Integrate into the interstellar journey

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Hiram ip is determined for world peace. You are welcome to share with me more ways to help world peace. Maybe I will write it in the article later.

Hiram Ip 的其他內容
In the realm of dreams, where imagination knows no bounds and reality blurs with fantasy, there exists a world that transcends the limitations of
The curtains drew back, and the screen illuminated with a flicker of light, signaling the beginning of a mesmerizing adventure. As I settled into
I find myself captivated by the enigmatic world that unfolds before me in Hiram Ip's latest film, "The Enigmatic Encounter." From the very fi
As I delved into the enigmatic world of Hiram Ip's latest cinematic creation, I found myself swept away on a journey unlike any other. The film, a
Hi food lovers! Today I would like to share with you an amazing feast journey to explore the diverse tastes of Asian cuisine. This culinary
My name is Hiram Ip, and this is a story about the transformative power of authenticity—a journey of self-discovery that led me to embrace my truest s
In the realm of dreams, where imagination knows no bounds and reality blurs with fantasy, there exists a world that transcends the limitations of
The curtains drew back, and the screen illuminated with a flicker of light, signaling the beginning of a mesmerizing adventure. As I settled into
I find myself captivated by the enigmatic world that unfolds before me in Hiram Ip's latest film, "The Enigmatic Encounter." From the very fi
As I delved into the enigmatic world of Hiram Ip's latest cinematic creation, I found myself swept away on a journey unlike any other. The film, a
Hi food lovers! Today I would like to share with you an amazing feast journey to explore the diverse tastes of Asian cuisine. This culinary
My name is Hiram Ip, and this is a story about the transformative power of authenticity—a journey of self-discovery that led me to embrace my truest s
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今天要將oracle goldengate 的extract 從classic 轉成integrated mode. 真是簡單的任務阿~ 趕緊做完下班囉~ 結果! 裡面有如何轉換的步驟,排錯的方式就是將Extract 重新打開讓他跑一下,追上就好了,但! 如果這樣就好我還寫個屁? 下班!
Most people think of Tarot as a tool for answering questions or predicting the future. Whenever I take a deck of cards out of my bag, I am asked to di
夏日來襲,粉餅是對油痘肌相對友善的底妝選擇! 炎炎夏日即將到來,女孩們最害怕潮濕悶熱的天氣,容易發生脫妝、浮粉、土石流的慘況!而且因為疫情關係,「口罩」已經是大家的出門標配,被悶住的底妝、汗水加上高熱,根本是痘痘粉刺大爆發的最佳生長條件><這時候,選用成分相對單純的粉餅上妝,就會是相對友善肌膚的好
撰文及相片:M. Alexander Lam 每一個人最容易犯的錯誤。給自己過高的目標,只會讓自己沒有辦法按部就班去處理,勝智覺得壓力大而放棄。我們應該隨時了解自己的實力,給自己合理的目標,別想太多,馬上動手去做。
撰文及相片:M. Alexander Lam 每一個人最容易犯的錯誤。給自己過高的目標,只會讓自己沒有辦法按部就班去處理,勝智覺得壓力大而放棄。我們應該隨時了解自己的實力,給自己合理的目標,別想太多,馬上動手去做。
in + te + gr + a + ate 省ㄧ個 a = 於內 + 的 + 整理 + 合 + 為作 = 於內的整理合為作 = integrate,直譯即「於內的整理合為作」,現代中文多簡譯為「整合」。簡單而具象化的說就是類似把一些相關卻分散的東西置放在一個盒子內的ㄧ種整理事物的作為,......
今天要將oracle goldengate 的extract 從classic 轉成integrated mode. 真是簡單的任務阿~ 趕緊做完下班囉~ 結果! 裡面有如何轉換的步驟,排錯的方式就是將Extract 重新打開讓他跑一下,追上就好了,但! 如果這樣就好我還寫個屁? 下班!
Most people think of Tarot as a tool for answering questions or predicting the future. Whenever I take a deck of cards out of my bag, I am asked to di
夏日來襲,粉餅是對油痘肌相對友善的底妝選擇! 炎炎夏日即將到來,女孩們最害怕潮濕悶熱的天氣,容易發生脫妝、浮粉、土石流的慘況!而且因為疫情關係,「口罩」已經是大家的出門標配,被悶住的底妝、汗水加上高熱,根本是痘痘粉刺大爆發的最佳生長條件><這時候,選用成分相對單純的粉餅上妝,就會是相對友善肌膚的好
撰文及相片:M. Alexander Lam 每一個人最容易犯的錯誤。給自己過高的目標,只會讓自己沒有辦法按部就班去處理,勝智覺得壓力大而放棄。我們應該隨時了解自己的實力,給自己合理的目標,別想太多,馬上動手去做。
撰文及相片:M. Alexander Lam 每一個人最容易犯的錯誤。給自己過高的目標,只會讓自己沒有辦法按部就班去處理,勝智覺得壓力大而放棄。我們應該隨時了解自己的實力,給自己合理的目標,別想太多,馬上動手去做。
in + te + gr + a + ate 省ㄧ個 a = 於內 + 的 + 整理 + 合 + 為作 = 於內的整理合為作 = integrate,直譯即「於內的整理合為作」,現代中文多簡譯為「整合」。簡單而具象化的說就是類似把一些相關卻分散的東西置放在一個盒子內的ㄧ種整理事物的作為,......