2022-05-13|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 2 分鐘

Register today for Blockchained India’s Init (Metaverse): NF

    Register today for Blockchained India’s Init (Metaverse): NFT BytesBlockchained India and Blocumen Studios are excited to announce their meetup, Init (Metaverse): NFT Bytes slated for May 13, 2022, from 5:00 pm IST on Airmeet. NFT Bytes is a part of the six-month-long Initialize Metaverse conference. NFT,凭借来自世界各地的领先声音,聚会为希望深入了解NFT世界的冠军提供了一个基层平台。它汇集了一群无与伦比的NFT专家,他们将专注于每个人——从新手到鲸鱼——需要了解这个快速发展且经常波动的部门。#NFT
    Register today for Blockchained India’s Init (Metaverse): NFT Bytes Blockchained India and Blocumen Studios are excited to announce their meetup, Init (Metaverse): NFT Bytes slated for May 13, 2022, from 5:00 pm IST on Airmeet. NFT Bytes is a part of the six-month-long Initialize Metaverse conference. NFT,凭借来自世界各地的领先声音,聚会为希望深入了解NFT世界的冠军提供了一个基层平台。它汇集了一群无与伦比的NFT专家,他们将专注于每个人——从新手到鲸鱼——需要了解这个快速发展且经常波动的部门。 #NFT
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