更新於 2021/06/25閱讀時間約 3 分鐘

D21@4 Jun 2021 Plain Covid Diary in Taiwan

added 345 local cases, 21 deaths. 4 Jun 2021 (Fri)
A typhoon is coming. It's rare to have flood and drought at the same time, now Taipei is flooded. Taichung is still suffering from water cut.
The most disgusting and ignorant thing this year was that a virtual candle posted on the UK embassy account was meant to commemorate June 4 (the annual – heavily censored – commemoration of the Tiananmen crackdown in 1989), but Chinese netizens responded with 'RIP the Queen'.
Japan carried vaccines for Taiwan today. The flight number was JL-809. People are joking:
Japan chose a good date and a good flight number as China can't mention these numbers, they imply June 4th, 1989.
The JL-809 was supposed to fly on 6/5, but Japan rescheduled this flight to today, so people believe that they might really mean that.
There are almost no Japanese citizens opposed giving vaccines for free for Taiwan among over 3,000 comments from Yahoo Japan. But there are still some opinions said they shouldn't send vaccines to Taiwan for free as it's an imperative property of a country, the comment was as touching as:
Vaccines shouldn't be given for free, but we had received the payment ten years ago.
True friend, Japan.
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