2020-10-30|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 2 分鐘

April. Online Tutor:少在那邊自以為,英文怎說?

    答案就是:Get over yourself,顧名思義就是少在那臭跩。
    其實 get over 有克服和跨越的意思在,例如 get over it / get over something 就是跨過、克服某事或某物,好比 get over the problem 克服問題 / get over the shyness 克服害羞。除此之外當聽到有人說 get over him/her/you 時就表示從某個對象之中「走出來」,轉移焦點把對方從心裡移除,把對方留在過去不再回頭,類似分手走出情傷時會說的話。
    ● 情況劇:
    A:I think she's hitting on me. (我覺得她在撩我。)
    B:Get over yourself, dude. She’s just being friendly. (少在那邊自以為是,大哥。她只是比較親切。)
    A:I am the sexiest man on earth. I am a chick-magnet for sure. (我是地表最性感的男人,我絕對是吸妹磁鐵。)
    B:What are you even talking about!? Get over yourself, sick narcissist. (你到底在講什麼瘋話? 不要自以為是,噁心的自戀鬼。)
    April. Your Online Tutor (Facebook) : https://www.facebook.com/april.your.online.tutor/
    一名為了躲病毒而莫名其妙待在埃及快一年的遠端工作者、線上英文家教。歡迎來找我上課囉! Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/april.your.online.tutor/
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