《A Sustainable Symphony: The Harmony of Fishery and Electric

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Fishery-electricity symbiosis combines solar energy and aquaculture, improving water quality, reducing evaporation, and generating clean power. This method offers environmental and economic benefits, but challenges like land use and ecological impacts remain. Read more to discover how this innovative approach could transform both industries! 

Author|Bernie Lin

Editor|Sophia Wu


The world today faces a dual challenge: ensuring food security and transitioning to clean energy sources. While these two issues might seem unrelated, a novel approach is emerging that harmonizes them: the symbiosis of fishery and electricity.

Fishery-electricity symbiosis involves integrating solar photovoltaic (PV) panels into aquaculture systems. The panels provide shade, reducing water temperature and evaporation, while simultaneously generating clean energy. This innovative approach offers a multitude of benefits.

Environmental Benefits


The shade provided by the PV panels helps regulate water temperature, creating an optimal environment for fish and other aquatic organisms. Lower evaporation rates mean less water loss, reducing the need for frequent replenishment. Shading can also help mitigate algal blooms and maintain water quality.

Solar PV panels harness the sun's energy to generate electricity, reducing reliance on fossil fuels. By shifting to clean energy, the aquaculture industry can significantly lower its carbon emissions.


Economic Benefits

Fishery-electricity symbiosis offers multiple economic advantages. Better water quality and temperature control increase fish yields, while selling surplus electricity to the grid provides additional income. Self-generated electricity also reduces reliance on traditional power sources, cutting energy costs. Reduced evaporation decreases water needs, further lowering expenses.

Sustainability appeals to consumers, allowing farmers to market their products as premium and eco-friendly. Revenue from electricity can be reinvested in value-added products, like biofuels or processed fish. These projects create jobs in construction, maintenance, and operation, boosting local economies, especially in rural areas. Small farms benefit from lower energy costs and higher yields, while larger operations gain substantial income from fish and electricity sales.

Countries like Taiwan and China have demonstrated the economic potential of fishery-electricity symbiosis, positioning it as a valuable tool for sustainable growth. With advancing technology and a rising demand for sustainable food and energy, this approach offers a promising future for both environmental and economic prosperity.

Potential Drawbacks?

While fishery-electricity symbiosis offers significant environmental and economic benefits, it also presents several challenges. Not all fish species thrive under solar panels, and the competition for land between aquaculture and solar power can lead to land-use conflicts. Additionally, inadequate oversight and inconsistent enforcement of regulations can undermine the environmental and economic benefits of the approach. Some projects may prioritize electricity generation over aquaculture, raising concerns about "fake farming, real power." The presence of solar panels can also alter local ecosystems, though the long-term ecological impacts are still not fully understood. Technological limitations, such as the efficiency and durability of solar panels in aquatic environments, can also hinder the effectiveness of this approach.


To address these challenges, it's crucial to conduct thorough environmental assessments, implement robust regulatory frameworks, design incentives that prioritize both aquaculture and renewable energy, establish effective monitoring programs, and foster collaboration between government agencies, industry stakeholders, and local communities. By addressing these challenges, fishery-electricity symbiosis can become a sustainable and beneficial solution for both the environment and the economy.


  • Cheung, Patricia. “Taiwan: Fishery and electricity symbiosis faces uphill battle.” Maritime Fairtrade,26July2024.
  • “漁電共生是什麼?漁電共生類型?漁電共生爭議? - HouseFeel 房感.” 房感HouseFeel, 15 July2024,
  • 李武忠. “【專欄】走偏了的「漁電共生」.” Yahoo News, Yahoo奇摩新聞, 18 Oct. 2024, 
  • ‌Chen, Han-Shen, and Hung-Yu Kuo. “Green Energy and Water Resource Management: A Case Study of Fishery and Solar Power Symbiosis in Taiwan.” ‌
  • Nexaiot.com, 2020, www.nexaiot.com/en/news/AS-%20Smart%20Farming. Accessed 17 Nov. 2024.

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