改寫自Ron Alfrejd
創作一幅令人驚歎的油畫,描繪一個穿著破舊衣服的小男孩在自家門前凝望著雨中的景象。注入傑瑞米-曼(Jeremy Mann)、卡內-格里菲斯(Carne Griffiths)和羅伯特-奧克斯利(Robert Oxley)式的豐富和深沉色彩。運用精確的筆觸和單元陰影層,實現全景式的視覺效果。確保男孩的臉部細節精美,具有完美的解剖結構、黃金比例和屢獲殊榮的真實感。捕捉 Rachel Ruysch 等藝術家傑作的精髓,利用體積照明營造華麗效果。以清晰明快的細節打造 8k 高解析度圖像,與新海誠、傑米-懷斯、詹姆斯-吉拉德和愛德華-霍珀的風格相呼應。受到 Studio Ghibli 和 Genshin Impact v0.2 的影響。
Generate a stunning oil painting depicting a little Taiwan Aboriginal Boy in tattered clothes gazing at the rain from her doorstep. Infuse the richness and deep colors reminiscent of Jeremy Mann, Carne Griffiths, and Robert Oxley. Employ precise brush strokes and cell-shaded layers, achieving a panoramic view. Ensure the boy's face is beautifully detailed with perfect anatomy, golden ratio, and award-winning realism. Capture the essence of masterpieces by artists like Rachel Ruysch, utilizing volumetric lighting for a magnificent effect. Craft this 8k high-resolution image with clear, crisp details, echoing the styles of Makoto Shinkai, Jamie Wyeth, James Gilleard, and Edward Hopper. Embrace influences from Studio Ghibli and Genshin Impact v0.2.