My advice for someone in their 10s /希望有人在我十多歲就告訴我這些事

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1. Develop an Exercise Habit

I realized late that exercise is more than just physical activity; it has many benefits. Proper exercise promotes physical health, team sports (e.g., basketball, doubles badminton) cultivate teamwork, and when faced with stressful situations, moving around can boost serotonin, improving our mental health. You can also make friends through ball sports. So, start building an exercise habit early!

2. Don't Always Follow the Crowd

In your teenage years, you may desire to be part of a group and mimic your peers. But remember, everyone is an individual, so it’s okay to be different sometimes.

3. Cultivate a Healthy Hobby

After entering the workforce, even if you love your job, there will be times when you feel down. This is when hobbies can enrich your life. For example, tasting coffee, tea, reasonably following a celebrity, reading novels, or writing articles.

4. Keep a Journal Regularly

People tend to forget and unconsciously alter their memories, so keeping a journal regularly helps you remember. Another benefit is that a few years later, when you look back, you’ll see how much you’ve progressed and changed, and you’ll recall how you used to think.

5. Open Your Heart

There are good people and bad people in this world, and both good and bad traits can exist in the same person. When you meet someone you feel you can trust, try to open your heart a bit, e.g., confide in your parents or friends, or offer to take photos for couples who want a picture together. It might be a good decision. Of course, also protect yourself and avoid threats.

6. Be Brave

Being brave doesn’t mean fearing nothing; it means being aware of the risks but still mustering up the courage.

7. Keep Trying to Find What You Want to Do

Finding something you want to do is a blessing. Some people are lucky enough to know early on what they want to do, while others take a long time to find it. I don’t know which type you are, but please keep trying to find it. Trial and error is normal; don’t be discouraged.

8. Take Care of Your Eyes

Your eyes are the windows to your soul. Childhood to adolescence is a critical period for vision deterioration, so you must protect your eyes well during these years and take timely breaks. I know at this age, health may not feel important, but this is something that is not urgent yet very important, so I hope you take care of it.

9. Brush Your Teeth Properly & Use Dental Floss

After having dental work done, I realized how expensive it is. To save your future wallet and avoid the pain of dental surgery, learn how to brush your teeth properly and use dental floss before bed! Flossing is really important.

10. You Don't Have to Go to College at 18

Everyone has their own timeline. If you have other plans after graduating high school, you can pursue them first. You don’t have to be fixated on going to college at 18 or 19. After a few years of experience, going back to college might bring unexpected maturity. Of course, convincing your parents is another matter.

11. Reconcile with Your Parents

Your children are not your children, and similarly, your parents are not your parents. We are all just humans who make mistakes. Don’t be too harsh on your parents (except in extreme cases).

P.S. You can use holidays as an excuse to hug your parents and say, "I love you."

12. Cherish Every Meeting

How long has it been since you connected with your elementary, middle, or high school friends? Sometimes, the last time may truly be the last time. So, treat each meeting as if it’s the last, making each encounter fulfilling.

13. The Internet Is a Double-Edged Sword

The internet can do many things, e.g., learning foreign university courses, discussing knowledge with strangers in distant places, and making it easier to chat with others. But the internet also has many dangers, e.g., luring children, hijacking your attention. Be careful and use the internet wisely.

14. Don't Hate Learning

Learning is not just about studying in school; learning to walk, learning your native language, and learning to sew are all forms of learning. Enjoy learning :)

Many aspects of school make people dislike learning, but school has its limitations, so don’t let it make you hate learning.

15. Increase Your IQ, EQ, and FQ (Financial Intelligence)

Reading more and thinking more can increase your IQ.

Interacting more with people and reflecting on it can increase your EQ.

Reading quality financial books can increase your FQ.

Deliberately practicing these three points during your student years is a blessing because you will have a deeper understanding of the world.

16. Don't Be Afraid of Failure

Resilience is something Taiwanese students lack. I can’t teach you how to have resilience, but only by encountering setbacks can you develop it.

People learn from mistakes; try, fail, adjust, and become a better version of yourself.

17. Persistence and Hard Work Are Still Important

Persistence and hard work are worthy of admiration and praise. The internet shows us many cases of teenagers getting rich, teenage stock gods, influencers getting rich overnight. Seeing these examples makes us itch to get rich and famous quickly. However, many things require steady and diligent effort. Every industry has its own context and pace; don’t be too envious of others. Persistence and hard work are wonderful qualities. Keep it up!

18. Love Yourself

Love yourself a little more. Only when you love yourself can you have the energy to love others.

This was advice from an accounting teacher, which has nothing to do with accounting but is helpful in life. At the end of the semester, the teacher reminded us of several life tips, and this was one of them.

