2024-05-21|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 29 分鐘

每日英語 #003: 跟隨好人

資料來源: ESLPOD

Follow the Nice Guy 追隨好人

A 2010 article in the Wall Street Journal discussed some research on leaders and those “in power” (who have power in an organization), and the results may surprise you.


“People give authority to people they “genuinely” (really; honestly) like,” according to a psychologist at the University of California, Berkeley.


In most social and business “settings” (situations), people who are “agreeable” (nice; don’t argue with others) and “extroverted” (open to talking to others; friendly) are the most respected and typically the most powerful.


However, something happens after they have gained power, what psychologists call the “paradox of power.”


A “paradox” is something that is self-contradictory, that is, something that contains two or more things that are opposite of each other, that don’t seem to agree or that work against each other.


The paradox of power is that in order to be powerful, you must be kind, but once you are powerful, you change into someone who is no longer nice.


People in power or with authority are often less “sympathetic to” (understanding of) other people’s concerns and emotions.


Now that they have power, it doesn’t seem important to them to be “considerate” (nice; careful to not harm) to other people.


People who believe they are powerful are also more likely to believe that the normal rules of life and society don’t “apply to” (have to be followed by) them.


For example, rich and powerful people may believe that everyone should follow the “traffic laws” (rules for driving) except them — they are important people, with important things to do, so they don’t need to follow the rules.


Another word for this concept is “arrogance,” the idea that you are better than everyone else.


Is there a “cure” (solution; fix) for the paradox of power?


Some psychologists argue that the only way to keep powerful people from “abusing” (misusing) their power is to have some sort of oversight.


“Oversight” is when other people are watching what leaders are doing and criticize or correct them when they do something wrong.


(The verb is “to oversee,” which is similar to the verb “to supervise.”)


The problem with this solution, however, is that people in power often don’t think that they need any oversight, and use their authority to prevent other people from criticizing them.



  1. In power [ɪn ˈpaʊər] - 有權勢的,在位的
  2. Genuinely [ˈdʒɛnjʊɪnli] - 真正地,誠實地
  3. Setting [ˈsɛtɪŋ] - 環境,情境
  4. Agreeable [əˈɡriːəbl] - 隨和的,友善的
  5. Extroverted [ˈɛkstrəvɜːrtɪd] - 外向的,友好的
  6. Paradox [ˈpærədɒks] - 悖論,自相矛盾的事物
  7. Sympathetic to [ˌsɪmpəˈθɛtɪk tu] - 同情,理解
  8. Considerate [kənˈsɪdərɪt] - 體貼的,友善的
  9. Apply to [əˈplaɪ tu] - 適用於
  10. Traffic laws [ˈtræfɪk lɔːz] - 交通法規
  11. Arrogance [ˈærəɡəns] - 傲慢
  12. Cure [kjʊr] - 治療方法,解決方案
  13. Abusing [əˈbjuːzɪŋ] - 濫用,誤用
  14. Oversight [ˈoʊvərˌsaɪt] - 監督
  15. To oversee [tu ˌoʊvərˈsiː] - 監督
  16. To supervise [tu ˈsuːpərˌvaɪz] - 管理
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