I realized late that exercise is more than just physical activity; it has many benefits. Proper exercise promotes physical health, team sports (e.g., basketball, doubles badminton) cultivate teamwork, and when faced with stressful situations, moving around can boost serotonin, improving our mental health. You can also make friends through ball sports. So, start building an exercise habit early!
People tend to forget and unconsciously alter their memories, so keeping a journal regularly helps you remember. Another benefit is that a few years later, when you look back, you’ll see how much you’ve progressed and changed, and you’ll recall how you used to think.
There are good people and bad people in this world, and both good and bad traits can exist in the same person. When you meet someone you feel you can trust, try to open your heart a bit, e.g., confide in your parents or friends, or offer to take photos for couples who want a picture together. It might be a good decision. Of course, also protect yourself and avoid threats.
Being brave doesn’t mean fearing nothing; it means being aware of the risks but still mustering up the courage.
Finding something you want to do is a blessing. Some people are lucky enough to know early on what they want to do, while others take a long time to find it. I don’t know which type you are, but please keep trying to find it. Trial and error is normal; don’t be discouraged.
Your eyes are the windows to your soul. Childhood to adolescence is a critical period for vision deterioration, so you must protect your eyes well during these years and take timely breaks. I know at this age, health may not feel important, but this is something that is not urgent yet very important, so I hope you take care of it.
After having dental work done, I realized how expensive it is. To save your future wallet and avoid the pain of dental surgery, learn how to brush your teeth properly and use dental floss before bed! Flossing is really important.
Everyone has their own timeline. If you have other plans after graduating high school, you can pursue them first. You don’t have to be fixated on going to college at 18 or 19. After a few years of experience, going back to college might bring unexpected maturity. Of course, convincing your parents is another matter.
Your children are not your children, and similarly, your parents are not your parents. We are all just humans who make mistakes. Don’t be too harsh on your parents (except in extreme cases).
P.S. You can use holidays as an excuse to hug your parents and say, "I love you."
How long has it been since you connected with your elementary, middle, or high school friends? Sometimes, the last time may truly be the last time. So, treat each meeting as if it’s the last, making each encounter fulfilling.
The internet can do many things, e.g., learning foreign university courses, discussing knowledge with strangers in distant places, and making it easier to chat with others. But the internet also has many dangers, e.g., luring children, hijacking your attention. Be careful and use the internet wisely.
Learning is not just about studying in school; learning to walk, learning your native language, and learning to sew are all forms of learning. Enjoy learning :)
Many aspects of school make people dislike learning, but school has its limitations, so don’t let it make you hate learning.
Reading more and thinking more can increase your IQ.
Interacting more with people and reflecting on it can increase your EQ.
Reading quality financial books can increase your FQ.
Deliberately practicing these three points during your student years is a blessing because you will have a deeper understanding of the world.
Resilience is something Taiwanese students lack. I can’t teach you how to have resilience, but only by encountering setbacks can you develop it.
People learn from mistakes; try, fail, adjust, and become a better version of yourself.
Persistence and hard work are worthy of admiration and praise. The internet shows us many cases of teenagers getting rich, teenage stock gods, influencers getting rich overnight. Seeing these examples makes us itch to get rich and famous quickly. However, many things require steady and diligent effort. Every industry has its own context and pace; don’t be too envious of others. Persistence and hard work are wonderful qualities. Keep it up!
Love yourself a little more. Only when you love yourself can you have the energy to love others.
This was advice from an accounting teacher, which has nothing to do with accounting but is helpful in life. At the end of the semester, the teacher reminded us of several life tips, and this was one of them.
I completely agree; if you don’t love yourself enough, you will feel drained when trying to love others. Your energy will be insufficient, so before longing for love, love yourself a little more.
P.S. There are many types of love: familial love, the love from teachers and classmates, sibling love—all of these require self-love to have the energy to love others.
What do you wish someone had told you in your teens? If you have any, please share them in the comments.
After celebrating your single-digit or teenage birthdays, each year’s birthday is no longer about the excitement of growing up but the realization of getting older. But life is far more than that; there are still many things to look forward to!
我很晚才知道運動不只是運動,他有很多好處。適當的運動可以促進身體健康、團體的運動(e.g. 籃球、雙打羽球)可以培養團隊合作、遇到煩躁的事情,動一動增加血清素,幫助我們的mental health、也可以藉由球類運動以球會友。
能找到一個想做的事是很幸福的,有的人很幸運可以在很小的時候就知道自己要幹嘛,有的人卻要花很久時間才找的到。不知道你是哪種人,但是請你要時時的嘗試去找。try & error是常態,不要灰心。