2013-02-06|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 11 分鐘




    Japan Minister of Defense Onodera held a special press conference on February 5th.  He made it clear that PLA Navy cruiser aimed at a JADF escort vessel and a helicopter with weapon-controlled radar respectively on 19th and 30 January.  They were provocative, Onodera concluded.
    No doubt, during the two week for verification, Japan must have also made diplomatic preparations.
    At 19:02 Onodera made the incidents public, immediately after the diplomatic exchanges of messages from the Supervisor of the First Mongolian Division of Chinese MOFA to the Counselor of Japanese Embassy on Beijing at 17:30, and from the Deputy Envoy of Japanese Embassy on Beijing to the Director-General of the Department of Asia of Chinese MOFA at 18:20.  The Japanese government discreetly followed diplomatic rules before publicly raising the dispute.
    Seeing the fact that Chinese authorities and media vigorously fermented nationalist fever among their citizens and newsreaders last September, can or will the PLA General Staff Department control personal behavior of its subordinates?  Will PLA take responsibility, if any?
    Once the weapon-controlled radar was applied, the counterpart would certainly detect the related parameters, which was very disadvantageous to PLA Navy.  Political consideration must have been made prior to the military action.
    One more thing has to be noted.  The incidents happened respectively before and after the cool-down trip of Yamaguchi, Japanese Envoy sent by Japanese Prime Minister Abe for the situation of the Senkakus from January 21 to 25 --- apparently the exercise of the “coercive diplomacy”
    [1] that Chuck Hagel, Dennis B. Ross and other US national security member stressed.  

    Disturbingly, without any institutional mechanism between the two sides to solve or cool down the disputes, any sparkle might be escalated to a much larger armed conflict.
    As expected, the hawkish Global Times wrote that the incidents were nothing but “a fair treat,” for the tailing of JSDF behind Chinese government vessels with EP-3 when they were cruising through the Senkakus waters.  The Global Time "ensured" that the similar incidents would happen again and again.
    We have heard the story from Japan, and now we are waiting to hear the Chinese scenario, not comments.    revised at 2230


    日本指稱的是解放軍海軍「巡防艦」,中國外交部卻只承認「公務船」。日本指稱以「射控雷達」瞄準,中國則是「執法」。19日為江凱I級(526、溫州)號 vs. 海自的(103、大波號おおなみ)。30日為江衛II級(522)連雲港號 vs. 海自的(103、夕立號ゆうだち)。這是在517時半中國外交部蒙古第一課長給日本著中大使館參事,與1820分的日本駐中大使館副公使給中國外交部亞洲司長的兩場外交推手後,後由防衛大臣在晚間7時親自召開的臨時記者會中發佈的消息。


    中國軍艦嚴重挑釁 「雷達瞄準」日艦自由2013.02.06










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