2022-05-20|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 2 分鐘


    Growth was explosive, and innovations were constantly popping up. The competition wasn't on if projects would come up but on the ones that would break the $100 million mark first. However, a recent bearish market has put a halt to the good times. Yet DeFi is expected to get back on its feet. DeFi用例尚待全面探索。应该推动DeFi反弹的潜在巨大创新领域包括Web 3.0、Play-to-earn游戏、使用NFT来对抗假冒产品和PFP NFT。DeFi的使用在未来只会增加。这使得最近的暴跌成为道路上的暂时亮点。 #defi #web3
    分享DeFi每日趣聞,傳遞新世界DeFi金融爭霸技巧,在DeFi的生態中實現財富自由。不定期分享白名單,空投。關注社群:http://discord.gg/9TSj3V2rzU #DeFi #Metaverse
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