2024-02-27|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 29 分鐘

Ubuntu Server 指令(CLI)備忘錄

    Networking 網路類

    Get the IP address of all interfaces(顯示網路資訊):
    networkctl status

    Display all IP addresses of the host(顯示主機名稱相關):
    hostname -I

    Enable/disable interface(開啟/關閉網卡):
    ip link set <interface> up
    ip link set <interface> down

    Manage firewall rules 防火牆類

    enable firewall(啟動防火牆): 
    sudo ufw enable

    list rules(列出防火牆的規則):
    sudo ufw status

    allow port(允許特定port):
    sudo ufw allow <port>

    deny port(封鎖特定port):
    sudo ufw deny <port>

    Connect remotely through SSH (SSH連線):

    ssh <user>@<host IP>


    Show which users are logged in(顯示那些使用者已經登入):

    Get password expiration date for <user>(取得 <使用者> 的密碼到期日):
    chage -l <user>

    Set password expiration date for <user>(設定<用戶>的密碼到期日期):
    sudo chage <user>

    Lock a user account(鎖定使用者帳戶):
    sudo passwd -l <user>

    Unlock a user account(解鎖用戶帳戶):
    sudo passwd -u <user>

    List open ports and associated processes(列出開放連接埠和相關的程序):
    sudo netstat -tulpn

    Automatically detect and ban abusive IP addresses(自動偵測並禁止有問題的IP位址):

    sudo apt install fail2ban

    Show banned IP addresses(顯示被禁止的IP位址):
    sudo fail2ban-client status
    sudo fail2ban-client status <jail>

    Get the support status for installed packages(取得已安裝軟體包的支援狀態):


    Enable kernel live patching(啟用核心即時修補):

    sudo snap install canonical-livepatch
    sudo canonical-livepatch enable <token>



    List files(檔案列出):

    List files with permissions and dates(列出文件權限和日期)
    ls -al

    Common file operations(常用文件操作):
    create empty(創建空檔):
    touch <filename>

    create with content(建立有內容的檔案):
    echo "<content>" > <filename>

    append content(增加內容):
    echo "<content>" >> <filename>

    display a text file(顯示文字):
    cat <file>

    cp <file> <target filename>

    mv <file> <target directory/filename>

    rm <file>

    Create a directory(建立目錄):
    mkdir <directory>

    Create directories recursively(遞迴建立目錄):
    mkdir -p <directory1>/<directory2>

    Delete a directory recursively(遞迴刪除目錄):
    rm -r <directory>

    Quick file search(快速文件搜尋):
    locate <q>

    Search string in file(在文件中搜尋字串):
    grep <string> <filename>

    Search string recursively in directory(在目錄中遞迴搜尋字串):
    grep -Iris <string> <directory>

    Find files modified in the last n minutes(尋找最近n分鐘修改的文件):
    find <directory> -mmin -<n> -type f
    舉例. find . -mmin -5 -type f

    Show only the nth column(只顯示第n列):
    例如. col2 “,” foo.csv

    Display file paginated(顯示分頁文件):
    less <filename>

    Display first n lines(顯示前n行):
    head -n <n> <filename>

    Display last n lines(顯示最後 n 行):
    tail -n <n> <filename>

    Follow file content as it increases(追蹤文件的增加內容)
    tail -f <filename>

    Pack a directory into an archive(將目錄壓縮打包到檔案中):
    zip: zip -r <target> <source dir>
    tar.gz: tar cvzf <target>.tar.gz <source dir>

    Unpack an archive(解壓縮檔案):
    zip: unzip <zip file>
    tar.gz: tar xf <tar.gz file>

    Copy file to remote server(將文件複製到遠端):
    scp <filename> <user@server>:<destination>
    像是. scp config.yaml admin@

    Copy directory recursively from remote server(從遠端伺服器複製目錄)
    scp -r <user@server>:<source> <destination>
    舉例. scp -r admin@ /tmp


    Display kernel version(顯示核心版本):
    uname -r

    Get disk usage(取得磁碟使用情況):
    df -h

    Get memory usage(取得記憶體使用情況):
    cat /proc/meminfo

    Get system time(取得系統時間):
    timedatectl status

    Set system timezone(設定時區):
    timedatectl list-timezones
    sudo timedatectl set-timezone <zone>

    Get all running services(取得所有正在運行的服務):
    systemctl --state running

    Start or stop a service(啟動或停止服務):
    service <service> start/stop

    Monitor new logs for a service(監控服務的新日誌):
    journalctl -u <service> --since now -f

    Get the list of recent logins(取得最近登入的列表):

    Display running processes(顯示正在運作的程序):

    Kill process by id(透過id強制程序停止):
    kill <process id>

    Kill process by name(透過名稱強制程序停止):
    pkill <process name>

    Run command in the background(在背景執行命令):
    <command> &

    Display background commands(顯示背景命令):

    Bring command <n> to the foreground(將命令 <n> 置於前台):
    fg <n>

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