I completely agree; if you don’t love yourself enough, you will feel drained when trying to love others. Your energy will be insufficient, so before longing for love, love yourself a little more.

P.S. There are many types of love: familial love, the love from teachers and classmates, sibling love—all of these require self-love to have the energy to love others.


What do you wish someone had told you in your teens? If you have any, please share them in the comments.

After celebrating your single-digit or teenage birthdays, each year’s birthday is no longer about the excitement of growing up but the realization of getting older. But life is far more than that; there are still many things to look forward to!


我很晚才知道運動不只是運動,他有很多好處。適當的運動可以促進身體健康、團體的運動(e.g. 籃球、雙打羽球)可以培養團隊合作、遇到煩躁的事情,動一動增加血清素,幫助我們的mental health、也可以藉由球類運動以球會友。













能找到一個想做的事是很幸福的,有的人很幸運可以在很小的時候就知道自己要幹嘛,有的人卻要花很久時間才找的到。不知道你是哪種人,但是請你要時時的嘗試去找。try & error是常態,不要灰心。




































21Content count
Renaissance一詞具有「新生」的意思,這詞形容中世紀以后在歐洲所發生的知識性醒覺(intellectual awakening)。 Enlightenment中文翻作啟蒙,康德為啟蒙給了簡明的定義"Dare to know"。 在這裡,我會書寫成長,以及希望可以給人啟發。
105的沙龍 的其他內容
魔咒 在大一下學期,一次和高中朋友聚餐時,我們談到了聖誕節魔咒。起初我並不知道這是什麼東西。經由他們的說明才知道,有這個傳說。傳說當你在大學二年級的聖誕節後沒有交到男女朋友,你接下來兩年半的大學生涯也就不會再交到男女朋友了。乍聽之下荒誕怪奇,怎麼可能會這樣呢。但仔細想想,卻很有道理
與成功有約是史蒂芬.柯維(Stephen R. Covey)所寫的書,柯維是哈佛大學企管碩士、楊百翰大學博士,國際知名教育訓練機構「富蘭克林柯維公司」(FranklinCovey Co.)共同創辦人。《時代》(Time)雜誌稱譽柯維為「人類潛能的導師」,並獲選為全美二十五位最有影響力的人物之一
我是誰?我要去哪裡? 新學期、新學校、新同學,一切是那麼嶄新。到底是哪裡出狀況了呢?
魔咒 在大一下學期,一次和高中朋友聚餐時,我們談到了聖誕節魔咒。起初我並不知道這是什麼東西。經由他們的說明才知道,有這個傳說。傳說當你在大學二年級的聖誕節後沒有交到男女朋友,你接下來兩年半的大學生涯也就不會再交到男女朋友了。乍聽之下荒誕怪奇,怎麼可能會這樣呢。但仔細想想,卻很有道理
與成功有約是史蒂芬.柯維(Stephen R. Covey)所寫的書,柯維是哈佛大學企管碩士、楊百翰大學博士,國際知名教育訓練機構「富蘭克林柯維公司」(FranklinCovey Co.)共同創辦人。《時代》(Time)雜誌稱譽柯維為「人類潛能的導師」,並獲選為全美二十五位最有影響力的人物之一
我是誰?我要去哪裡? 新學期、新學校、新同學,一切是那麼嶄新。到底是哪裡出狀況了呢?
1.加權指數與櫃買指數 週五的加權指數在非農就業數據開出來後,雖稍微低於預期,但指數仍向上噴出,在美股開盤後於21500形成一個爆量假突破後急轉直下,就一路收至最低。 台股方面走勢需觀察週一在斷頭潮出現後,週二或週三開始有無買單進場支撐,在沒有明確的反轉訊號形成前,小夥伴盡量不要貿然抄底,或是追空
重點摘要: 1.9 月降息 2 碼、進一步暗示年內還有 50 bp 降息 2.SEP 上修失業率預期,但快速的降息速率將有助失業率觸頂 3.未來幾個月經濟數據將繼續轉弱,經濟復甦的時點或是 1Q25 季底附近
近期的「貼文發佈流程 & 版型大更新」功能大家使用了嗎? 新版式整體視覺上「更加凸顯圖片」,為了搭配這次的更新,我們推出首次貼文策展 ❤️ 使用貼文功能並完成這次的指定任務,還有機會獲得富士即可拍,讓你的美好回憶都可以用即可拍珍藏!
The DPP Presidential candidate Lai Ching-te wrote an article in The Wall Street Journal outlining his policy on China, which is built upon four key pi
