040721 Understanding& 知曉

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The beloved, anything or anyone, makes me feel comfortable, calm, then smile. It/he/she supports me to travel even freely. The pleasure occurred, results in happiness, guides us to explore the fun around and enjoy as the kids. Here after, the power of laughter and knowledge would be born. Stronger me, happier team, and a beautiful drawing accomplished which is named as friendship. Preciously Yours, ~ Love365**

圖左兩蓮, 天性使然, 靠近了;
同享著陽光微風, 持續成長著.
距離適當地, 獨立著, 自在地.
圖右蓮葉群, 隨境秩序地延展;
讓出了空間, 擘畫出鮮活願景.

闊園蓮葉, 拱托出蓮花的雍容;
水漾淨潔, 傳遞出蓮花那心境.
知曉彼此, 珍貴知己; 默契著.
朝氣活力, 靜逸氛圍, 心愛幕.
    Love365的沙龍 的其他內容
    Get the arms opened widely, receiving the sunlight. What a precise reflection.  So nice the reflections.   Get warmer, the core.  Even strong, ...
    Location, it differs.   Oh! Sunshine, everywhere.    View of the nature, the same, wherever. Energize 365 days with love, accompanied by, whoever, ..
    Enjoy dancing with the sunshine, this adorable lady looks so attractive.  The rosy skin, the plump petals, naturally sexy.  What a touching reward fro
    Lovely companion, enriches the journey. During the travelling, upgrades each other naturally. Writing, help to calm down, and assist to reorganize
    Tall trees, at the left side, as the audience. Enjoying the view in front of them(= scenery at the right side of this photo), from the near where the
    The red, as the butterfly, flying lightly.   The white, as the sense of the confidence, perfectly supporting the butterfly’s flying even freely.  
    Get the arms opened widely, receiving the sunlight. What a precise reflection.  So nice the reflections.   Get warmer, the core.  Even strong, ...
    Location, it differs.   Oh! Sunshine, everywhere.    View of the nature, the same, wherever. Energize 365 days with love, accompanied by, whoever, ..
    Enjoy dancing with the sunshine, this adorable lady looks so attractive.  The rosy skin, the plump petals, naturally sexy.  What a touching reward fro
    Lovely companion, enriches the journey. During the travelling, upgrades each other naturally. Writing, help to calm down, and assist to reorganize
    Tall trees, at the left side, as the audience. Enjoying the view in front of them(= scenery at the right side of this photo), from the near where the
    The red, as the butterfly, flying lightly.   The white, as the sense of the confidence, perfectly supporting the butterfly’s flying even freely.  
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