2022-06-15|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 2 分鐘

【ArcadeLand And Codyfight Team Up For Innovation】

    Codyfight’s partnership with ArcadeLand ensures to empower creators and developers alike by enabling them to earn through their skills. A creator can earn rewards by designing and selling new non-fungible skins. Codyfight预计将在ArcadeLand metaverse中推出其虚拟总部,以更好地与希望了解有关游戏的更多信息的粉丝和新用户建立联系。Codyfight的虚拟总部将作为与锦标赛、一般更新和日常任务相关的信息来源。 一个可以自信的事实是,ArcadeLand和Codyfight的伙伴关系扩大了那些希望发泄创造力和才华的人在获得奖励的同时玩得开心的地方。 #gamefi #codyfight
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