2021-04-10|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 2 分鐘

040921A Touching& 鼓舞

    Nature enables naturally, to take color-red as the weekly color code, in photo-shooting and writing.  Quite great, the flowers in red color, appear more frequently.  Bigger fun has been brought, happier me is born.  It’s true, that color itself got its words for sharing, and the flowers as well.  Even wonderful, the very passionate red, has been fine-tuned as the style I do love, by the nature herself, so naturally.   Ps. 近期訪了屏東, 那國境之南; 非常熱情; 烈日豔陽下, 滿身大汗; 膚色嘛, 健美; 自誇自娛, 確實; 分享同樂傳遞, 一定.動心紅花們, 接連登場; 順勢囉! 就, 拿來當本週寫作主題色, 吧! 這色彩, 賦予景緻另番風貌; 靜悄悄地, 置入熱愛力量.溫度拿捏, 自己看著辦; 助己益人, 見機行事囉. Pps. 回到家鄉, 自然持續貼心;  以淨潔天空當畫布,  以沉穩木麻黃樹為主題, 用那太陽光線, 在茂盛枝葉上, 繪出了虹彩, 低調內斂地, 幫我記錄下這暖至心窩的熱情溫度.
    Nature enables naturally, to take color-red as the weekly color code, in photo-shooting and writing.  Quite great, the flowers in red color, appear more frequently. Bigger fun has been brought, happier me is born. It’s true, that color itself got its words for sharing, and the flowers as well. Even wonderful, the very passionate red, has been fine-tuned as the style I do love, by the nature herself, so naturally. Ps. 近期訪了屏東, 那國境之南; 非常熱情; 烈日豔陽下, 滿身大汗; 膚色嘛, 健美; 自誇自娛, 確實; 分享同樂傳遞, 一定. 動心紅花們, 接連登場; 順勢囉! 就, 拿來當本週寫作主題色, 吧! 這色彩, 賦予景緻另番風貌; 靜悄悄地, 置入熱愛力量. 溫度拿捏, 自己看著辦; 助己益人, 見機行事囉. Pps. 回到家鄉, 自然持續貼心; 以淨潔天空當畫布, 以沉穩木麻黃樹為主題, 用那太陽光線, 在茂盛枝葉上, 繪出了虹彩, 低調內斂地, 幫我記錄下這暖至心窩的熱情溫度.
    Share what I got, from the NATURE. ~ 隨遇而拍, 順心飛翔, 提筆如意. Ps. Movies I Enjoyed: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLtmDGNyd1s9YWm_PPF7jrYXZZQI6mhFwh
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