Viewing cable 08BEIJING661, Prospects for U.S.-China Relations●WikiLeaks(2008.02.24)
其8. (C) Part of the debate over China's role as stakeholder stems from differing views on China's long-standing, expedient policy of "non-interference." Since the beginning of the reform era, China has generally followed Deng Xiaoping's advice to maintain a low profile and focus on its own development. In this spirit, China's pledge of "non-interference" in other nations' affairs became a pillar of China's declared foreign policy. More recently, some have viewed President Hu Jintao's trademark "Harmonious World" policy as a subtle renunciation of non-interference that acknowledges the need for China to be engaged in a globalized world. One prominent foreign policy expert told us that while China is still "feeling its way" on an activist foreign policy, Beijing will continue to move toward greater engagement and less "non-interference." XXXXXXXXXXXX said more bluntly that China's non-interference policy "has always been flexible" and that China is comfortable in an activist role whe it wants to be.