♡My two artworks are for sale on Mrstoolip Art Gallery. ♡Welcome to buy them. Thanks so much.
I used to have a small car, and I was green to my driving我曾有一輛小車,那時我的駕駛技術很生嫩 I used to have a mid-size sedan我曾有一輛中型轎車
今天是五月二十四日,禮拜一。 自宣布全國防疫警戒升為第三級以來,已經是第二週了。 從校正回歸的數據來看,目前看起來似乎疫情有稍微開始控制住了...但是誰又知道是否這一切只是政府想要安定人心的一個手段呢? 懷疑政府不是一件好事,但面對突然升溫的疫情來說,人心惶惶,實在很難不去多做猜測。 然而在中南部高
我聽西洋老歌的年代從1970跨足到2000;在YouTube 我列了一張歌單,如果一天寫一首聽後心得的話,可以足夠寫上兩三年不成問題。 做為一個長年是Bee Gees的歌迷,這十幾年來看著Morris 、Robin相繼離世,心中自然感傷;大哥Barry今年也七十三歲了⋯ 1997年Bee Gees在
油畫作品之願黃蓮花放光,賜福大家。 不惑之年,卻充滿惑 今天打開104,距離上一次更新是10年前,自從找了第一份工作後,就再也沒找過工作,都是工作找上門,但這次不同。 五花八門的工作看得眼花撩亂,更別提軟體更新的與時俱進,會什麼?不會什麼?做什麼?什麼不會做?彷彿像初生嬰兒來到這世界,矇懂未知,一切
The Trial is both a chilling and blackly amusing event that maintains a constant, relentless atmosphere of disorientation and quirkiness, right up to
想要從你的生活圈徹底淡出 卻連一張照片都刪卻不了 想要一覺安穩得睡到天明 卻不論熬夜到多累都習慣在半夜驚醒過來 因為時差,因為距離,因為夢到了你傳來了簡訊,打來了電話
1.加權指數與櫃買指數 週五的加權指數在非農就業數據開出來後,雖稍微低於預期,但指數仍向上噴出,在美股開盤後於21500形成一個爆量假突破後急轉直下,就一路收至最低。 台股方面走勢需觀察週一在斷頭潮出現後,週二或週三開始有無買單進場支撐,在沒有明確的反轉訊號形成前,小夥伴盡量不要貿然抄底,或是追空
重點摘要: 1.9 月降息 2 碼、進一步暗示年內還有 50 bp 降息 2.SEP 上修失業率預期,但快速的降息速率將有助失業率觸頂 3.未來幾個月經濟數據將繼續轉弱,經濟復甦的時點或是 1Q25 季底附近
近期的「貼文發佈流程 & 版型大更新」功能大家使用了嗎? 新版式整體視覺上「更加凸顯圖片」,為了搭配這次的更新,我們推出首次貼文策展 ❤️ 使用貼文功能並完成這次的指定任務,還有機會獲得富士即可拍,讓你的美好回憶都可以用即可拍珍藏!
The DPP Presidential candidate Lai Ching-te wrote an article in The Wall Street Journal outlining his policy on China, which is built upon four key pi
♡My two artworks are for sale on Mrstoolip Art Gallery. ♡Welcome to buy them. Thanks so much.
I used to have a small car, and I was green to my driving我曾有一輛小車,那時我的駕駛技術很生嫩 I used to have a mid-size sedan我曾有一輛中型轎車
今天是五月二十四日,禮拜一。 自宣布全國防疫警戒升為第三級以來,已經是第二週了。 從校正回歸的數據來看,目前看起來似乎疫情有稍微開始控制住了...但是誰又知道是否這一切只是政府想要安定人心的一個手段呢? 懷疑政府不是一件好事,但面對突然升溫的疫情來說,人心惶惶,實在很難不去多做猜測。 然而在中南部高
我聽西洋老歌的年代從1970跨足到2000;在YouTube 我列了一張歌單,如果一天寫一首聽後心得的話,可以足夠寫上兩三年不成問題。 做為一個長年是Bee Gees的歌迷,這十幾年來看著Morris 、Robin相繼離世,心中自然感傷;大哥Barry今年也七十三歲了⋯ 1997年Bee Gees在
油畫作品之願黃蓮花放光,賜福大家。 不惑之年,卻充滿惑 今天打開104,距離上一次更新是10年前,自從找了第一份工作後,就再也沒找過工作,都是工作找上門,但這次不同。 五花八門的工作看得眼花撩亂,更別提軟體更新的與時俱進,會什麼?不會什麼?做什麼?什麼不會做?彷彿像初生嬰兒來到這世界,矇懂未知,一切
The Trial is both a chilling and blackly amusing event that maintains a constant, relentless atmosphere of disorientation and quirkiness, right up to
想要從你的生活圈徹底淡出 卻連一張照片都刪卻不了 想要一覺安穩得睡到天明 卻不論熬夜到多累都習慣在半夜驚醒過來 因為時差,因為距離,因為夢到了你傳來了簡訊,打來了電話