各種因為狹窄而引起的困境,例如水道阻塞不通、交通壅塞糾葛、居住空間狹小、內心產生想要離開當地的埋怨,甚至否定當地的情緒。 "I feel this gua '泰' and next qua '否' were one pair of the obvious turning points in 易經, because '乾 - 111' and '坤 - 000' were meeting at here. Those ancient agricultural people were struggling in both positive and negative moods while their flowery land was just growing and shining....." "That's why the next qua was going to talk about '否' which sounded like 'few' or 'fault' and its original meanings might involve lack, narrow, obstacle and negation......" "Maybe I should understand that the lands were not owned by humankind, but owned by the great sky......Then, who can negotiate with the great sky?......" "As you are watching a colorful newspaper, do you feel it seem like a big butterfly with flat wings?......" "Yes! Newspaper just like a butterfly, it's also an awesome medium of messages transmitting in humankind civilization......" "But......what's the difference between newspaper and butterfly?......" "Butterfly only collects the sweet honey from blossoming flowers, but the newspaper also carries the bitter parts except the sweet......"
"That's the true spirit of a transmitting medium, it doesn‘t only tell you good news, but also tell you bad news,......not only make you pleasant, but also let you know those faults and unfortunate facts......"
"May I tell you a bad news?......"
"I'm listening......"
"I feel a little bit faint......I hear some sounds in winds and waves......I think I should go......"
"Will you come back here?......"
"Maybe......, maybe that's just my illusion......I really need some quiet and deep sleeping......"
I remembered Mermaid E. had been told me, she lived in the sea and have not owned any part of the sea..... What we thought that we have owned might be only a little illusional corner on earth in the universe......
But......I thought most of the lakes or ponds on land might be not a part of the sea, because of their water is not salty as sea water or ocean water, and most of the plants and animals need fresh water more than salty water, just like humankind.
Suddenly an idea about which one can negotiate with the great sky was coming from my mind, maybe it's the water itself,......because water not only can flow on earth, but also can be a part of the air in the great sky naturally......
I couldn't stand to move and kneel beside the pool, scooped some pool water on my palms, then shook my hands and sprayed the water high in the air......I wished E. have a peaceful and wonderful dream in ocean sleeping...... P.S. 相關文章:易的故事 -- The Story of I.E.
《易經》的內涵不只是ㄧ種淪爲抽籤式算命占卜的工具而已,它少量而深奧的文字中,竟然隱藏了人類失落文明的歷程、興衰榮枯的記錄。......《易的故事 -- The Story of I.E.》在此藉由多元語言和文字來還原與探索失落的易經古文明。
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