2023-09-04|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 12 分鐘

The Golden Axe and the Silver Axe

    4 Characters:

    • Narrator
    • Woodcutter
    • Hermes (River's Spirit)
    • Neighbor

    Narrator: Once upon a time, there was a woodcutter who accidentally dropped his axe into the river. He lost his tool for making a living and cried loudly.

    Woodcutter: (Crying) Oh no, my axe! How will I work now?

    Narrator: The river's spirit, Hermes, felt sorry for the woodcutter and appeared before him.

    Hermes: Don't cry. I'll help you. Did you lose this golden axe?

    Woodcutter: (Shaking head) No, that's not mine.

    Narrator: Hermes then took out a silver axe and asked the same question.

    Hermes: What about this silver axe?

    Woodcutter: (Honest) No, that's not mine either.

    Narrator: Hermes reached into the river once more and presented the woodcutter's own axe.

    Hermes: And this one?

    Woodcutter: (Recognizing) Yes, that's my axe! Thank you, Hermes.

    Narrator: Hermes praised the woodcutter's honesty and rewarded him with all three axes.

    Hermes: You're an honest man. You deserve these axes.


    Narrator: The woodcutter's neighbor heard this story and became envious.

    Neighbor: (Thinking) I want three axes too!

    Narrator: The neighbor threw his own axe into the river and pretended to cry.

    Neighbor: (Pretending) Oh no, my axe is lost!

    Narrator: When Hermes appeared and asked if he had lost a golden axe, the neighbor answered eagerly.

    Hermes: Did you lose this golden axe?

    Neighbor: (Excited) Yes, yes! That's mine!

    Narrator: However, after that, Hermes never appeared again from the river.

    Neighbor: (Confused) Where's my reward?

    Narrator: The greedy neighbor didn't even get his own axe back.

    Neighbor: (Regretful) I should have been honest like the woodcutter.

    Narrator: And so, the woodcutter's honesty was rewarded, while the neighbor's greed led to his loss.

    Narrator: The end.


    4個角色: • 敘述者 • 伐木工 • 荷莉墨斯(河之精靈) • 鄰居




























    1. Woodcutter (伐木工)
      • Definition: A person whose occupation involves cutting or chopping wood.
      • Word Root: "Wood" + "Cutter"
      • Related Words: Logger (伐木工人), Lumberjack (伐木工), Forester (林務人員)
      • Collocations: Skilled woodcutter (熟練的伐木工), Hardworking woodcutter (勤奮的伐木工)
      • Example Sentence: The woodcutter skillfully felled the trees in the forest. (伐木工巧妙地砍倒了森林裡的樹木。)
    2. Accidentally (意外地)
      • Definition: Happening by chance or unintentionally.
      • Related Words: Unintentionally (非故意地), By chance (偶然地), Inadvertently (不注意地)
      • Collocations: Accidentally drop (意外掉落), Accidentally bump into (意外撞見)
      • Example Sentence: She accidentally spilled coffee on her laptop. (她不小心把咖啡灑在了筆記本電腦上。)
    3. Recognize (認識)
      • Definition: To identify or know someone or something from previous encounters or knowledge.
      • Related Words: Identify (識別), Acknowledge (承認), Realize (察覺)
      • Collocations: Easily recognize (容易認出), Instantly recognize (立刻認出)
      • Example Sentence: He could recognize her voice even in a crowded room. (即使在擁擠的房間裡,他也能認出她的聲音。)
    4. Deserve (應得)
      • Definition: To be worthy of or entitled to something due to one's actions or qualities.
      • Related Words: Earn (賺取), Merit (值得), Qualify for (有資格獲得)
      • Collocations: Truly deserve (真正應得), Richly deserve (豐富應得)
      • Example Sentence: She worked hard and deserved the promotion she received. (她努力工作,應得了她得到的升遷。)
    5. Envious (羨慕的)
      • Definition: Feeling jealousy or a strong desire for something possessed by another person.
      • Word Root: Envy + ous
      • Related Words: Jealous (嫉妒的), Covetous (貪心的), Green-eyed (眼紅的)
      • Collocations: Deeply envious (深感羨慕), Painfully envious (痛苦羨慕)
      • Example Sentence: She couldn't help but feel envious of her friend's success. (她情不自禁地對朋友的成功感到羨慕。)
    6. Pretend (假裝)
      • Definition: To act or behave in a way that is not genuine or true.
      • Related Words: Feign (偽裝), Simulate (模擬), Act (假扮)
      • Collocations: Pretend innocence (假裝無辜), Pretend ignorance (假裝不知)
      • Example Sentence: He would often pretend to be busy when he didn't want to talk to anyone. (當他不想和任何人交談時,他經常假裝忙碌。)
    7. Regretful (後悔的)
      • Definition: Feeling or expressing a sense of sorrow or disappointment about something that has happened.
      • Word Root: Regret + ful
      • Related Words: Remorseful (內疚的), Sorry (抱歉的), Penitent (悔過的)
      • Collocations: Deeply regretful (深感後悔), Sincerely regretful (真誠後悔)
      • Example Sentence: She was regretful that she hadn't taken the opportunity when it was presented to her. (她後悔沒有在機會出現時抓住它。)
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