更新於 2021/05/26閱讀時間約 1 分鐘

031621 Transform& 蛻變

    The rivers, flow into the ocean.  Ocean, as a mother, hug the baby heartly.  The clouds, gather in the sky.  Sky, as the home, where the clouds play around freely.  Both the rivers and the clouds, clearly know what they want, consistently do the daily jobs.  Gradually, the rivers flow more gently, with the right strength.  The clouds float more lightly, enjoy where they are located.  Naturally, they meet their buddies.  All of them, input the power of each other, well extend the scope, and get the goal of the planned transform achieved.  @@TRY TO ADD THE ROMANTIC, DURING THE PROCEEDING.  YES, I DO, LOVE IT!  Brightly Yours, ~ Love365**Ps. 順風匯集, 聚合定向; 明亮展露, 目標確認.全面綜觀, 匯入心得: 秩序行為, 規律作息, 平心靜氣, 聚精會神; 嚴以律己, 適時放鬆, 足量愉悅, 舒展通達; 自動哼歌, 恭喜達陣. 天空海洋, 志同道合, 納雲容川; 一起成長.
    The rivers, flow into the ocean. Ocean, as a mother, hug the baby heartly. The clouds, gather in the sky. Sky, as the home, where the clouds play around freely. Both the rivers and the clouds, clearly know what they want, consistently do the daily jobs. Gradually, the rivers flow more gently, with the right strength. The clouds float more lightly, enjoy where they are located. Naturally, they meet their buddies. All of them, input the power of each other, well extend the scope, and get the goal of the planned transform achieved. @@TRY TO ADD THE ROMANTIC, DURING THE PROCEEDING. YES, I DO, LOVE IT! Brightly Yours, ~ Love365** Ps. 順風匯集, 聚合定向; 明亮展露, 目標確認. 全面綜觀, 匯入心得: 秩序行為, 規律作息, 平心靜氣, 聚精會神; 嚴以律己, 適時放鬆, 足量愉悅, 舒展通達; 自動哼歌, 恭喜達陣. 天空海洋, 志同道合, 納雲容川; 一起成長.
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