2023-09-04|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 10 分鐘

Samoyed 薩摩耶犬


    Hello! I'm a Samoyed, known as the "Smiling Angel" for my perpetual grin. Bred by Siberia's Samoyede people, I love being close to humans. I'm strong and enduring, originally used for sledding and herding in the Arctic. White became my signature color due to its popularity in the 19th century. I'm intelligent, gentle, loyal, and highly adaptable. Energetic and friendly, I'm always eager to try new things and interact with people. Trustworthy and without strong aggression, I make a loving companion. If you're seeking a friendly, active friend, I might just be your perfect match!



    1. Perpetual (永久的)
      • Definition: Continuing indefinitely or indefinitely long-lasting.
      • Word Root: Latin "perpetuus" (continuous)
      • Related Words: everlasting, eternal, permanent
      • Collocations: perpetual motion, perpetual calendar
      • Example Sentence:
        • The beauty of nature is a perpetual source of inspiration.
        • 自然之美是不竭的靈感來源。
    2. Grin (露齒笑)
      • Definition: To smile widely, often showing the teeth.
      • Word Root: Unknown
      • Related Words: smile, chuckle, smirk
      • Collocations: give a grin, crack a grin
      • Example Sentence:
        • He couldn't help but grin at the funny joke.
        • 他情不自禁地對那個有趣的笑話露齒而笑。
    3. Enduring (持久的)
      • Definition: Lasting for a long time; durable.
      • Word Root: Latin "indurare" (harden)
      • Related Words: lasting, persisting, resilient
      • Collocations: enduring love, enduring friendship
      • Example Sentence:
        • Their enduring commitment to each other is truly inspiring.
        • 他們持久的承諾對彼此真是令人鼓舞。
    4. The Arctic (北極)
      • Definition: The region around the North Pole.
      • Related Words: polar, frigid, icy
      • Collocations: Arctic Circle, Arctic climate
      • Example Sentence:
        • Polar bears are well-adapted to the harsh conditions of the Arctic.
        • 北極熊適應了北極惡劣的環境。
    5. Signature (簽名)
      • Definition: A person's name written in their own distinctive way.
      • Word Root: Latin "signare" (to mark)
      • Related Words: autograph, mark, seal
      • Collocations: sign a signature, electronic signature
      • Example Sentence:
        • He added his signature to the bottom of the contract.
        • 他在合同底部簽下了他的簽名。
    6. Popularity (受歡迎)
      • Definition: The state of being liked, admired, or supported by many people.
      • Word Root: Latin "populus" (people)
      • Related Words: fame, recognition, acclaim
      • Collocations: gain popularity, widespread popularity
      • Example Sentence:
        • The popularity of the new movie spread quickly through word of mouth.
        • 新電影的受歡迎程度迅速透過口碑傳開。
    7. Eager (渴望的)
      • Definition: Having a strong desire or enthusiasm for something.
      • Related Words: enthusiastic, keen, anxious
      • Collocations: eager to learn, be eager for success
      • Example Sentence:
        • The students were eager to start their summer vacation.
        • 學生們渴望開始他們的暑假。
    8. Interact (互動)
      • Definition: To communicate or work together with others.
      • Word Root: Latin "interagere" (to act between)
      • Related Words: communicate, collaborate, engage
      • Collocations: interact with others, social interaction
      • Example Sentence:
        • Online platforms provide opportunities for people to interact with each other globally.
        • 網絡平台提供了人們全球互動的機會。
    9. Trustworthy (值得信賴的)
      • Definition: Reliable and deserving of trust.
      • Word Root: Old English "trēowian" (to believe)
      • Related Words: reliable, dependable, honest
      • Collocations: a trustworthy friend, be seen as trustworthy
      • Example Sentence:
        • Her consistent honesty made her one of the most trustworthy people in the company.
        • T她持續的誠實使她成為公司裡最值得信賴的人之一。
    10. Aggression (侵略行為)
      • Definition: Hostile or violent behavior intended to dominate or harm others.
      • Word Root: Latin "aggressio" (attack)
      • Related Words: hostility, violence, aggression
      • Collocations: aggressive behavior, military aggression
      • Example Sentence:
        • The diplomatic talks aimed to prevent further aggression between the two countries.
        • 外交談判旨在阻止兩國之間進一步的侵略行為。

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