seems that DDP is aware of the risk of the long transitional period after Tsai’s
winning of 2012 election, and come up with a preliminary solution: Asking the US
to help stabilize the Strait.
Yet, it is not enough focusing on the regional security -- municipal
instability or unrest might affect the former.
DPP has to invite the US, UK, Japan, their NGOs, or more specifically the “nonprofit corporation,” as observers, to “meaningfully
participate” in the transition of the government --- the first time the power
is going to be transferred from the China-born leader to Taiwanese.
Taiwan’s democracy, the one and only case in
Chinese culture, is the touchstone to the universality of democratic values. Beijing might assert that the western democracy
does not fit China after all, if Taiwan’s democracy fails. revised at 2250
吳釗燮:若蔡勝選 盼美在交接期能穩定台海◎自由(2011.12.02)