2021-03-16|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 9 分鐘


#餐廳 #服務生 #服務用語 #英文 #English #Expressions #restaurant #waiter #waitress #server #service #work

1–1 (迎客) 您好,歡迎光臨 Hello, welcome to _________(店名).
1–2 (確認人數) 請問幾位客人用餐呢? (Tips:為減輕客人的負擔,可以看到幾位客人直接跟客人確認。) (1) How many people in your party? (2) Are there two people in your party? (3) Table for two?
客:我們2位/4位… (1) Two / Four people. (2) There will be four of us.
1–3 (候位) 目前沒有位置,需要留電話候位嗎? Sorry, we have no tables now. Would you like to leave your phone number, I will make a phone call when we have table.
1–4 (指引位置) 室內是禁菸區,室外這個位置可以嗎? (Tips:指方向時要五指併攏) The indoor place is non-smoking, there are some tables in our outdoor area, is that okay? May I show you to the table?
1–5 (菜單) 這是我們的菜單跟酒單,您看一下 稍後過來幫您點餐 Here are menus, and I’ll be back when you’re ready to order.
1–6 (介紹) 請問需要幫您介紹嗎? Would you need some recommendations ? 請問需要點些甚麼呢? Would you like to order now? Would you like something to drink?
1–7 (推薦)
客:你有推薦的嗎? (1) Do you have any recommendations? (2) What’s today special? 客:我們想喝酸一點的/甜一點的酒 I would like to order the drink is more sweet / more sour.
[回答A]:我們店的招牌是_______ Our signature dishes are ___________ [回答B]:比較多顧客喜歡的是______ Many customers ordered ____________ [回答C]:我個人最愛的是______ ______________ is my favorite. [回答D]:有在促銷(做活動)的是______ Today’s special is ________.

[餐點] Fries、Chicken nuggets、Spaghetti、Pizza、 chicken wings、Beef kebabs、Margherita Pizza [飲料] Black tea、Honey lemon juice、Americano、Latte、Sprite、 Brown sugar milk tea、Kiwi juice [調酒] Mojito、Gin Tonic、Tequila sunrise、Long island、Early Grey Iced Tea、Sangria

舉例: (1) Buy 2 get 1 for beer. Here are options Taiwan beer or Heineken or Hoegaarden rosee or Stella artois. (2) Two Hoegaarden get One free French fries.
1–8 (點餐結束) 還需要些什麼嗎? Would you like anything else? 沒問題,餐點馬上幫您準備。 Sure. I’ll be back with your order.

2–1 (送餐具/或送水) 您好,幫您先送餐具。 Sir/Madam, Here’s your cutlery.
2–2 (送餐) 您好,幫您送_________(餐點) Sir/Madam, Here’s your _________.
2–3 (收盤子) 您好,方便幫您收空盤、空杯嗎?謝謝 Are you finished? May I take that glass/plate from you?
2–4 (問廁所)
客:請問廁所在哪邊? Where is toilet/restroom?
您好,就在酒吧的正後方,這邊走過去左轉,左手邊藍色的門就是了。/餐廳走到底就可以看到了。 Yes, just right behind our bar, go straight and turn left, toilet is on your left which has blue door. / Go down this way and it’s on your left.
2–5 (問其他服務)
客:請問有水/餐巾紙嗎? Server, can you give us two water/napkin?
您好,有的!馬上送過去 Certainly, I will bring it for you.

3–1 (結帳)
客:我們要結帳 Could we have the bill, please? Check, please.
總共是2180元 Your total comes to 2180 dollars.
3–2 (分開結) 請問是分開結嗎? Would you pay the check separately? 請問你點的餐點是? What’s your order?
3–3 (服務費) 我們沒有服務費 There are not having any service fee.
3–4 (找錢) 這是找您的錢,謝謝光臨 Here’s your change. Thank you so much. See you next time.

【其他Q&A】 Q1:客人問說有沒有菸灰缸等 (Tips:我基本上都會在帶位時,菸灰缸ashtray連同菜單一起給客人。) Do you have astray? A1:Certainly, I will bring it for you. Q2:客人問說餐點/調酒裡面有甚麼? What’s the “Around the world” ? What’s in the “soup/Spaghetti” ? A2: (1) Around the world is made with Vodka、Rum、Gin、Tequila、Whisky and pineapple juice. It is A stronger cocktail. (2) There are _____、_____…in the soup. (3) Spaghetti with clams in white wine sauce. Q3:客人對某些食物過敏,會問 Are there any nuts/peanuts/shrimp ? A3:Yes/No 最後來張"營業式的笑容" :D 更多我的生活大小事 IG : @sealisaac 支持創作者,一起成為「讚賞公民」吧 : ) 如果喜歡我的文章,可以透過我的推薦連結成為「讚賞公民」按我申請 或者幫我拍拍手(最多五個讚),作為我繼續寫作的動力,謝謝你的支持!

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