2022-11-17|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 16 分鐘

ESP-01 + DHT11 + LED

本專題為兩塊ESP8266-ESP01 ,分別為 Arduino+ESP-01+YL-69 土壤濕度檢測器與LED燈 ,以及 ESP-01 + DHT11 + LED 傳輸給伺服器端,並於伺服器上 WebSite 透過ESP-01上傳儲 存於 MYSQL 資料呈現曲線圖給前端使用者。此外,前端使用者也可控制兩塊ESP01將LED 燈點亮與關閉。

ESP8266 ES-01獨立使用

STEP 1. 清空 Arduino Uno 內存,將Arduino Uno 做中介燒入。
void setup() {} 
void loop() {}
STEP 2. 檔案-偏好設定-額外的開發版管理員網址 填入 http://arduino.esp8266.com/stable/package_esp8266com_index.json
然後到 工具- 開發板管理員 填入 ESP8266 就會看到esp8266 by ESP8266 Community 接著安裝 就可以在開發板選項中看到 ESP8266 這個系列了
Step 3. 選擇開發板 開發板 : Generic ESP8266 Module Flash Mode : DIO Flash Zize : 1M (512K SPIFFS) 序列埠 : Arduino Uno

Arduino Uno & ESP-01 線路

(用Arduino 當燒錄中介 所以TX與RX 是直接對接,IO0(GPIO0) 接Low後上電就會進入燒錄模 式燒錄完記得改為空接)
Step 5. 燒錄測試 (*注意 燒錄後內建的AT command會被覆蓋掉 若有需要則需上官網下載重新燒入) 選擇 檔案 -範例 - Basics - Blink 將腳位改為 2 (即IO2)
void setup() {
pinMode(2, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
digitalWrite(2, HIGH); // turn the LED on (HIGH is the voltage level)
delay(1000); // wait for a second
digitalWrite(2, LOW); // turn the LED off by making the voltage LOW
delay(1000); // wait for a second
然後按"上傳",就開始燒錄Code了 當跑到 100% 後就燒錄完成了。

ESP8266 ES-01獨立使用 透過 WebSite 點亮 LED

#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#define _baudrate 9600
const char* ssid = "D-Link_DIR-612";//type your ssid
const char* password = "123456789";//type your password
int ledPin = 2; // GPIO2 of ESP8266
WiFiServer server(80);
const char* host = "";
const int httpPort = 80;
unsigned long time_interval=60000;
void setup() {
Serial.begin( _baudrate );
pinMode(2, OUTPUT);
Serial.println( "ESP8266 Ready!" );
// Connecting to a WiFi network
Serial.print("Connect to... ");
WiFi.begin(ssid, password);
while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
Serial.println( "" );
Serial.println( "WiFi connected" );
Serial.println( "IP address: " );
Serial.println( WiFi.localIP() );
Serial.println( "" );
String turnx="";
void loop() {
// 設定 ESP8266 作為 Client 端
WiFiClient client;
if (!client.connect(host, httpPort)) {
Serial.println( "connection failed" );
String url = "/iot/turn2.txt";
client.print(String("GET ") + url + " HTTP/1.1\r\n" +
"Host: " + host + "\r\n" +
"Connection: keep-alive\r\n\r\n");
//"Connection: close\r\n\r\n");
// 讀取所有從 IoT Server 的回應並輸出到串列埠
String line = client.readStringUntil('\r');
digitalWrite(2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(2, LOW);

ESP8266 ES-01獨立使用 DHT11 傳送至WebSite

Step1. 安裝 DHT11 程式庫 工具 程式庫 DHT Sensor library
Step2.將程式燒入( GPIO 0 若在開機時被偵測到 Low, ESP8266 將進入韌體燒寫模式 (透過 UART), 否則 GPIO 0 即為一般的 GPIO 埠.)
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <DHT.h>
#define DHTTYPE DHT11
#define DHTPIN  0

#define _baudrate   9600

const char* ssid = "D-Link_DIR-612";//type your ssid
const char* password = "123456789";//type your password
int ledPin = 2; // GPIO2 of ESP8266
WiFiServer server(80);
const char* host = "";
const int httpPort = 80;
unsigned long time_interval=60000;

DHT dht(DHTPIN, DHTTYPE, 11);    // 11 works fine for ESP8266
float humidity, temp_f;   // 從 DHT-11 讀取的值
unsigned long previousMillis = 0;        // will store last temp was read
const long interval = 2000;              // interval at which to read sensor

void setup() {
Serial.begin( _baudrate );
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);

  Serial.println( "ESP8266 Ready!" ); 
  // Connecting to a WiFi network
  Serial.print("Connect to... ");
  WiFi.begin(ssid, password);
  while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
  Serial.println( "" );

  Serial.println( "WiFi connected" );
  Serial.println( "IP address: " );
  Serial.println( WiFi.localIP() );
  Serial.println( "" );
  // Start the server

String turnx="";
void loop() {
  // 設定 ESP8266 作為 Client 端
  WiFiClient client;

 if (!client.connect(host, httpPort)) {
    Serial.println( "connection failed" );

 String url = "/iot/turn2.txt";
  client.print(String("GET ") + url + " HTTP/1.1\r\n" +
               "Host: " + host + "\r\n" + 
               "Connection: keep-alive\r\n\r\n");
               //"Connection: close\r\n\r\n"); 
        // 讀取所有從 IoT Server 的回應並輸出到串列埠
            String line = client.readStringUntil('\r');
      digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); 
      digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);

void gettemperature() {
  // 量測間等待至少 2 秒
  unsigned long currentMillis = millis();
  if(currentMillis - previousMillis >= interval) {
    // 將最後讀取感測值的時間紀錄下來 
    previousMillis = currentMillis;   

    // 讀取溫度大約 250 微秒!
    humidity = dht.readHumidity();          // 讀取濕度(百分比)
    temp_f = dht.readTemperature(true);     // 讀取溫度(華氏)
    // 檢查兩個值是否為空值
    if (isnan(humidity) || isnan(temp_f)) {
      Serial.println("Failed to read from DHT sensor!");
      WiFiClient client;

  if (!client.connect(host, httpPort)) {
    Serial.println( "connection failed" );

         String url = "/iot/insert.php?t=";
        client.print(String("GET ") + url + " HTTP/1.1\r\n" +
               "Host: " + host + "\r\n" + 
               "Connection: close\r\n\r\n"); 
         Serial.println("Send DHT sensor ok!");
Step3. WebSite 程式 (insert.php)
//資料庫 設定 
 $db_host = "localhost"; //路徑
 $db_username = "root"; //帳號
 $db_password = "1234"; //密碼
 $db_name = "iot20211008"; 
 //pdo -> mysql連線
	 $db_link = new PDO("mysql:host={$db_host};dbname={$db_name};charset=utf8",$db_username,$db_password);
 }catch(PDOException $e){
	 print "資料庫連結失敗...Msg:{$e->getMessage()}<br/>";
$data = [$_GET["t"],
$query_insert = "INSERT INTO sensor2 (temperature,humidity ,datex) VALUES (?,?, NOW())";
$stmt = $db_link->prepare($query_insert);


本專題資料庫名稱為: iot20211008 資料表分別為 : sensor 紀錄土壤偵測的數值 sensor2 紀錄DHT11 溫溼度的數值
相關原碼: https://reurl.cc/OkME6g Arduino 原碼 為 123.ino 壓縮檔內 WevSite 原碼 為 iot.rar MySql 資料庫 為 iot20211008.sql 技術文件 : 專題.pdf
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