AI 關鍵字整理:材質

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▪︎A candle with pear shape.


  • 材質
  • 形狀


材質 | material

紋理 |texture



AI 關鍵字:材質類

  • 蠟燭|candle,wax
  • 玻璃,琉璃,水晶|glass, crystal
  • 磨砂玻璃|frosted glass
  • 樹脂|Resin
  • 陶土|clay
  • 瓷|porcelain
  • 皮革|leather
  • 毛絨|Fluffy furs
  • 針羊毛氈|Needle felting
  • 羊毛氈|wool felt
  • 刺繡圖案|Embroidery pattern
  • 大理石|Marble
  • 玉石|Jade
  • 琺瑯|Emerald
  • 木紋|wood
  • 金|Golden
  • 銀|Silver
  • 銅|Bronze
  • 鐵|Iron,metal
  • 鋁|Aluminum
  • 紙|paper
  • 其他

EC3 的其他內容
▪︎ A simple banana-shaped leather bag with a zipper. ▪︎工具: Bing Dall-E3 Copilot 視覺描述: 形狀 材質 配件功能
▪︎A porcelain material of water lilies on porcelain material of water surface with ripples and a dragonfly hovering over. ▪︎工具:Bing Dall-E3 Copilot
▪︎ A young girl with horns on her head in cyber punk style, with pure background, rendered in glass material. ▪︎ 工具: Bing Dall-E3 Copilot 視覺描述:
皮克斯,迪士尼| Pixar, Disney 宮崎駿 |Studio Ghibli 插畫|Illustration 國畫|Traditional Chinese Painting 山水|Landscape 流行藝術| Pop Art 概念藝術| Concept Art 素描|sk
▪︎ An Asian boy in pop art style with yellow background. ▪︎ 工具: Bing Dall-E3 Copilot 視覺描述: 1. 風格 2. 人物 3. 背景
▪︎3D character of a cartoon panda with fluffy furs,Pixar Disney Style, holding a bamboo stick, wearing a hat. ▪︎ C4D, blender ,8K resolution ▪︎ figh
▪︎ A simple banana-shaped leather bag with a zipper. ▪︎工具: Bing Dall-E3 Copilot 視覺描述: 形狀 材質 配件功能
▪︎A porcelain material of water lilies on porcelain material of water surface with ripples and a dragonfly hovering over. ▪︎工具:Bing Dall-E3 Copilot
▪︎ A young girl with horns on her head in cyber punk style, with pure background, rendered in glass material. ▪︎ 工具: Bing Dall-E3 Copilot 視覺描述:
皮克斯,迪士尼| Pixar, Disney 宮崎駿 |Studio Ghibli 插畫|Illustration 國畫|Traditional Chinese Painting 山水|Landscape 流行藝術| Pop Art 概念藝術| Concept Art 素描|sk
▪︎ An Asian boy in pop art style with yellow background. ▪︎ 工具: Bing Dall-E3 Copilot 視覺描述: 1. 風格 2. 人物 3. 背景
▪︎3D character of a cartoon panda with fluffy furs,Pixar Disney Style, holding a bamboo stick, wearing a hat. ▪︎ C4D, blender ,8K resolution ▪︎ figh
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