更新於 2024/11/16閱讀時間約 4 分鐘


In Taiwan, transactions related to real-estate must be

registered to take effect.

The Taipei City Government stipulates that foreign applicants

who apply for land registration must fill in the Chinese

translation of their overseas address using Chinese characters,

page 21 of the “Manual of Examination of the Land

Registration” (土地登記審查手冊) says.

The rule is ridiculous. The Chinese translation of an overseas

address is difficult to apply to the original text.

If the Taipei City government refuses to register the original

foreign-language address, it would obviously be difficult to

effectively contact overseas parties in the future.

Taiwan allows frequent international transactions and does not

prohibit cross-border real-estate transactions.

However, the above rule is obviously not conducive to crossborder

transactions, and the Ministry of the Interior and other local governments have not noticed these shortcomings.


Why does Taipei — the most international city in Taiwan —

have the most anti-international rule?

(原載於《Taipei Times》2024年5月6日,https://www.taipeitimes.com/News/editorials/archives/2024/05/06/2003817428)

臺北市政府地政局,2022年版《土地登記審查手冊》第30頁略謂「外國自然人」,「檢附護照或外館驗證之授權書者,依護照(中譯文)或授權書所載中文填寫姓名及出生年月日,住所境外地址中譯文填寫。」第488及489頁略謂「……外國人養女……之登記住址得以公證書上國外中譯住址登載。(臺北市政府地政處88 年1 月27 日北市地一字第8820065500 號函)」。

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