更新於 2024/11/10閱讀時間約 2 分鐘

Wave a flag



1. This program will only work in the webshell or another Linux computer.

2. To get the file accessible in your shell, enter the following in the Terminal prompt: $ wget https://mercury.picoctf.net/static/fc1d77192c544314efece5dd309092e3/warm

3. Run this program by entering the following in the Terminal prompt: $ ./warm, but you'll first have to make it executable with $ chmod +x warm

4. -h and --help are the most common arguments to give to programs to get more information from them!

5. Not every program implements help features like -h and --help.


  1. wget https://mercury.picoctf.net/static/fc1d77192c544314efece5dd309092e3/warm
  2. chmod +x warm
  3. 執行 ./warm 後,您將在終端機中獲得 Hello user! Pass me a -h to learn what I can do!
  4. 然後按照指示執行 ./warm -h
  5. Get the flag ~

Useful Stuffs

1. https://www.runoob.com/linux/linux-comm-chmod.html

  1. Linux command: -h
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