The Big Book of Giant Animals, The Little Book of Tiny Animals Hardcover
克里斯蒂娜‧班菲、Cristina Banfi
Cristina Banfi graduated in Natural Sciences from the University of Milan. She has been working for over 20 years in the communications field focusing on science and educational games and has published a variety of titles, both educational and informational for young readers.
Francesca Cosanti attended the Multimedia Illustration and Animation Course at the Instituto Europeo di Design in Rome and took the illustration course at Officina B5 at the Academy of Illustration in Rome. In addition, she took intensive illustration courses with internationally famous illustrators. Since then, she has worked as an illustrator in publishing, agencies, advertising and in the corporate world. As an acknowledged expert of illustration, graphic design and multimedia software, Francesca also teaches in various art schools in Italy.
弗朗西斯卡‧柯桑蒂Francesca Cosanti
1985年7月3日生於義大利馬丁納弗蘭卡。2005年起專職插畫,並在多所學校任教。對童書創作尤其充滿腔熱忱與創意,與White Star出版社合作多本作品
Francesca Cosanti attended the Multimedia Illustration and Animation Course at the Instituto Europeo di Design in Rome and took the illustration course at Officina B5 at the Academy of Illustration in Rome. In addition, she took intensive illustration courses with internationally famous illustrators. Since then, she has worked as an illustrator in publishing, agencies, advertising and in the corporate world. As an acknowledged expert of illustration, graphic design and multimedia software, Francesca also teaches in various art schools in Italy.
The Big Book of Giant Animals, The Little Book of Tiny Animals Hardcover
超級大書中還有迷你小書!創意十足的裝幀概念,徹底呼應「最大的動物」與「最小的動物」之懸殊比例。 在奇妙的閱讀體驗中,不僅能輕鬆吸收生態知識,更有如走訪紙上動物園,探索無奇不有的動物世界! 你發現了嗎?在這本獨特的「超級大書」封面上,還鑲嵌了一本「迷你小書」。你一定猜得到,超級大書裡蒐集了許多體型龐大的巨大動物, 以超大幅的展開圖呈現,充滿視覺震撼,讓人無法忽視牠的存在,像是世界上最大的動物藍鯨,陸地上最大的動物非洲象、世界上最高的動物長頸鹿……等等。 而「迷你小書」裡,則介紹了我們少有機會一睹身影的微小動物——因為牠們實在小到令人難以察覺。像是常被誤認為蝴蝶的蝶蝠、體長只有5公分的沙漠侏儒倉鼠、體重只有30公克的侏儒倭狐猴……等。 請你特別注意每幅圖畫中都會出現的「紅花」,它是一個有趣的比例尺,能幫助你一眼看出這個動物的體型究竟有多麼龐大、或多麼迷你。 例如,在巨大的象鼻海豹身上,這朵紅花就像鬍鬚一樣微小;但是在小小的果蠅旁邊,這朵紅花卻顯得碩大無比!親子可以一起找每幅畫中的紅花,更添閱讀樂趣。
Get two books in one—a big volume for large animals and a teeny-tiny one for the smallest!
The biggest and the littlest creatures of the animal kingdom meet in this unique combination of two books! The tiny book fits snugly into the cover of the larger one, and features the butterfly bat, hummingbird, Etruscan Shrew, desert hamster, and other diminutive animals. Nature’s giants have squeezed onto the pages of the oversized volume, including an elephant, giraffe, polar bear, blue whale, and colossal squid. A red flower on each spread provides perspective on the actual size of each animal. Come and meet them all!
The Big Book of Giant Sea Creatures and the Small Book of Tiny Sea Creatures Hardcover
Sure, you know that the oceans are full of big sea creatures, but did you know that it has some of the biggest living animals on Earth? You can find them among the 40 pages of The Big Book of Sea Creatures. It's also got plenty of small creatures -- some even smaller than your thumb. You'll find them hiding among the pages of The Small Book of Tiny Sea Creatures. Come and meet them all!
The Big Book of Giant Dinosaurs and the Small Book of Tiny Dinosaurs Hardcover
Some dinosaurs were huge, bigger than boats and even your house. Then there were others that were smaller than your bicycle! You'll find them all in these books! Prehistoric giants have squeezed their way onto the pages of The Big Book of Giant Dinosaurs while the tiniest dinos you can imagine are hiding among the pages of The Small Book of Tiny Dinosaurs. Come and meet them!