2022-06-17|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 1 分鐘

【Stepping Into The Metaverse Realm of Web3 Gaming】

    P2E Games players can earn assets within the game and receive prizes that have actual value. This entails that games that are released on Web 3.0, and can be played in the Metaverse realm. 基于区块链技术,Web3游戏非常无懈可击,几乎不可能被黑客入侵,依靠投票共识来改变游戏流程,并且所有参与网络的玩家都可以平等访问。每个活动都记录在区块链上,通过这种方式,Web3游戏保持了高度的开放性和透明度。 #gamefi #web3
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